Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Haters Have Some Explaining To Do

This picture of Rob's mom Claire and Riley Keough's Aunt sent the haters scurrying for excuses. They were in a desperate frenzy. Yep the rats were running scared.

Their excuse? They went hunting deep inside this woman's twitter. They found out that Lizzy is friends with her son and has been for awhile. They also found a picture of a palm tree and this of course means it was taken at Rob's house at his party. Seriously this is the best you can up with?

Wait it gets better. According to the haters Rob's mom was there to meet his new love Riley. How many times does Riley have to say to you I am not dating Rob and I am not the woman in the truck before the haters can comprehend it?  

Riley is Kristen's friend. No amount of trying to negate this fact will make it not true

Funny how much time she spends with Kristen and her friends. 

Another theory is he was shopping for cleaning supplies because his mom told him to clean up his mess. He has no woman there to clean up after him so that means he and Kristen are dunzo. 

Only problem with that theory is the pic of his mom is from June 30th. He went shopping on July 4th. She waited four days to tell him to clean up his mess? 

Oh but they didn't stop there. According to the haters the pic of Rob's mom is the big bomb Real Info foretold us about and I had some explaining to do as to why I didn't know Rob's mom was in town.

I didn't know Rob's mom was in town because I didn't think to ask if she was. I was too busy asking if Kristen was the woman in the truck and if Rob gave Kristen her new ring. (yes to both!)

The haters were also claiming that Real Info's claims were coming true. That it was going to be a bumpy ride this week and according to the haters it was.


And how is that? We got pics of Kristen first:

Yeah the paps wrote on her car and then sat back and giggled while they waited for the big implosion that never came. 

This was a bumpy ride for us how? The paps had a bumpy ride as they made themselves look like the fools that they are. 

Kristen wearing Rob's hat.

Next up was Rob:

 Rob visiting a studio. Uhm again bumpy ride how?

Rob carrying a polka dot bag. Yeah a man would do that. The bag comes from Japan. Who visited Japan? Yes Kristen did. You do the math. Now some are saying Kristen's shoes are in the bag. I'll take a pass on that one.

Such a bumpy ride so far. (hehe)

  Kristen and Alicia out and about. Yeah earth shattering isn't it?

That outfit looks familiar:


And last one is Rob:

Yeah earth shattering again isn't it? So where's that bumpy ride. Nowhere in sight. The crickets aren't even chirping .

 I have a feeling Real Info won't have the guts to show her face when the weekend passes with out fanfare.
Still waiting for that explaining I'll have to do.


BeLoveAlways said...

Thanks, HKN! I love the "Stop Stop I'm gonna pee!" More than once, I've peed in my pants from laughing too hard! I'm serious! It happens! LOL! Thanks for keeping us updated and keeping it positive! Be well!

snd said...

notice the creases on Rob's green t-shirt?

Anonymous said...

They are working in pre-producton in both móviles camp x and rob in MBL and MTTS please leave them working

Anonymous said...

HKN that backpack could have been bought in Paris also since there is a store there and Kristen was just there

Anonymous said...

A photo was taken jun30 Rob mother Claire and Riley Kenough aunt ? Is it possible to know the time? I'm not sure. Riley Kenough aunt put 3 photos up at the same time Instagram, all 3 pictures were made in an other time. The common picture was taken off since then Instagram. http://web.stagram.com/n/instamichellebeaulieu/
I love it the blog, congratulations. Learned language the English, i hope so understandable.

Anonymous said...

Well people have just forgotten how to use their common sense anymore and people are missing vital brain cells of course Riley and Kristen are friends and have been since the Runaways and her cousin he is been friends with lizzy for awhile as well but I am glad Rob and Kristen are back on track and looking forward to their new films I can't wait to see a blonde Kristen again love changing hair colors it's so much fun but like you said if you open up your eyes and ears it's obvious Rob and Kristen are just fine and that ring she has looks like an heirloom possibly was brought over with his Mom Claire when she came from London!

Anonymous said...

Hkn Haven love your blog. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

HKN I love you post or blog. I have to agree with you. You know what haters, trolls, tabloids, papz,nonnies, and all the gossip trouble makers, they all go together. They should date each other. Maybe on a another islands.
So I am with you HKN, RPI, DIDY, and all the Robsten sites. We agree one thing that we know the truth then them.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post HKN! Thank you.


KnittedUpInside said...

Happy Saturday everyone!

Fun post HKN. Too bad you'd pass out from holding your breath while waiting for a reasonable *snort* explanation from the haters.

hmmm, does look like that shirt he is wearing could have been worn by a certain someone recently... a certain someone who likes to knot her shirts on the side. Now WHO could that be I wonder? ;)

Anonymous said...

You know, in regards to Rob's shirt being wrinkled on the bottom left side, I think I remember a mag interview article where Kristen supposedly told the interviewer that she likes to wear her "boyfriends clothes" because she wants to have his smell on her. Sweet.

Some of the recent pics of Kristen do look like she is wearing a mans tee shirt knotted at her side. Her signature style.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

HKN had this party?How are .. it seems that Rob gave another little party at home these days and Zac Efron was there ..
@ xOliviaaOx: Roommate casually mentioned that she met Rob Pattinson and Zac Efron. When asked where she said at Rob's house.
Reminding you that Zac is muiito friend Kevin Turen, one producer friend of Rob.

Losing Steam said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 6:27 that was a troll and it was only second hand info.and since when have you ever seen zac efron hanging with rob that should tell you that person was seeking attn. and their 15 min.But that is a lovely ring that Kristen started wearing though since his mom came don't ya think?

grail said...

Touche, Anon 7:07.

Anonymous said...

Jadan just commented on Riley's cousin's IG. Wow the OG & the brits really have pretty intertwined lives huh?

Hatersknownothing said...

snd @ 12:02 omg don't get me started with the clothes again. I can't keep up with it lol.

Anonymous said...

HKN- I have to say you are doing a great job on your post. Keeping the haters and trolls out.

Lillianolivia.white@gmail.com said...

Great post HKN. There are so many positive signs now, it's hard not to have a big ass grin all the time. There is a good vibe in the air. Rob & Kris are both working and I know they are fine together. HKN, I know you have taken a lot of shit from ppl over the last few months , but at least you held your ground on your support of both Rob&Kris Kris. You didn't pretend to support them just to bail at the lies @ gossip., then bad- mouth one or the other.

Anonymous said...

Hi to all HKN! I am about to say good night. Keep me posted.

Mustard Pants said...

Re the Polkadot bag. You can order it online and buy it at retailers who sell the Stussy brand.

So a certain tiny brunette would not have had to pick it up in Tokio or Paris.

Also, it is a uni-sex bag, aimed at men too.

Having said that, IMO, most guys go for no frills, dots etc but one plain color. Red, black, green etc. So it's possible Kristen picked out the bag.

Not that it matters, people who truly believe do not need all these clues. And some of these clues, if that's what they are speak VERY loud.

Anonymous said...
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irene said...

Spray, spray, spray

Bugs go away......
And take your lack of logic with you!

Anonymous said...

HKN Lurked on gc for a few. Kristen is now dating the guy she sat beside in Paris at the fashion show. Dayum that girl works fast.....and Rob was at Kimmel's wedding with "the red head" Pictures to follow I'm sure. Bwahahaahahh
well if Rob was at JK wedding(which I doubt..probably just a troll)..I know Howard Stern was going and he will spill everything tomorrow.

irene said...

Oh, so anonymous has copied parts of 2 different posters from the knotted up board...... Naughty.....!

Eaglerise said...
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Anonymous said...

Love your posts. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Why would kimmel invite rob?!? If anything he would of invited kristen and her family since her dad worked for him.

Anonymous said...

HKN what do you have to say about this BS http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/5012106/Kristen-Stewart-dates-Boardwalk-Empire-star-following-Robert-Pattinson-split.html#ixzz2Z1XwrILx

Lisa said...

@anon 12:50
It is from the Sun. Enough said. If you read tabloid garbage you will drive yourself crazy. The saying garbage in, garbage out is very true.

Pitt is engaged, by the way.

LizzieD said...

HKN - Not sure about the twitter fail but it certainly failed ... sorry, maybe try again.

felicity said...

michael pitt has a girlfriend. her name is jamie borchert and she is a model.

all of the things that are coming about dating other people right now is pure BS.

brace yourself. it has only begun. they will try to link rob and kristen to each and every co-star they are going to work with in their next movies!

believe.. don't falter.. rob and kristen are fine

msinmi said...

Isn't it funny how how the only thing these kids have to do is sit next to someone or walk next to someone and the tabs are making stories about hookups and the doubters and haters buy every word of it. We have had pictures, video's, interviews with Rob and Kristen together for over 4 years and all the tabs have said "rumored couple" Says a lot about you and what kind of person you really are if you let the media and tabloids, who have proven how unreliable they are, tell you how to think and what to think.
It makes me wonder how you live your real lives.Maybe when you ask why bad things happen in your life you have no one to blame but yourself.Use your brain God gave you one, it should work turn it on. ;))))

P said...

okay..first let me say that I too run an RK blog and I totally believe that RK are still alive and well and TOGETHER! But, I just want to understand how a pic of Clare with Riley's aunt has the haters scurrying. If anything I would see them using this as their *proof* of a RR relationship, total BS, but this is just the thing that they would grasp hold of.

Help me understand! LOL

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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irene said...

Nonnies always come to the R&K blogs, when they're running scared, and they seem to be getting very, very nervous if the last couple of posts are anything to go by!!!

Lisa said...


Agreed. I love when they post their dribble, because it usually means something really good is coming. :)

My question is, what are they going to do when RK pics appear? It will be awhile as they are both preparing for filming, but let them enjoy their little party while they can. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey HKN good job tending to your flower garden and I am so glad you are constantly weeding ...It is so nice to be here!!!LOL Great detective work girl...surely the haters are not still arguing about who was in Rob's truck..unfreakin believeable.!!! Hatred makes you blind>LOL thanks again for the uplift...! Andreana

Anonymous said...
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Keep Calm & Carry On said...

Anonymous 304
Then, we'll just have to cross the bridge when we get there, won't we? In the meantime, leave people be.

Whatever is true or not, people have different ways of dealing. Until whenever, believe what you believe and we will do the same with ours.

Keep Calm and Carry On said...

Anonymous 257
It was the same last year yet they got back together, didn't they? :)

Anonymous said...
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tempest said...

Definitely glad I picked tis time to get away with my family. O al the who doubt and indeed criticize HKN nd her blog - do you come n here just ti hear your own voices? I mean its not lime you believe a word she types anyway 'I want ti believe you I really do - but...' do yourselves a favour, there are literally hundreds of rob pattinsin blogs out there who will appeal to your stuttering senses - the whole 'if you have a rellie who knows R's parents where in town, I mean that's big news...' really? Big news for who exactly? Rob, yes absolutely Kristen, not so much as they are his parents not hers but then again its the very obsessive random and their need to know everything when in reality everything is pretty boring and mundane and doesn't need to be broadcasted in the gossip pages - h shit so that's where all the nervous nelles go wrong...

Hatersknownothing said...

tempest exactly! their everyday lives are as boring as anyone elses. I wasnt concerned with asking her about if a mother visited her son. I wanted to know who the woman in the truck was and who the ring was from. and yes they believe every thing the tabs feed them.

Fishy said...
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Anonymous said...

@Hatersknownothing Now it is the moment to ask to your cousin if Rob´s parents (because I think Richard was there too) has something to do with a new ring lol We can buy the wine, you know that LMAOOOO

Anonymous said...

Where is Kristen's mom in all of this? Is the pic of Rob's mom and Riley's aunt from Kristen's house? Is that why the haters are scrambling? Thanks for the clarification

Anonymous said...

Hi HKN! How are is everyone doing? And how is your weekend? My weekend is great. Well I am going to bed soon. Have to get up early tomorrow. Keep me posted.

Sue from Holland said...

@HKN, they are gonna pick at everything you say or don't say, you'll never win so @#$* them.
Still don't understand all the fuss about that picture.

@Msinmi, exactly.
Often wondered myself why, when R&K are photographed together it's PR or whatever but every other woman or man is a 'love interest'.
I nearly choked on my coffee yesterday on the new reveal: "K is hooking up with Michael Pitt now, but hold on she is not over Rob yet but Michael makes life a little easier for her".
Please, jeez where do they get this shit from. Just because she sat beside him in Paris during a shoot? Unbelievable, worst part is all the dimwits that believe it. The Sun, people, is the same as HL: crap crap and more crap.

vana said...

I love the "Stop Stop I'm gonna pee" too. It's so cute.
I want to say again how much I love this blog. I'm having such a good time catching up on everything I missed out on. I can't believe that I didn't come across HKN much earlier.

Anonymous said...

Good Monday Morning! Hi to all HKN! I am up and getting ready for babysitting. I hope everyone on HKN had a great weekend.
@Msinmi and sue- Stop clicking those trashy tabloids. Don't believe it. Its garbage. Because I don't believe it. Boycott them. I haven't and not even click them or read them. Because I rather hear it from you guys then them.

Saphire1231 said...

The baloney brigade are up to their usual act... inventing drivel and posting it as fact... and the sad thing is there are fans who believe it!

Personally if everyone would just quit looking at tabloids and entertainment sites and the stupid brigade's drivel... things would improve drastically for the real fans.

Remember...We already know that the trashloids are a blight on the intelligence of the masses... But those nonnies and haters who protest so loudly are just oily wheels... if you do not answer them, i.e. IGNORE THEM... their wheel will go rusty with the lack of oil and eventually rust and fall apart!

I think Forest Gump said it best: Stupid is as stupid does... and that covers all the anti Rob and Kristen brigade in my book.

As always... I continue on in keeping the faith... and the knowledge that Rob and Kristen are together!

Good things are coming and woo-hoo... payback will be a bitch for those suffering the stupid disease LOL.

Sue from Holland said...

@Arleen, you're getting me wrong. I'm not the one clicking on them or believing them, I'm warning people not to believe them. The thing about Pitt and Kristen, I read on this blog and than I saw the Sun link and thought please people don't believe this shitrag.

msinmi said...

DITTO:What Sue said :)))
Carry on

Anonymous said...

Saphire1231- I am with you. I haven't looked or clicked the trashy, trouble maker, gossips, and trolling tabloids. I like to stay that way. Because I rather hear it from you guys then those idiots. I believe you that they are together.

Anonymous said...

sue- I believe you. Those whose click the Sun or any other tabloids. Must be an idiot. Because you,I, and on HKN don't believe those trashy tabloids. Included that one too. I can't stand them.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It looks like kristen is wearing her old gold ring and her new one! Haha she looks happy.

Hatersknownothing said...

ladies a lot of bull going around by two teenage trolls. saying the pig was with her at bowling alley lol!.
expect to see this bull on Hollywood Life.. Don't get to upset. Its a load of bull and can anyone see annie packer and her minions behind this? I can.

Anonymous said...

HKN- Hi! I don't believe in bs. Well got to go. Have a daughter that might get a broken heart. Later. Keep me posted.

Anonymous said...

who is the pig?

Hatersknownothing said...

the pig is Rupert Saunders.

Anonymous said...

The girl is not a fan. Someone commented how kristen has no facial expression and the girl agreed. I just don't understand if your not a fan of someone why would you ask for a picture. She's being spiteful and petty.

Anonymous said...

Rupert was not there.

LizzieD said...

HAPPY MONDAY, ALL!! I see that "some" don't want this to be a happy day!!! As much as I hate that HL or other rags will report LIES because of some trolls, they're not going to stop me from TWIRLING because I know that Rob & Kris are together and happy.

HKN -- PLEASE try again, OR please email me.

Anonymous said...

Papz are like immature school girls ... giggling like one for sure ...

I think those are RK shippers.

felicity said...

to all twitter users here.. please block this account


he is the one who wrote the latest BS for HWL and is a huge kristen hater. he made it obvious on his TL today.


i hate that this is happening again.. just because some stupid girl had to have her 15 minutes of fame..

sorry, but RS was NOT with kristen at the bowling alley. she was there with friends..

when will rob and kristen finally get their peace.. they so deserve it..

i really hope that, whatever they have planned, will kick all those papz/tabs/mags and haters in the right place..

Saphire1231 said...

Hi everyone...

The following is a list of trash/mag reporters who troll twitter... If you are on twitter, please block each and everyone of these leeches and be prudent with your own posts to prevent them picking up one of your comments and twisting your words to make themselves a bogus story.

Eleanore Hutch @elehutch
Andy Swift @andyswift
Dory Larrabee @dorylarrabee
Katrina Mitzeliotis @katrinacm
Rachael E @bogen7 (shes a intern)
Emily Longeretta @emilylongeretta
Chloe Melas @chloe_Melas
Bonnie Fuller @bonniefuller (queen BITCH)
Krystal Breakley @krystalbreakley
Christopher Rogers @chrisrogers86

Other reporters
Dam Wootton @danwootton- Now magazine
Jo Piazza @jopiazza- InTouchweekly
David Perel @imperel- radaronline
Douglas Marshall- @dougalmarshall NYdaily news entertainment reporter
Rosie Nixon- @rosienixon- Hello Magazine


We know the animals are going to try making the anniversary of last summer a big issue... However... I believe if we simply do not go to twitter or definitely act like we have seen nothing... do not rise to their crap... we might get through the period easier and the trolls will end up looking like the douchebags they are!

Lisa said...


Excellent job. I have blocked them all and will keep it that way. Most of their stories are from twitter anyway. It will not stop the stories they get from the haters but I will help where I can.

Lady Chancellor said...

I love your blog and just saw your post about Hollywood Lies new fabricated story coming out. I got an email from a site I go to some time called Justice for Kristen. The site was sending out emails to its followers warning them about the story and giving them the facts on how Rodgers got the info from the fan who is in one of the bowling alley fan pictures. The girl in the white shirt tweeted to HWL and others that she took a picture with RS in the background and he was with KS at the alley. The entire story is a lie and the picture shows the back of a guy but you can see the real pictures of this guy from the front on Robsten Dreams in the group shot. If anyone wants to see what JFK found out go to www.Justice for Kristen.wordpress. Go to Twilighter comments. The girl lied to HWL to get her name in the tabloid.

Lady Chancellor said...

Hi HKN, I just saw your post about Chris Rodgers new fabricated story coming out on the 16. I got an email on the morning of the 15 from a site I follow sometime called Justice for Kristen. They were warning their followers about this story and how the fan lied on Twitter about who she saw at the bowling alley with Kristen.She also took a fan picture with Kristen and then turned around and tweeted to HWL a big lie to get her name in the tabloid. If you want to hear how Rodgers got the story go to www.JusticeforKristen.wordpress. Go to Twilighter's new comment. It is disgraceful what the fan did to KS.

Lady Chancellor said...

Sorry HKN. I didn't know my comment was being posted twice. Just to concluded what I said above. The Justice for Kristen site said the fan tweeted that the back of the guy in the picture was RS and she had two more fans who were there at the alley to back her up. If you look at the guy you can see it is the same guy who is in the fan group shot with Kristen on Robsten Dreams and it is not RS. This lying fan said on twitter that she could prove it and then went to HWL with her picture and her story. This sounds exactly like what Anny_Packer did with the valet story back in March. JFK gave the girl's twitter account as @lexiep16. They are asking their followers to let people know the girl has lied as well as Chris Rodgers and they shouldn't give HWL or any tabloid using these lies any hits. I think they are trying to cut off the media storm before this gets out of control like the valet story did.

Anonymous said...

Hi to all HKN Havens! How are you? I am about to go to bed. Tired. Heat can get you exhausted.
Lady Chancellor- I agree with you. I believe you. Its a good thing I don't read or click that HWL. They bring nothing but lies. And some of those fans are jerks that did that. They are idiots for doing that. HWL and all gossip trouble marker would love to sell the story. Lies or not. They don't care who they hurt. So I believe you.
Well goodnight everyone. Keep me more posted on our couple. I mean Rob and Kristen.

Sue from Holland said...

Not this RS crap again, please OMF hell. Do these #$&*@ have nothing better to do than spitting venom? Do they even have a life beside hating and telling lies? What an empty meaningless existence they have. One of my better decisions ever, never to be tempted by joining Twitter or Facebook for that matter.

tempest said...

I love that trolls decide that spouting bullshit is the new 15 mins of fame for them all. Pity really, but jealousy will be jealousy.
As for Kristen dating Michael Pitt, really, how can you date someone after sitting beside them at a fashion show, only then to admit you are not over your boyfriend? Jeez the crayons have really got a hammering in this latest drivel haven't they?

If its not idiots making stories up involving asses which don't deserve to be in the same room as Kristen then its tabs being the usual stupid self and making up shit. Meanwhile K is about to start her new movie still that big passed bling in her finger and R is starting his - pain and once assumes as losers spin in circles lol best kind of hysteria.

Anonymous said...

What saddens me most about this Lexiep16, is that Kristen was lead to believe she was a fan. K trusted her only to be betrayed by her.

Kristen has always been so gracious with fans, taking pics with them when asked. But now? I wouldn't count on it. After being treated like this by a so called fan, I'm sure Kristen will be much more causous about who she takes pics with; hence, I don't think we will be seeing many fan photos anymore.....

Please help spread the word on this, this crap really needs to stop!


Saphire1231 said...

For those committed to cleaning up their twitter from marauding reporters... here are a few more to add to the block em list.

more people to block on twitter

From the stir

Emily Abbate @emilyabbate
Kiri Blakeley @kiriblakeley
Sheri Reed @sherri_reed
Ericka Souter @erickasouter (she use to write for People mag and US weekly)

And for what it is worth... here in NZ I walked in my granddaughter watching E News tonight and they were doing their True/False segment.

I nearly dropped the hot coffee I had in my hand when I heard them say... False to the Pitt Rumour... That there is no truth whatsoever to the rumour and that Pitt was there with his fiancé of 10yrs - who is a model and was modelling in the show. Yay!!! At last a gossip rag that spoke the truth! (savour it whilst you can... I don't expect they will keep up reporting fact instead of fiction LOL)

Annie said...

I don't comment anywhere other than RPI but feel compelled to say something here.
It is that "fan" who should feel like an ass. She asked for a pic, Kristen graciously agreed. All that idiot reinforced was that Kristen is and also has been gracious to her fans, even those looking for their fifteen minutes of fame.
Take note idiot.......Your fifteen minutes are up!

I hope Kristen continues signing for her fans and show up those desperate fake asses.

Anonymous said...

Friends. There is something I must share with you and I hope you won't think I'm potty!

I would like you to try a little experiment.

Go to RP Life and find the "Truckgate" pictures. Select the one down below (my apologies if the link doesn't work -- I'm new at this!) and copy and paste it into a Word document. Then right-click on the picture to get the "Format Picture" option and increase the size ratio to 150%. Print that out.

Next you need to go to the Robsten Dreams or Kristen Stewart News sites and from the pictures of Kristen out to lunch in LA on 15 July (with CJ), select the one of her on her own walking and looking down at her iphone - as that's taken in full side profile. Once you have that pic up on screen, click to enlarge it. Now lay your print out of the girl in the truck over the picture of Kristen on your screen. The back-lighting should enable you to line up the side (facial) profiles of the two girls.

What you should see when you do this, is that the side profiles of the face and head of the girl in the truck and Kristen matches EXACTLY, in every respect. Every feature and angle of their faces is a perfect match.

Tell me. What are the chances of two girls in LA having exactly the same side profile with every feature and angle of their faces matching up exactly? Not to mention the same red hair tint in sunlight, the same shape and size glasses, the same brow line, the same angle to the forehead the same hairline the same build, the same pale skin. Not to mention that truck girl is wearing Rob's teal coloured Coachella t-shirt.

I'm now 100% sure, having conducted this simple experiment, that the girl in the truck with Rob on 29 June was indeed none other than Kristen.

Below is the link to the "Truckgate" photo I talked about above.


Best wishes to HKN and to all other Rob and Kristen supporters.

Barbara Fenwick said...

I love your blog. It is wonderful to have someone positive, instead of people spreading lies. I believe Rob and Kristen are together and always have been. Please keep up the good work. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi HKN Havens! You guys sounds quiet. I hope everything is ok. Anyways, Keep me posted. I am going to bed.

Sue from Holland said...

@Anon 4:33,
thanks for the tip but I was already absolutely sure it was her.
When those pics came out there wasn't a shred of doubt in my mind that the 'mysterious' redhead wasn't Kristen. I'm normally a very cautious person and it even surprised myself that I was so convinced it was K. I mean it wasn't that much of a brainy insight.
I find it very curious that the rags/sites aren't digging any deeper to find out who the redhead is cause if it wasn't K. it sure as hell would cause some shit storm. It doesn't fit in their scheme of things/lies/fabricating BS as they all know it was kristen in the first place.

Anonymous said...

@sue - I was surprised there was even a discussion about who was in the truck.When the pics appeared,I just thought "I wonder where Rob and Kristen are taking the ping pong table?" and then when I saw all the "mystery redhead" crap, I was amazed.LOL

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone. I only was aware of this site in the past month. I spent time reading all the blog posts for 2013. HL posted a story about Kristen at the guitar story. On one of the comments posted it mention that paps are more focused on Kristen. The commenter stated the paps are not focusing the same amount of attention as Rob as was wondering why they are doing so. It seems they are keeping more quiet about Rob's activities. The post mentioned that Rob had dinner with Sara R yesterday but gossip sites seem to have kept this quite. Is Sara a friend? Or does he have a working relationship with her? Do you think that the paps are more focused on Kristen than Rob at the moment?
I only went to HL to see people's reaction to stories being posted since I don’t believe the articles written. There was quite amount of backlash at HL by the comments posted for HL still generating stories about Rob and Riley even after her reps denied the relationship and her being photographed in the truck.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 7.19 - Firstly why go to HL at all and give them hits? The only reason they write all the lies about Rob and Kristen is because it gets more hits than anything else. Secondly,why bring over the remarks of an obvious troll? When has Sara R ever been seen with Rob except for one occasion when she happened to be among the same group? It seems to me you're trying to do a little subtle trolling,unfortunately it's not subtle enough, I'm afraid your agenda is showing.

grail said...

Anon 7:19, instead of going to HL, go to your nearest zoo and talk to the monkeys. Better info and a lot more ethical.

irene said...

Troll spray at the ready.....!!!

So Rob was at dinner with Sara R, was he really???? Really?? And no one was interested at all, no, no, not at all, ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!

Where was that then in Toronto or LA....?? Or did you mean the other troll favourite Sara G.....??

Whatever..... Now where's that banana boat you think we just stepped out of......??

Anonymous said...

Correction, he had dinner with Sarah G last night in Toronto.

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest, the gossip websites and magazines are going to try and link any man or woman within two feet of Kristen or Rob, HKN already mentioned Sarah G's name as someone who the gossip magazines and websites would try and link Rob with and so this fabricated story is nothing new and something that was already expected to happen in my opinion.

irene said...

Well, IF he did (and I'm pretty sure, IF he did, we'd know ALL about it), I'm sure it was as part of a cast dinner and not a cosy little tete-a-tete....... LOL, I don't think they even like each other that much, despite the frantic nonnies trying to push them as an item......

I've got news for you, Rob already has a girlfriend, that he's perfectly happy and in love with - Kristen - and no amount of telling lies about him and other women will change that......

Anonymous said...

by hkn who are talking to rob this with sara?and dined yesterday que anon said true?Please tell us hkn

Sue from Holland said...

@Anon, 7:19/8:07/8:57,
Wonder what he had for dinner so. Perhaps a very nice Filet Mignon a la Kristen?
Please here we go again with the same old BS. Every chick linked to Rob again, grow the hell up you children.

felicity said...

deep breath..

i am so sorry to tell you all this, but i am ready to slap some people.. pretty hard!!!

honestly. we don't even have a confirmation that Rob is really in Toronto, yet he already had dinner with Sara G? WTF?? and if he is really in Toronto and had dinner with her.. i highly doubt they were alone..

if you want to give hits to HWL and all the other gossip rags out there, and if you read all the BS over there.. don't come here and ask HKN to clarify if the BS story is true or not!!

if you believe in Rob and Kristen, why do you even need to go over there, you know that they are spreading lies right now..

as much as they can, in fact..

and they are already re-hashing last july..

if you want to go through that again, suit yourself..

but don't come here and ask HKN or any of us to help you out of your emotional dilemma..

we won't. it is your own fault.

Rob and Kristen are fine.. both working.. maybe Rob is in Toronto, maybe he is not right now.. and if he is, he won't be long there.

have faith in their love.. avoid all the trashloids. they are happy to go a year back and to make more money out of last july..

with each and every hit on their site, they earn money..

don't fall into this trap..

Anonymous said...

agree....people don't go to their sites...I have not in months and feel so good about it.


Linda said...

I also stopped going to those other sites and it really does feel good to just come here and read what hkn posts, because at least we know it is the truth.

She warned us there wld be a lot of lies and bs starting now that they are filming, so stay away from liars and trolls and you will be fine.

Love the pic of her at the guitar store she looks great.

I'm hanging in there and always believing.

Anonymous said...

hi it seems there's a Rob sighting at lax just few moments ago he was leaving,so if rob leaves to toronto today,OG sleeping in LF2,and k out bowling and dinner with them and no sign of rob is not a good sign,imo,sadly.that's why i always say i trsut hkn like i did last year,but we need more than our guesses and wishes to believe rk are ok,maybe is a notrob ,but she seems pretty legit

felicity said...

@anon 1:14..

who said, that kristen was at dinner with the OG last night?? no one! you don't know this.. you assume.

i don't think that she would be out and about till late in the evening, early morning, when she has to be on set early in the morning, like it usually is.


kristen was NOT bowling with the OG. this was bonding time with her new co-stars of Camp-X-Ray! you can see them in the group pic. in other words.. work mixed with a little fun

go and spread your negativity elsewhere

felicity said...

@anon 1:14.. and it is not a coincidence, that Rob left LA on the same day, Kristen is starting to work too!!

and if you want to tell me that they will share the custody of B/B for the rest of their lives.. sorry.. shaking head

but you only want to see the negative things, right?

Anonymous said...

I think that just because Kristen has gone out with friends without Rob means nothing in my opinion. It should be obvious at this point that Rob and Kristen don't want to give the paparazzi a big pay day and can you imagine the scene at the bowling alley if Rob was with Kristen? I believe that there are too many signs to list here that Rob and Kristen are indeed fine and together and that we will just have to be patient because this is going to be a long time before we get more new pictures. Thanks for your blog, HKN.

Hatersknownothing said...


same shoes?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
KnittedUpInside said...

Rob going off to TO the day filming for CX is officially underway? HMMMM ;)

Kristen looks gorgeous as always and here's hoping Rob can work in Toronto without too much harassment. Can't say enough how great it is that they are both working again and I love how well their schedules worked out this time, heehee!

KnittedUpInside said...


definitely same brand/style of Adidas but I can't imagine K wearing his actual sandals, girl would be trippin all over with his big ass shoes ;)

Anonymous said...

I still believe those shoes HKN is talking about are Rob's even if the shoes don't match because I think that's why she has socks on there as well.

Anonymous said...

Shoes? What about the shorts she has on in those pics. Sure looks like guys shorts that are wayyyyy to big for her tiny frame lol. Seems like Rob is going pantless alot lately!


LizzieD said...

I don't know, her feet have to be about HALF the size of his which would actually be dangerous on a boat, LOL. Glad to see her looking so good!!!

Surprised that Rob is traveling today, I think a lot of us thought he was already there being ninja ... LOL, guess he was home being ninja, good for him!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi HKN Haven! I just got home from work and running errands. Plus, I treated myself a frozen yogurt. Because its 94 degrees in Logan, Utah. I am sure you guys are getting hot summer where you at. And I just saw pictures on RD on Rob and Kristen. Rob at LAX. And Kristen on a boat. I don't know if its in LA. If it is Kristen is got be really hot on the uniform. Especially in LA right now. Because I usually live in LA. They always get about 100 degrees heatwave around this time. I hope bring enough water to drink. And another thing. Whoever said that Rob was having dinner with Sarah Gordon is a troll and a hater. I don't know if any of you agree with me on the last part. The pictures and video got to be the Papz. The nerve of them.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of Kristen playing with the dog on set.

In LA is the fashion for guys right now to wear the pants low? Or is it in fashion to have the back pockets sewing so low in the back? Just wondering since Rob's pants recently look too small for his frame or if it is just a fashion trend.

LOL that Rob's clothing looks too small for him and Kristen' looks too big on her.

Anonymous said...

Love our girl Kristen. Tatical Media Group that trained her for CXR posted a statment on Facebook;

We are all so proud of Kristen Stewart and her dedication in training for her new role in CAMP XRAY. She is one of the hardest working actors we have ever trained, PERIOD. Her level of respect, admiration, and honor bestowed upon our nation’s military is truly mind blowing, and the transformation we saw in her within only a few days was nothing short of awe inspiring. Her fans will be in for a rare treat when CAMP XRAY hits theaters!!! From all of us here at TMG, we salute you Kristen and will always be here for you!!

Anonymous said...

hello rob hkn this coming or going of LA?

felicity said...

@anon 7:03

he was LEAVING LA and wen to Toronto.. he already landed a few hours ago.

Anonymous said...

Hi HKN Haven! I have questions. My families lives in LA. The protest are starting because of that trial. I am wondering if its happen where you at about protest in your state, town. If so, just be safe will you.

Anonymous said...

KnittedUpInside and LizzieD I agree with you completely. Shoes are similar, but not the same. Rob's size would be dangerous for kristen on the boat lol

edangel said...


Rob and Kristen working @ the same time!!! Good!! They are also planning their work schedules well ahead now!!

Its quite obvious that they both were together before their filming started because both were MIA apart from coming out for meetings and work related stuff!!!

So happy for both of them!!! They both look very happy and content!!

Stay together friends!! Good things are yet to come!!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning to all the HKN Havens! Hi edangel, KnittedUpInside, LizzieD, felicity, Irene, and the rest of HKN Haven. I agree with you guys. I am up and getting ready for water aerobics and work. Then home. Stay safe and cool. I know its got to be hot where you guys at. And I know about that protest because of the trial. So be safe. Keep me posted on our couple because I believe in you.

Holly said...

I do not know if you saw, but here is a photo of Kris with black glasses. July 16. And Rob was the 17, when he moved to TO! ;)))


Anonymous said...

Hi to all HKN Havens!
Hi Holly! I believe you about the glasses. I say cool.

RKsoulmates913 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RKsoulmates913 said...

Bwahahaha so Rob had dinner with Sarah in TO the day before yesterday? #NotRob had dinner with whoever you want haters, but Rob was in L.A. with KRISTEN and their babies. Rob arrived in TO yesterday... DON'T try again, it makes you even more ridiculous. 

FACT Rob wearing his creased t-shirts bc Kristen knots them and he loves het smell on his clothes. 

FACT Rob wears only his BALENCIAGA shoes... :even the fan in TO said it to Rob 'Nice shoes Rob', yes the #SupHaters girl. LOL [she's a fan ;) ]

FACT The pic of Bear and Bernie with OG and haters said it was bc Rob was in Canada. LOL Wrong , it was to show hyenas how delusional you are.

FACT Kristen buying him a special guitar and wearing his jeans and #UsVsThem cap. MSG crystal clear.

FACT polka dot bag, you know it was a gift from Kristen. From France.

FACT Rob waited until the last sec to go to Canada, and he was not with you, he was with his Kristen and babies.

FACT Rob wearing a WARRANT OFFICER tee >>>> Warrant Officer Candidate School ( WOCS) similar to basic training or boot camp, it's related to Kristen's role in CampXRay. And buying Snapples which we know Kristen likes.

FACT they are healthy, gorgeous, in love and tanned...they really enjoyed their time TOGETHER.

Fact - #StayPressedHatersNonnies #KarmaIsABitch #waitAndSee 

Anonymous said...

RKsoulmates913- Great job on your comments. I agree with you there.

vana said...

So proud and happy to be a Rob fan.

Lady Chancellor said...

Hi Everyone and HKN,
Just got an update from JFK. The person who found out about the fan leaking info to Chris Rogers was a girl named Misty. She has a team of people who have been following twitter sites of the tabloid reporters and anyone reporting on K or R. Her team has been torpedoing Chris Rodger with tweets saying they know he is lying and he better stop writing fabricated stories about K or they are going to report him to the DM and have already sent out tweets and emails to all her fans and others about the so called fabricated story he is trying to publish about RS and KS. I have not heard about the HWL story being out yet so maybe going after Rogers on twitter has stopped the story or kept it from coming out so far. I hope he is to afraid to print it now with some of the things her fans tweeted to him they would do to him if he released the lie in the media. Maybe this is the only way to stop all the lies the tabloids try to start up with their trolling twitter stories. Head them off before they have a chance to release the lying article.

Lady Chancellor said...

To Anon 7:19
It was Sarah Gadon they were saying Rob had a romantic dinner with in Toronto. They were discussing this on a Robsten site I was on yesterday. Funny thing was the tabloid who printed it had to retract it for Rob was still in LA while Sarah was in Toronto. The Robsten poster said that Rob didn't leave for Toronto until the 18 and the dinner was suppose to have been on the 17. It made a laughing stock out of the tabloid who printed the romantic dinner details and they quickly retracted the article as soon as posters cued them in on Rob being in LA. It just showed the extent the tabloids go to get hits on false reports when they know they don't have anything factual to back up what they are printing. I think it is funny they got smacked with the truth and had to retract their lies. Seems like Kristen and Rob's fans attacking the tabloid reporters on social media sites when the reporter is going to post a lie about either star is working to keep some articles from seeing daylight. Thanks to the poster who posted above the tabloid reporter's emails and info.

Sue from Holland said...

with you alllll the way. Fact fact fact!

I wish it was this easy to stop those maggots from printing crap but it's a start and it sure as hell would be sweet justice if he & the rest of the cockroaches, got bombarded with hundreds of Tweets telling him to stop writing BS lies. 'Mate, we are on to you and spreading the word'.
Love the fact they had to retract that story as Rob was obviously still in LA with his girl.
When do the twats, who buy those rags, finally see the light that they might as well throw their money in the bin cause that's all they are buying, rubbish!
He sure left it to the last minute leaving for Toronto so they could spend their last moments together!

Anonymous said...

yep "truckgate" case closed 100%. look at the hair color in these pics:




hihi :)

Lisa said...

@anon 12:58

I have to admit, I was on the fence about truckgate, and really only believed it was K in the truck because HKN's source said it was. Those are the first pics I have seen that really show her hair can look red throughout in the sun, even at the roots. Nice work. :)

Glad our couple is back to work and they both look terrific. Keep it positive peeps.

vana said...

I've just heard it hear about the dinner with Sarah thing. Sarah would never do anything to jeopardize her career. She has said as such. In her interview last year she said something along those lines of not doing anything that would make people talk crap. She is very professional, takes her work seriously and so does Rob. Please please ignore crappy tabloids.

Anonymous said...

Hi HKN Haven! I hope you all ok. Sounds some of you are on vacations or working. Hope everyone here is ok. You guys sounds quiet here.

felicity said...

another day at work for kristen and yet another day ith the stalkerazzis. they need to leave her the hell alone, damnit

and rob has it even worse. he is stalked by cybermelli and her crazy bunch.. god.. how i hope that he will be back in LA in no time..

Anonymous said...


Lol who is Cybermelli? Was she the woman in the red shirt at the airport? She did look a little intense.

I hope the constant paps/ fans isn't a distraction foe them, but it is nice to see them both doing what they love.


Lady Chancellor said...

Hi Everyone,
Thanks Sue and I agree with you I wish it was easy to stop the tabloid reporters from lying but at least a few things they have tried seem to be putting a wrench in their cogs. There was a poster on Robsten today, all upset and rightly so, saying that now HWL and OK had printed an article about Kristen getting chummy with her director for CXR. So I guess Rogers got spoofed on the RS article and Bonnie (full of it) Fuller decided to go another route. When are they ever going to leave this poor girl alone? She can't even be friendly to her coworkers without HWL and the other trash rags making a lot out of nothing. I guess this article got under Misty and her teams radar since it didn't come from a Twitter source but from a head case source at HWL. Felicity who is Cybermelli? I have heard of the vial Anny Packer and her minions. Is Cybermelli one of her followers? I also heard on Robsten that the OG gang was pictured with Bear and Bernie yesterday on someone's instagram. Have not seen it myself but if it is true then that is great. Maybe they are watching the dogs while K and R are working.

Lady Chancellor said...

I have a question for you. I noticed when the pictures came out of Kristen in uniform for CXR that she had an MP badge on her uniform. I thought she was playing a Warrant Officer not an MP. A friend of mine who's husband is stationed at Fort Bragg said that a Warrant Officer is someone in the intelligence field or tactical field who leads a group in a mission. Could the shirt Rob wore have something to do with Mission Blacklist instead of what Kristen was doing or was my friend totally wrong? I hope she was wrong. Did they change Kristen's character's role title in the movie from Warrant Officer to MP? I thought they had her listed as a Warrant Officer.

Anonymous said...

Hello my friends! Its been a while lol Set pics are like airport pics for me, boring but its cute seeing some things never change (sharing and more). Also I find AWESOME that Rob and Kris are BOTH RED HEAD LMAOOOOO I was wondering if they did this on purpose (since the scritps changed). HKN, if you are around, can you ask about it to your cousin? Its not a big deal but It is really cute and a funny thing after the "Truckgate" LMAO
Have a nice weekend! Epic is coming, I can feel it lmao

snd said...

@ lady chancellor, MP is military police, not a rank,worn like an arm band. I think her rank is warrant officer.

snd said...

@ lady chacellor, Rob plays Eric Maddox, whose rank is staff sargeant.

Lady Chancellor said...

Thanks snd! I was confused after talking to my friend. Glad KS rank is Warrant Officer. That clears up why some posters on their fan sites were asking if she went to Wisconsin before she went on her road trip. They all thought she was going to visit Fort McCoy to train for her role or at least see what they go through to be in the military. Does anyone know where the Tatical Media Group is located? Are they part of the military?

rmol said...

Lady Chancellor, warrant officer is a rank. MP stands for military police, which is a job classification. You can be an MP as a sergeant, corporal or warrant officer

vana said...

Hi everyone, could someone explain who the "OG gang" is that is looking after Bear and Bernie? And yes Rob does seem to have it worse with the stalking...must be hard on these actors to do their job.

felicity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
felicity said...


the OG is short for Ocean Gang. it is the circle of friends of Rob and Kristen in LA

Anonymous said...

hi,how do you know bear and bernardette are with the og?they posted a pic or?do you have the link?did u noticed since lulu robsten tweeted about code 13 it seems people think it means there'll be rk pics and lulu said yesterday "soon"can u imagine if it's true,twitter,internet will explode of happiness,hope so

vana said...


Thank you

Anonymous said...

Good Saturday Morning to all the HKN Havens! Hi everyone on HKN! I am getting ready for my walking and for a day. I was just looking at the Robsten Dreams pictures of Rob and Kristen at their work. On Rob's pictures at his work. Looks like he is flipping off at the papz or haters to me. I don't know if anyone notice. Maybe they are saying something to him or insulting Kristen. Like Rob and Kristen. They are flipping off at the papz or haters. Which I don't blame them.

tempest said...

Good evening folks, just to clear something up - Military Police officer can hold the rank as a lance corporal *1 stripe* and corporal *2 stripes* you qualify to earn the rank and the minimum rank is LC.

The Warrant Officer on Rob's tee was a nice little dig, considering that is the rank Kristen holds in CXR - his rank in MBL is Staff Seargant - so that's cleared up. HWL are dumb fools, they like to stoke the fires of drama with their bull it, not content in spewing shit they make even their lies pathetic with their attempts at trying to spin a tail about Kristen and her director but then again what do you expect from a piss poor gossip site with idiots working in it. As fr cybermelli, she is one loose screw short of a floorboard that one and highly psychotic in her stalking of Rob. She's the main one behind most of the shit from NYC during Cosmo - when nut jobs tried to pass Rib pictures of Kristen and that pervert - she also told a pck of lies at the taping, suggesting Rob said or dud things he didn't do - she's very pally with a lot at the obsessed blog so that will give you a hint into the workings of her mind - one very bitter obsessed harpy.

Lady Chancellor said...

hi Vana,
The poster on one of the fan sites said the picture was on Jadan's instagram. I don't know which of the gang members Jadan is though.

Lady Chancellor said...

Hi Everyone,
I was just on Robsten Dreams looking at set pictures of Rob and Kristen working on their movie sets. There is also a fan video and pictures of Rob and you want believe what he is wearing in the video and set pictures. (I know I sound like one of those crazy clothes obsessed fans but HKN did say they communicate through their clothes. ) Rob is wearing an Alabama State Trooper shirt. Where is the only place you can get an ALABAMA State Trooper shirt? In the state of ALABAMA or on the borderline of Alabama and Mississippi or Tennessee and Alabama. Who took a road trip to the southern states back in June? One of the pictures on Suzie's instagram of the road trip had them in a town where you could see the sign that said leaving Mississippi entering Alabama. I live in Alabama and have seen these shirts at retail stores in Montgomery, Birmingham and Huntsville, Alabama. Nashville Tennessee is very close to Huntsville, Alabama. My sister lives in Nashville and it doesn't take us very long to reach her from Huntsville. I don't think they sell these shirts anywhere other than Alabama. I have never heard of Rob being in Alabama either. Just my opinion, but I bet the shirt came from Kristen. Oh, and Kristen has changed her hair color to blondish, reddish, brown. It looks great. Sort of like the color she had in the movie Into the Wild. They just showed her new color as she was going onto the set today (20th). There was also a poster on Robsten that said yesterday that Kristen had gone blondish and she was at a restaurant with CJ, Riley and the rest of the gang eating on the 18th. I think that was the date because another poster was saying Rob was in Toronto at the time this was taken.

Anonymous said...

Lady Chancellor-

Thank you for the insight on the shirt Rob was wearing yesterday. Very sleuthy of you! Sweet to think she was thinking of Rob on her trip.

My honest opinion on the hair color..... As it has been said (quite a lot lately) Kristen's hair color can change drastically in the sunlight. I think the recent pics of her today are an example of how red/blond it can be in the light. I don't think they dyed it, specially since they already started filming a couple of days ago.

The pictures today just supports the ""truck gate" theory (actually its a fact).....no question! It was Kristen in Rob's truck.

Lady Chancellor said...

Hi Anon 3:07,
I agree with you about the truck gate issue. The pictures today of her hair looks like the roots are a lot lighter than I have seen them lately. Maybe it was the way the sun light was hitting on them. It just looked blonder than dark red but I could be wrong.

vana said...

Lady Chancellor, thank you so much for the info. I'm fairly new to this more insightful blog and I'm still trying to catch up with things. I appreciate it a lot.

Anonymous said...

So what does code 13 mean?) Can we get some hints from you? or you'll post it later?)