Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pictures Create Drama And More Drama

Pictures create drama and more drama. We got plenty of both this past week.

First was this pic of Rob at a party. When this pic first came out I and a lot of other people thought it was a not Rob. Sue me.

You know where the dipshidiots and the tabs went with this right?

According to Marc Malkin Rob was flirting with multiple models.Yes the same Marc Malkin who got burned by Dylan Penn. Some fools never learn I guess.

He looks more interested in who is texting him on his phone than the bar sluts all over the place. 

Kristen: Sweet pea and I miss you.
Rob: Bored out of my mind. Miss my two beautiful loves too. Will be home soon.

Come on you know it happened !

Then we got this pic.

Rob July 4th at Ashley Greene's pool party. How much you wanna bet the dipshidiots tried to hook him up with the model in front? 

Hope they didn't wager their life savings on Kristen not being there with him. Hehe.

So let's see. We have Rob and Kristen together on June 21st (taco truck) and July 4th  at Ashley Greene's pool party. 

I think we can safely cross off October as the last time they have been seen together and move it up to July 4th lol. I think it's also safe to say she wasn't in Hawaii, Oregon or Timbuktu.

But wait it gets better!

 This is another pic. Rob at a pool party on June 28th. (Wow that'a a big pool party! Too many people for my taste.)

According to a source for Gossip Cop Rob was looking single...

Our insider notes that Pattinson was not necessarily approaching women, but he’s “showing up at a lot of parties these days… He looks single.”

Great journalism there. Pulitzer prize winning stuff. This was Gossip Cop's way of reassuring the only commenters they have left. Unattached Rob for the Robsessed. They get more pathetic by the day and it's hilarious to watch them beg.

On June 28, The Rover star enjoyed the VOCO Summer Kickoff pool party in Beverly Hills, where Pattinson and other dudes were outnumbered by women in “sexy bikinis and high heels.”

Guess their source missed Kristen at the party too. Circles for the mentally challenged that want to ignore the truth.

 If you are keeping count that's three sightings with pics in a two week period. I'm sure the dipshidiots have their excuses handy for all three. 

Shout out to Mama Nails for all her hard work! You rock lady!

There were a couple more pics of Rob.

Doesn't look to be ready to move back to England anytime soon does he.

Rob out with friends at a concert on  July 12th. He seems to be going for the mountain man look again (Not my fav look but hey it's his down time not mine. I prefer a little stubble Rob).

Now according to the dipshidiots these pictures should ring the death nell for us. We should pack up our tents and give up. Don't hold your breath on that.

 And of course Rob is a bad daddy for going out with friends....

Ashton Kutcher in Brazil at the World Cup Finals drinking and having fun. While leaving his pregnant girlfriend Mila Kunis in L.A. 

He didn't seem in a hurry to get back.

Is he a bad daddy to be too? Funny how this fandoms pregnancy police haven't said a word about this isn't it? Hypocrite is a good word to describe them.

And now let's switch gears and get ready for some beautiful Kristen!

She cut her hair and I love it! Kristen said it will be going even shorter for Equals. 

 She cut it in her hotel room the same morning! 
She said how free it made her feel. Of course the dipshidiots took that to mean free of Rob. That's why she cut it. 

 I call this her I dream of Jeanie outfit. She slays it!

Who wore it better? Kristen of course!

Posing with Dakota Johnston. I am so ready for some Fifty.

Looking beautiful! Love the hat!

Before and After. If you can't see the difference there's no hope for you.

We have some ingenious fans out there. Cuteness overload!

Kristen out and about with Alicia. Of course this means Kristen has suddenly turned gay. Alicia is wearing Kristen's shirt so this means they are together romantically and we should now shut up about Kristen wearing Rob's clothes according to dipshidiots warped logic. 

Alicia wearing  Kristen's shirt has what to do with Kristen still wearing her supposed exes clothes a year later how again? 

Yep. All three of them in the same shirt. It still doesn't explain why a woman would still be wearing her exes clothes a year later does it. The dipshidiots excuses are wearing a little thin. Literally.


Kristen surprises us again! New Jenny Lewis video with Kristen, Anne Hathaway, and Brie Larson.

You know she had to be fangirling when asked to to be in this video! Cross that one off your bucket list Kristen. Done deal.

Rock it girl!

This from the woman whose haters say she can't smile and have fun.

Just three chicks jamming!

George Clooney blasted Daily Mail for its disparaging remarks about his future mother in law. They tried to apologize but George didn't back down and refused their apology.

Read About It Here!

We also had an ugly incident on this blogs comment section. A racist remark was made against one of our Havenettes, Vernier. And just like George she got a lame apology and refused to back down.

George and Vernier deserve a hand for not giving in to these vile people.

                                                              BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO!

This is a little something I found that explains what the gossip rags are all about! Eye opening!

Confessions of a gossip magazine writer
8 HOURS AGO JULY 13, 2014 2:00PM

YOU can spot a gossip rag a mile away.

It will say Kim Kardashian (with her “$22 million booty”) is divorcing Kanye West, while the one next to it on the shelf will tell you she’s pregnant with his second child — and said child
already has an album deal. With Blue Ivy.

It will read, “Kim’s baby shock!” and you will lap it up.

If this article were a movie, you’d now be watching a 20-year-old girl walk through the halls of one of the country’s biggest magazine houses.

She’s starry eyed, Bambi-legged and ready to make a good impression on her first day at a gossip glossy.

Scene 2: two weeks later. That same girl is being presented with a set of intriguing photographs of a famous person.
Would she like to break the news story behind the photos? She most certainly would!

She feels prepared, because she’s been spending her days researching what ingredients make up Beyoncé’s Master Cleanse (lemons and cayenne pepper) and speculating why Snooki from Jersey Shore wore ugg boots to the beach (answer: because it’s Snooki from Jersey Shore).

That girl was me. “Your reading shock!” the headline of your life now, no doubt, reads.

All those three-hour-long university lectures on moral integrity? They joined the lessons in thorough research and reputable sources flying out the window quicker than you can say “two pages in a national magazine?! Yes, please!”
But there’s always a catch. And this one was that the only information I had on what was actually happening in the photos was … the photos themselves. Convenient, eh?

Scene 3: A troubled starlet sits in a grimy LA street, puffing on what I can only assume is her third Marlboro Light and covering her eyes.

Is she crying? Is she applying mascara (badly)? Or has she simply read a hilarious text message and is now in fits of laughter?

I had no idea, but I was quickly schooled in the art of writing a gossip story. Legally, I could call myself an “onlooker” based purely on the fact I was literally looking at the photos. Handy. I was also “an industry insider”.
And, yes, even a “source close to”. Hear that? It’s the sound of the glass shattering in your mind. How did the story end?

I handed in my copy, the editor loved it and I felt pretty darn good.

Scene 4: A man comes up to comfort Crying Starlet, and, according to … me, is pushed away. She is inconsolable (in my defence, she was obviously teary), because she has just been dumped.

By a celebrity who will remain anonymous so as to protect my own now-non-existent-gossip-magazine-writing career.
Bet you never saw that one coming as you read my story in the check-out line waiting to buy your lemons and cayenne pepper.
I should have known my creative writing skills would be called upon. In my job interview, when I’d tried to impress the editor with my big contact book in case, you know, she needed quotes from certain celebs or friends of celebs, she’d looked at me as if I were mad and said, “Oh, we don’t really use contacts!”

As I soon learned, my little ‘writing around photos’ jaunt was the tip of the proverbial gossip iceberg.
An iceberg so large that it could sink Titanic II (which apparently exists — along with Jennifer Aniston’s baby).

If we didn’t trust our own eyes enough to draw conclusions from the “exclusive photographs!” that came across the newsdesk (is she drunk or blinking?), we’d phone the photographer to source “eyewitness” comments.
Technically, they were eyewitnesses because they were there.

And for when we were feeling slightly more ethical, there was our man in Brisbane.

We’d write an email to him, saying, “We’ve heard Brad and Ange are getting married/divorced/moving to Mars. Can you confi rm this with your sources?” Within a couple of hours we’d get a long email back from his “sources” (aka him) confirming exactly what we’d asked about (“Yes, they are”). And to think my editor “didn’t use contacts” …

Journalism is about fresh ideas and groundbreaking investigations. So it’s only natural we would also go through clips from UK and US papers and magazines, and decide in the ‘news’ meeting which stories we would rewrite under the headline, “It’s a scoop!”

I know I’m being harsh, but it’s out of love and understanding.

I quote the home of all truths, urbandictionary.com, in defining a gossip rag best as: “A magazine or blog containing rumour, speculation and trivial information, generally about celebrities. Often presented in a catty manner.”
See! Rumour; catty; rumours about cats.

So let’s give the gossip magazines a break and see them for what they are: wonderful entertainment and nutritional advice.
Because everyone knows celebrities eat only steamed vegetables and chicken for dinner. Every night.
Stop the presses: it’s a scoop!

Daniel Radcliffe supporting his friend Rob!

Let's close this out with the coolest chicks ever!


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Frenchie said...

Arleen is right, don't answer anani as it makes her write even more. Don't read her simply. I know it us hard not to reply so the best is not even to read her...

You see her name and hop over whatever stupid things she's written and you keep your piece of mind... That's what I do and she can write whatever from now on, I will not know since I don't read her. She's not worth any second of my time...

Unknown said...


is kristen?

Unknown said...

she talks about robert?


Unknown said...

Thank you Frenchie!

Morning Coffee said...

People...I realize with some of the comments that come out of the troll mouths around here, it is harder for some of us not to respond. The only thing that accomplishes is you giving the trollexactly what they want. it also keeps them here longer than is neccessary and brings them back repeatedly.

Some trolls are much more vicious and hateful than others knowing you will respond to the shock factor of what they are saying.
When you answer them you are fulfilling this sick need they have. Trust me it is definitely a sick need of theirs to make others as miserable as they are.

They are anonymous non-entities, nobodys taking up cyberspace.

please for the love of all that is Holy..think before you engage them.
don't keep them hanging out here.

BBl going for dinner..just had to fix my spelling errors.

Unknown said...

Hey everyone! I have lemon poppy seed muffins in the oven and a butter cake with chocolate icing ready for small group. How is everyone? MC, yet again you are the voice of reason when it comes to the trolls. I have too much going on and too much to be happy about to waste time. No one can change my mind anyway about Kris and Rob and Sweet Pea. My faith is firmly planted. Have to try and wrote some more. And thank you, Andreana! Writing fic is a challenge, but my love of Edward and Bella is too strong to stop. I'll be an RKian till the day I die!

andreana said...


You and me both! I will be a proud Rkian until my dying days?....yeah...say it loud!

Unknown said...

I have loved them both for so many years! They truly are my heart. Rob and Kris possess qualities that remind me of vintage Hollywood. It's their acting, their talent, their chemistry, their personal style, and their relationship that captures my interest. My husband and I were talking about how we wish they would do a remake of The Maltese Falcon together.

andreana said...


Anani is not a bully....she is not scary or clever enough to qualify for that role....She is more like a little mouse trying to aggravate the alleycat...She does not posses the intelligence or the wit to tangle with the cats....! She is a halfwit....nothing to fear...no not a bully...but I will not engage her out of respect for you... have a good weekend.

Unknown said...

andreana- Sorry! I just don't like her picking on all of you. I am planning on ignoring her. I rather talk to the rest of you. Than that.
So how are the rest of you.

andreana said...

You do not need to apologize for one thing....! You and morning coffee are exactly right....from now on.."F" em.... I am zipping my lips....or typing fingers...or whatever...not engaging with that revolting person again....ok....? Now havea good Sunday with your family....I gonna find a newfan fiction to read.....wink!

Unknown said...

MC-I rented that DVD with Melissa and Sandra about two months ago and Jackie and I loved it. Sandra and Melissa are so funny and you really have to be a good actress to do comedy, have heard that all my life from actors and teachers. Kristen and Rob are naturals, they are just plain funny, and are good actors. At some point maybe they will do a silly movie for themselves. Still, it takes real creativity and timing to do comedy. It is an art form that few are really good at. Lucy and Carol are my favorites still yet. The Marx Bros. were /are never really trumped. I do not like the insult comedians or the four letter comedians, do not show me creativity. Todays black female comedians are the best, and I really like Chris Rock, even though he loves his sex in comedy , he is very funny, and very off the wall. Hope everybody is ok, I am ready for bath and bedtime. Sugar sending licks to everyone. Susie

Unknown said...

Gigi, you and your husband are right about Rob and Kristen doing an old Bogie and Bacall movie well. Also an action movie like Sahara, with Matthew MCCONNEHY, was funny and good action would be fun. Hope your family is fine tonight. Susie

Unknown said...

Sue, my family is doing fine tonight. We have a great day coming up tomorrow. Feeling very sleepy so I'm off to bed. Have a wonderful night!

Unknown said...

JMF-thanks for the update on Jae. That is the best news ever! I hope and pray for Dakota, her precious dog, recovers as well.

Love and hugs to the Haven ladies. Onward to reading ff.

ps: Gigi what is the meaning of MINY?

Unknown said...

Hey Merle! MINY is just the abbreviated form of Magnolias in New York. My beta has the next chapter, and as soon as she's done,I'll edit and post. You're a sweetheart! XXOO

Morning Coffee said...

Ladies...I am off to bed...been reading most of the day and my eyes are tired.

andreana..wasn't pointing fingers aat you honestly..we are all guilty of it they provoke and say outrageous things cause they know someone will react. Some are just more disgusting and vicious than others. But they are all a pain in the ass.

They want our anger and frustration ..they thrive on it. If we don't give them the attention they will eventually give up or shorten their visits. Frenchie was right it really doesn't even pay to read their comments that way no one is tempted to answer.

Love you girl enjoy your reading.

Night to all my Haven sisters.

Tempest said...

Ladies please, don't waste your time or energy, engaging with a person who is incredibly ignorant and her only reason for coming in here is to provoke someone into a rude exchange of words. Lowering yourself to her standards doesn't achieve anything, but give her what she desperately wants an that's attention.

There is enough pain going on around in the world right now, more important things to think of, like family and friends, than wasting it on someone, whose only life seems to exist sitting behind her computer screen and post abusive comments.

Choose to ignore and continue on with life, its precious and should never be taken or granted.

Unknown said...

Good night Frenchie, Gigi, Morning Coffee, HKN, JMF, andreana, Merle Yamasaki, sue morris, Tempest, and the rest of Havenettes ladies! I love all your comments. Great job ladies! I am going to bed now. I have work in the morning from 9am to 4pm.
Tempest, well said. I always love your comments.
Night everyone! Hugs to you all! Keep me posted. Love you all.

Sherry said...

My internet is down. Posting from phone. Still ill. A little better but tired. Just ignore the noise. Not worth our time. If you don't hear from me before Monday you know it's because of internet. Love you all.

Unknown said...

here we see two different kinds of fangirls:

a) the one who just kinda falls in love immediately with their idol and just stare at them with adoration for plenty hours a day; the ones who love them truly

b) the ones who are not as much fans as all the others but still freak out when they get to meet/touch their idol

Unknown said...

temps fait oublier les douleurs, éteint les vengeances, apaise la colère et étouffe la haine ; alors le passé est comme s’il n’eût jamais existé.

Unknown said...

Good morning to all the Havenettes ladies! Happy Sunday! I made it to my work. Keep me posted. Hope you all have a great Sunday!

Annie said...

Morning all.

Arleen: I hope you have a great day at work.

Another cool dayhere. Very nice! :)

Hoping everyone has a good sunday.

All the friends are pitching in to help another friend move a few streets from where she lives now, into their new home. Should be interesting. :):)

Morning Coffee said...

Morning all...

wishing you all a day filled to overflowing with your hearts desire.

love you all

Unknown said...

Wishing a very peaceful and happy Sunday! The roses and lilac smell great and the puppies and kittens are really awake and making noises. Have a good day!

Unknown said...

Evening everyone hope you are all having/had a great weekend the weather here is very hot and humid not good for me,well love you all so take care be safe another week is nearly upon us wonder what it will be all good news i hope.xx

Unknown said...

Annie-Nephew was in SF,CA so he missed the Manhattan viewing. BTW, a group of us family members are heading to your area in October.

Gigi-thank you the explanation. I can be dense at times...XOXOXO back to you!

MC and Tina-doing what I wish today.. Watching the Twilight Saga marathon on FX! Will squeeze in FF, Candy Crush and light housekeeping. Multitasking.

Someone tweeted that when filming "The Rover", Rob was singing a Southern gospel type song and David Michod asked about the song, Rob said he just made it up. If true, Rob is a talented musician as well as a great actor! Of course "Pretty Girl Rock" was selected. Love that scene in the movie.

Sending love and hugs to all.

Unknown said...

Just dropping by before I go to see my parents. I hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday. Love you all. BBL

Tbell said...

Hey hey ladies
Been super duper busy this weekend getting ready for vaca and I got a little disposed immersing myself in a completed and I have to share...

Pressed for Time

Omg was catching up with Plummy aka formerly Twanza, and saw chele681 mentioned at bottom of bio and clicked the link. I ready 17 long chapters in 2 days lol. Lots of Edward internal, deep, and dirty dialouge...my fave...sue me I'm a perv. Anyway tinsy tiny angst, not even enough to say angst because these two solve their few problems without much unbelievable shit happening lol. Anyway really good fic...

Tbell said...

Woopsie forgot to add its BxE and completed!


Hope yall are having a spectacular day. Its hotter n hell here and we're leaving just in time for mother nature to f my summer up with 100+ temps for a week lol.

Trying to keep it pg13 for those lurkers. Ha!

Tbell said...

Well Hope
If someone is upset because they feel lied to and misled then quite frankly they are dumb fucks. This someone needs to grow a pair of balls, stay on the blog they believe and quit crying like a pussy. Im sure you relate.

Unknown said...

TBELL you all have a good trip, hope you going somewhere cooler and I am so not doing outdoor duty this week, even though I love outdoor stuff. We are humid but not too hot yet. You old xxx blogger! MC and Annie, hope you got some R and R in, I most certainly did. I excel in afternoon catnaps! I ignore idiots and haters and watch Twilight all day revivals on FX. It is the day of rest and I really rest well! Sugar Lump and I are signing off early. Susie

Sherry said...

Hi ladies. I'm feeling better. Hope yet had a nice Sunday. Love you all.

Unknown said...

Hey y'all. Glad you're feeling better, Sherry. I watched the wedding scene from BD and cried so hard. It's so beautiful and perfect. My husband was in the room, and I am so thankful that he "gets" my love of the series. And as they were in the midst of the ceremony, I thought to myself that this happened for real. Then I began crying all over again! Love to you all.

Unknown said...

I'm right there with u gigi . Yes it happened for real!

andreana said...

Roflmfao.......thanks for the good laugh.......lol

andreana said...


Girl don't give it a thought....I did not take anything you said as criticism towards me...we R good.! I just wanted arleen not to worry....after all I do let those critters get under my skin....I see the hope less one has reared her ugly ass again....if we ever have our koolaid party...she will be the taste tester for the rest of us.....wow that thought brings me pleasure......Lol

Tbell said...

Omg...do you remember the koolaide Kids? Lmfao hkn and mama are like mr and mrs koolaide and we're all the Koolaide kids...google it....lol

a stargazzer said...

You know what was thinking would be really cool? If Robsten composed a lullaby for their daughter and they sing it to her in a duet. I can only imagine how cute that precious baby daughter of such talented artists will get to hear.

Morning Coffee said...

Hey Girls...hope you all hada pleasant day today...hubs and I did nothing but read watch movies and relax..stifling hot out today.

Tbell..enjoy your vacay...where you headed?

andreana..thanks girl..glad we are good.

VEE...where you been all week???

astargazzer...betcha that little one is gorgeous..wish one day we get to see her.

Sue..glad you and sugar got some good rest today.

Gigi..sweet girl..hope you had a good day watching twilight movies.

I just watched BD2 the other day.

Off to the dentist in the a.m. yuck. Won't be on till later in the day.


Lazmeister said...

MC - Good Luck at the Dentist - yuk!
Afternoon all - hope you have a wonderful Monday....

Unknown said...

Hi to all the Havenettes! I have been home since at 4 pm from work. Doing at the worktime before I almost clock out. All of sudden between my neck and my shoulder blade hit a pinch of nerve. It felt like someone set a fire on my shoulder. And it hurts still. I took motrin. And now I am going to bed. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all! Night everyone!

Annie said...

Morning all.
Another Monday! :)

MC: Hoping all goes well at the dentist today.

Take care everybody. Cheers!

Unknown said...

Arleen, This is from carrying heavy things and you just need to rest when you come home and don't clean house. Do your house work after you rest, ok? You need to pace yourself, you will be fine. Everyone who works has to learn we are not Superwoman or the White Tornado. I loved to work out in the vegetable garden and had to learn to do that on off days. You will learn. MC, hope you are better and Annie have a great day! Clouds will open in Australia soon. Susie

Sherry said...

I'm back online. Had to get a new router and fix phone jack. Still trying to get our blue ray to connect so I can stream netflix. I am a little better. Stomach still upset and dull headache, but up and moving. Love you all!

Unknown said...

CORRECTION, it is Still Alice THAT IS COMING TO Australia, ON Jan. 29, 2015. Wonder how soon coming to US ?

Morning Coffee said...

Hi girls...

Back from dentist the numb has worn off and the dicomfort has set in.

Just wanted to let you all know how Matt..my GDs friend is doing. He had his seventh surgery the other day. This surgery was to apply a material called integra to his cover his burns now that they have removed the damaged flesh they needed to along with muscles, tendons and other flesh parts destroyed by the excessive voltage that passed through his body.

This Integra will need to adhere to the wounds and fuse with them it takes about a month..then the surgeries to slowly rebuild missing body tissue can begin, he may also need to have parts of bone removed unless God can heal them before then.

His wife let us know according to the medical staff, Matt is a living miracle..but is in the worst pain imaginable...even so he hasn't lost his spirit and each day before any of his procedures he prays with the medical team aasking Gods blessings on them and thanking God for his own blessings.

bobbie Jean his wife asks for prayers for continued peace for Matt..help for his pain..and for their unborn child, as she fears all the stress she has been under watching him suffer so terribly.

This young an who is only in his mid twenties is a remarkable human being..please ladies to continue to keep him lifted up in prayer. We all know that prayer works.

Hope... these are the things in life that are important...not your childish games. you disgust me.

onagee said...

MC, I'm not religious, I admit, but Matt and Bobbie Jean are in my thoughts, I send them every hope for healing and an end to pain for him and for protection for their baby. I hope you feel better soon too. You are so right, the Hopeless troll who tries to needle people is disgusting, a giant mosquito to be swatted away.

Unknown said...

Hey everyone. MC, I'll be praying for Bobbie Jean, Matt, and the baby, That young man is a testimony to the power of prayer. I was thinking about them and you thins morning, and hanks for giving us an update. I hope you start feeling better soon, too. Cleaned up this morning, now it's time for me to write. Love that Rob and Kris are still MIA together.

Unknown said...

Well in this life, you must find something to live for
'Cause when the darkness comes crawling
You go back to where you were before
'Cause this life is as fragile as a dream
And nothing is ever really as it seems

As it seems
As it seems
As it seems

Well I lost my innocence, when in I let him dive
With the way he looked at me, made me feel alive
And now I know, nothing at all
With the release that comes when you're in mid fall

In mid fall
In mid fall
In mid fall

'Cause in this life, you must find something to live for
'Cause when the darkness comes crawling
You go back to where you were before
'Cause this life is as fragile as a dream
And nothing is ever really as it seems

As it seems
As it seems
As it seems

Unknown said...

Excuse me for a while,
While I’m wide eyed and I'm so down caught in the middle
I excused you for a while,
While I’m wide eyed and I'm so down caught in the middle
And a lion, a lion, roars would you not listen?
If a child, a child cries would you not forgive them

Yeah I might seem so strong
Yeah I might speak so long
I’ve never been so wrong
Yeah I might seem so strong
Yeah I might speak so long
I’ve never been so wrong

Excuse me for a while,
Turn a blind eye with a stare caught right in the middle
Have you wondered for a while
I have a feeling deep down you’re caught in the middle
If a lion, a lion, roars would you not listen?
If a child, a child cries would you not forgive them ?

Yeah I might seem so strong
Yeah I might speak so long
I’ve never been so wrong
Yeah I might seem so strong
Yeah I might speak so long
I’ve never been so wrong

Excuse me for a while,
While I’m wide eyed and I'm so down caught in the middle
Have you wondered for a while
I have a feeling deep down you’re caught in the middle

Yeah I might seem so strong
Yeah I might speak so long
I’ve never been so wrong
Yeah I might seem so strong
Yeah I might sṗeak so long
I’ve never been so wrong

Unknown said...

Morning Coffee, I am so glad you survived the dentist, not my favorite place in the world. Have been daily praying for your family and sounds like Bobbie has great strength and spirit, he is very special. Gosh, how many of us have the tummy bug? I do really well on diet 7-up and crackers(soda)--would love cheddar cheese but right now, not. I see another sad sack who is being monitored has crept out from under a rock with the same old, same old shit on a shingle. Good thing we have other options! Having hot as the hinges of Hades weather this week, so everyone here is cooling their heels inside , doing the ice tea with lemonade thing. Hang in there, your GD and HSB will be fine. It will take a lot more grafts, god bless him. Susie

Sherry said...

MC so glad he is hanging in there. Will keep him in my prayers.

Think I'm slowly getting better. Hope, I am also praying for you. The Bible tells us to pray for our enemies and those who persecute us. There is no reason to do what you do. None. I hope that you have a nice day just as I do all the ladies here.

Love you all.

a stargazzer said...

Thank you for the update I will be praying for him and his family. What remarkable young man indeed and God is guiding the hands of the doctors as he did with the scientists that created the procedures.

Now I want to ask for some prayers for my pregnancy a relative opened a door yesterday and it hit me by accident in my belly hard. I feel a bit of pain in my side and I can't tell if it the muscles or the uterus. I'm not bleeding or anything but I'm still worried. The doctor told me to keep an eye on things but otherwise wait. Pray my baby is okay please.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

It is funny, the only paper mentioning Rob out in LA is one in Boston. This is not coming from a newspaper/tab in LA. There are no photos or sightings of this either and this, when he as apparently out with Leonardo DiCaprio, Bradley Cooper, Emile Hirsch and others?? So many stars and not one sighting and no pic??

I will believe that when I get to see a picture of that one. Not before that.

Anonymous said...

Praying for everyone here, who is in need for prayers. Take care everyone.

Unknown said...

Stargazzer, you and your little one have been lifted up in prayer. If the pain increases please see your doctor immediately. Take care of yourself sweetie. XXOO

Unknown said...

Hi everyone! This is my 1st post although I've been reading this blog/comments for sometime. I really enjoy everyone's positivity. Although I'm not convinced 100% that Kristen/Rob are together, it makes me happy to read others thoughts/observations and gives me hope. Thanks for all you do HKN and I look forward to more posts in the future:)

ASFJ said...

Hi All!

Just got back after 2 days visiting with my sis. She is really doing much better.


Thank you. As if any of us here wouldn't be able to find anything out for ourselves, we get little hateful piss offs like Hope to come here thinking they can bust our bubble... Thanks again...love your timely info!


I've been thinking about you today, knowing you were at the dentist. Can just imagine how uncomfortable you must feel. Take heart, my friend, and feel better. Hope to see you soon...
I will definitely keep that young man and his family in my prayers...I can't imagine the amount of suffering he is going thru. It puts a lot of things in life in perspective, doesn't it? So young, and suffering so much, God bless him.


I will definitely think of you and your baby in my prayers....Please keep us posted, and try not to worry too much. That baby is better protected inside than any of us think!

As always, my very best wishes to all you gorgeous ladies of the Haven...love you

Unknown said...

GOOD EVENING, Gosh I am so glad you are better Sherry! STARGAZZER, any punch hurts there, and generally the baby is well protected in the mothers' womb. A fall down stairs is very scary, but I survived that with my youngest child, so I am giving the Lord the glory for your child's strength and your courage. Try to rest up and use a soft pillow to rest with. I am so very proud of Rob and Kristen Pattinson and their new little family. God bless a new sweet baby! Susie from Tornado Alley

Morning Coffee said...

ladies..Thanking each and everyone of you for your continued prayers for Matt and his team of Drs. his beautiful wife and their unborn baby..

If I am not mistaken I remember seeing those pics with that froup of guys about two or so years ago..so they are not anything recent.

However even if they were..husbands and wives are not attached at the hip 24/7 to think otherwise just shows how immature and unrealistic most girls and women are today. Probably accounts for the high rate of divorce...who wants to stick around when your spouse becomes your jailer.

a stargazzer..will lift you and the baby in prayer...but rest assured they are very well protected inside the womb. You not so much and will probably feel sore for awhile.

ASFJ..thrilled to here your sis is doing better..I know how families worry, and also how they come together to take care of their own. Shes blessed to have sisters who took such good care of her.

I am taking tylenol for the pain but.it doesn't really do much. I should feel better by tomorrow I hope.

Heading to bed early tonight ...so in case you don't see me until then have a good night all.

Love you ladies.

andreana said...

Tbell morning coffee

Anything done to teeth by a dentist to me is equal to hell....hope your pain goes away ASAP MC.....

Heck yeah I remember the koolaid kids....we can be the kool-aid kids....ROFL...I cannot believe the things these nut bags accuse us and hkn of....They are scared shitless that HKN tells the truth!!

Ok good nite ladies...you guys always keep me laughing.....I am going to be the lime kool- aid kid.....what's your flavor?

ASFJ said...


Cherry......good nite, kid and have a good one.

Unknown said...

M.C.- We are having really serious heat for the next two days, praying we keep the A/C running. This is after a cool spell. Hitting the sheet with two fans and a/c on now. Hoping you are cool. Keep a cold pack handy for your jaw. Night! Arlene, don't read any of the hate mail, hope you had a good night. Susie (night HKN)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't got to you all. I was running errands and went home and rest. So I am going to go to bed. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all. Sorry because of my neck. Talk to you all tomorrow.

Unknown said...

@Morning Coffee i am glad that your GD's friend is continuing to heal and get better they are all in my thoughts and prayers,@ASJF im glad your sister is getting better you are all in my thoughts, i have been poorly for a couple of days with this heat and haven't been able to get out of bed still not too well but getting their, well you all know i love you so have a great day take care be safe sending you all lots of hugs.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

magine (Version Originale)

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Annie said...

Morning all.

a Stargazzer: Praying for your baby and you. How are you doing today?

MC: Hoping everything with the dentist went well.

Sue Morris.......It's going to be a hot one here today.

Merle: October is a great month to be in NYC. My sister and her family will be here then as well. it's their favourite time of year to visit.

ASFJ: I saw where you said you shared the "stiff" joke. :) Hahahaha!

Tara O'Brien: If you're here with good intentions....Welcome!
I like that you were respectful in your comment.

Hi! Hi! to everyone else......Cheers! :)

Tbell said...

Hey hey ladies

Im heading off to vaca tomrw my luck something will come out when im a mile underground or eyeballs up with water lol.

Really hope ur feeling better sweet lady. Im gonna try and put a smile on ur face today. Ill email you what im doing on my vaca and you can LYAO thinking of me trying to keep up with all of it!

Lemonade flavor for sure! ;) lol

What everyone said about baby being protected is so true. God designed it so the baby could endure much. But I understand. Babys are precious and especially while still growing I was always so concerned so everyone here is correct. Pamper yourself until you feel alright.

Love to all the Havenettes. Love to Rob, Kristen and SweetPea aka. Sweet robbie jaymes. And even love to the hopeless troll Hope. Believe she's gonna need it.

Btw isnt it interesting several people have said something was going to be announced and yesterday all the tabs suddenly have rob and kristen back together?

Unknown said...

Good morning Sweet Ladies, We have a really warm day beginning so I am running(hopping around faster) to go do errands early. Such weird weather, hail in San Diego? Triple digits already in SW-Vegas, Arizona. Hope Morning Coffee is feeling good and not as sore. Star, hope you are better, and Arleen, hope you get rest. Got to go now. Love from Susie

Unknown said...

Annie, put on some sunshade and watch the weather. I was amazed at the truly weird stuff going on out there! I watched the weather channel and it is just plain nuts. TBELL, you all have a great vacation! For me, it doesn't matter what you do, or where you go as long as family and friends are there and you are not having to cook or clean house! HOT, HOT, HOT HERE! Susie from Tornado Alley

Sherry said...

Morning ladies. Gonna be a hot one here. I'm much better today. Going to go work at school this afternoon. Hubby going to foot Dr. We will know about bypass surgery tomorrow. Would really love to get it behind us. Been through it with both of my parents. Just hope my hubs is strong enough. Really concerned due to his overall health. Anyway, leaving it in God's hands as much as possible.

I am not surprised rag mags are back on the RK together wagon. Hoping for that money shot! They'll get it when RK decide it's time.

Have a nice day ladies. Love you all.

ASFJ said...


Have a great vaca and stay safe...wish I knew where you are going...have baby here again and they are predicting more thunderstorms...will think of you, MC and Laz laughing when I have that wind and rain blowing up my shorts!! and, yes, v e r y i n t e r e s t i n g that tabs are sayng they are together now.....loving every minute of it, aren't you?

Hope you're feeling better today.....keep us posted.

Sherry and Tina:

So glad you're starting to feel better. Hang in their and stay strong...we love you.


How are you feeling?


Glad you caught that....been missing your jokes lately.

Well, I'm off to the car dealership with the baby. I backed into a barbed wire fence this weekend with sis in the car trying to tell me how to drive (she doesn't drive and can't see either)....made me a nervous wreck...hence barbed wire fence... let's see how much this is gonna cost..brand new car!

As always, best wishes and love to you all.

P. S. Arleen, take care of your back and Sue....stay cool...

Unknown said...

Hey ladies! How are y'all?
Tracy, I hope you have a great vaca. Drop by when you get a chance.
Sherry,, you all are in my prayers. God has your family in the palm of His hand.
ASFJ, my dad sold cars for a few decades, so I'm used to dealerships. Let us know about your new car when you're done.
MC, Sue, Annie, Arleen, and any one I missed, have a great day! As for Rob and Kris, we all know the truth. The tabs and paps have nothing else to say about them, so it's time for the "reunion story." In six months. a "source" will say they've "broken up." It's the same stupid, pathetic attempt they use to try to make money. The only people that take them at face value are the naive fools that can't think on their own. I've had the same beliefs since 2008, and they aren't changing.

Morning Coffee said...

Well technically it's still a.m. so Goodmorning my sweet Haven ladies.

Yes my mouthis feeling better than it did yesterday..and I now look like a halloween pumpkin..two teeth left to go and then what I tried so hard to avoid..dentures. Implants are too costly so it looks like for me it's not a feasible plan. It's embarassing and has really put a damper on my social life..not that I had much of one to begin with.

My girlfriend tells me to shut the hell up nobody will care and if they do the heck with them. She loves me for me ;)

Tina..so sorry this heat is taking it's toll on you physically. it's been so very hot and humid, don't think it's done much of us good.

Sherry..praying for your husband and you that all goes well. You both stay in my thoughts.

Annie...we need some of your humor again soon..and kool-aid...I will be grape. ;)

Tbell...have the best time ever and do bring a first aid kit with you *-*

ASFJ...thanks for the reminder of the wind blowing up your shorts in a rain storm...I will smile the rest of the day.

stargazzer...hope you and the little peanut are doing perfectly well today.

Sue in tornado alley...you try to stay cool and take care of yourself...This weather is certainly strange at best..hotter than hades here and the humidity is hard to cope with..however the frogs love it...we have a symphony each night that would rival a night in a tropical rain forest.

Arleen..hope the pinched nerve in your neck feels better soon..ice it..10 minutes on 20 minutes off..ice seems to work better on nerves.

To all of our friends who have chosen to stay away for whatever reason...hope you are all doing well and you are thought of fondly.

Vern...What up baby sis..you been MIA you going ninja now? love you sweet girl.

andreana...ms. limeaid...hows the reading coming...

I have laundry to go do...and then need to clean out some more papaerwork..that I can at least do sitting down.

Love you all BBL

Annie said...

MC: I agree with your girlfriend! :)
Glad you're feeling better.

ASFJ and MC: Gotta run but here you go. :):)


A drunk man who smelled like
beer sat down on a
subway next to a priest.

The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered
with red lipstick, and a half-empty
bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket.
He opened his newspaper and began reading.

After a few minutes the man turned to
the priest and asked, "Say Father, what causes arthritis?"

The priest replies, "My Son, it's caused by loose living,
being with cheap, wicked women, too much alcohol, contempt for your fellow man, sleeping around with prostitutes and lack of a bath."

The drunk muttered in response, "Well, I'll be damned," then returned to his paper.

The priest, thinking about what he had said,
nudged the man and apologized.
"I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strong.
How long have you had arthritis?"

The drunk answered, "I don't have it, Father.
I was just reading here that the Pope does."

Sherry said...

Just saw that Just Alice and Maps to the Stars are both headed to Toronto International Film Festival. All over Twitter and just not fans saying it. First Cannes now Toronto! And rags back on the RK together wagon. Gonna be a good day! Or as the Black Eyed Peas sing...

Tonight's gonna be a good night
Tonight's gonna be a good good night..

Or if you prefer Kool and the Gang

Celebrate good times, come on!

Love you all.

Unknown said...

@Morning Coffee thankyou this heat is horrible and hope you feel better soon,@Sherry also seen that Still Alice and Maps to the Stars are both heading towards Toronto film festival so excited for them both well deserved,hope you all have a great evening.

a stargazzer said...

Thank you for the prayers and good wishes jumper254, Gigi Cullen
ASFJ, sue morris, Morning Coffee
Annie, Tbell.

I had to work today so I'm resting now I still feel a bit of pain specially in my pelvis and my back but Im not spotting or bleeding and the baby has moved a bit (she is too small yet to feel her all the time but I did felt her). Tomorrow I have a sonogram so I'm trying to keep calm since a doctor will see me so I'm sure to know how is she doing. I will let you know how it goes.
Blessings to my Haven family <3

Unknown said...

HEH. I have thought of a PURR-FECT explanation for Rob to say. Rob could say that --well, my wife Kristen says I can't have any more girlfriends, nope. Well, it's because we have a baby now and the baby is too young, she just wouldn't understand what a girlfriend is! Do you think that might cover all those curious asshole questions? Heck, this make-believe explanation would probably cause strokes and heart attacks combined. After so long, how does one inform the public, the nosey people like me, very gently about earth-shaking information. I kind of think it will filter down from family ,friends, representatives, but I really would be amazed to have them both make a joint statement. I really think we are getting the information bit by bit, slowly, so as not to drop the bomb and cause problems. Our ever alert Rob and Kristen are both rather kind people who never thought their lives were public fodder. And, if anyone understands what they want, it would be their friends and family, a large group of folks. I think the family might make a statement through their reps. And it will be very brief. I also think that even a positive statement will be turned upside down and backwards by the PRESS, who just hate the real truth. Who knows, I think Kristen just informed us she had a baby. In a music video. And, she did a Marcel Marceau to boot! You have to admit, it gets funnier and cuter, the more you watch her and everyone else. Anne's tears! The test tube showing pregnancy! What a video! What a group of beautiful women! And, as usual, you are allowed to think what ever you want. I wonder who directed the video! Well, these are my silly musings for this hot day in July, 21st, 2014. Just make believe. Susie from Tornado Alley. Annie, your joke was a real giggle, I loved it!

ASFJ said...


Your joke was hysterical....I can actually see Pope Francis having a good laugh over that one!

Had a terrible day at the car dealership...here I am with a 3-year-old, and they took their sweet time trying to give me an estimate. The kid needed a bath after we got back from that filthy body shop.....and the estimate is a fortune! Maybe I should shop around....Gigi, need your advice here! Dealer or independent body shop?

Been tra-la-laing after reading MN's blog...

See you guys later, love you all.

andreana said...

Hey MC

Reading is going great...iam plowing my way thru like a mad obsessed person....I need some help...I lost the one I was reading and cannot pull it back up...if anyone knows this storyline please tell me the name of the book...I do not know the name...the storyline is that Bella right out of college, gets a job as a personal assitant to mr cullen ...he gives her awfuljobs to do to get her to quit... and she does but things start to get interesting when he saves her one night from an attack by victoria...he is a vampire in this story....I know my koolaid kids can help.....pleeze!,anybody know the story?...

Unknown said...

ASFJ, if your car is under warranty, see the dealership. Having a three yr old with you can be very taxing, and if I lived closer, I'd let him stay with me. My dad told me and my sisters to use well known independent body shops. I've always been a fan of the ones that are run by family - you can work out specific deals with them. Go early if you can so you don;t have to wait as long.
I'm extremely happy over the posts at SRWN, but I've never doubted that they're married and have a child. And the news over the film festival is exciting. It's a great day to be an RKian!!! Love you all.

Sherry said...

Finally got my shelves rearranged in one of my rooms at school. Really hot here! Suppose to rain tonight and cool of a little.

I loved that joke. Told my hubs and he liked it too. Imalsomlike the thought of Rob saying his wife won't let him have a girlfriend since they have a baby. That should do it. Lol.

Have a nice evening. Love you all.

Unknown said...

About three months ago, I was hit from a lady going 60 into my bumper in front in the small town I live in. This went to Farmers' Insurance and they recommended a local independent shop. They guaranteed their work. And, because they missed checking something, I went back and the totally fixed that car. It was the A/C and believe me, I really need that this week, convertible or not. Go to somebody they guarantees their work, that's all I can say and if possible get a recommendation from your insurance man. ASFG, my repair was off the charts, but this shop repaired the A/C for free and checked everything else. They guaranteed their work. Stay cool!

ASFJ said...

Thank you Gigi and Sue for your advice. I will certainly follow it....have my work cut out for me.

Going to bed now, which is early for me. Completely worn out but my daughter is coming tomorrow to get her precious bundle. She is having some serious family issues....keep her in your thoughts. But I will read Midnight Sun for the 5,000th time again and have very happy thoughts about our beautiful couple. Want to forget everything else!

Tra-La-La!! Love you all and g'nite.

Unknown said...

MC-I feel your pain with your with the dental work you are going through. Just remember after completing the final process, you will have the prettiest smile!! It is worth it. Stargazzer-I am praying for you and your baby. Please let us know how you and the baby are doing after your sonogram. ASFJ-sorry to read about your run in with wired fence. Have you check with your insurance company for coverage? So glad to hear your sister is doing better. Sherry-more prayers being sent your way for you and your husband. Keeping my fingers crossed for good news about the bypass!!! Annie-love your humor! Tina-hope you are feeling better and the weather improves in your area. Arleen-hope your pinch nerve is healing and your are doing better. Be cautious when leaving your work at late hours. Be safe! MC-sending prayers to your gd's friend (Matt?. He is making amazing recovery. Andreana-I am still trying to find my first FF started but not finished. Luckily I can find Gigi's FF.

Sending love and hugs to all

Unknown said...

MC-I feel your pain with your with the dental work you are going through. Just remember after completing the final process, you will have the prettiest smile!! It is worth it. Stargazzer-I am praying for you and your baby. Please let us know how you and the baby are doing after your sonogram. ASFJ-sorry to read about your run in with wired fence. Have you check with your insurance company for coverage? So glad to hear your sister is doing better. Sherry-more prayers being sent your way for you and your husband. Keeping my fingers crossed for good news about the bypass!!! Annie-love your humor! Tina-hope you are feeling better and the weather improves in your area. Arleen-hope your pinch nerve is healing and your are doing better. Be cautious when leaving your work at late hours. Be safe! MC-sending prayers to your gd's friend (Matt?. He is making amazing recovery. Andreana-I am still trying to find my first FF started but not finished. Luckily I can find Gigi's FF.

Sending love and hugs to all

Morning Coffee said...

Ladies...stopping by to say goodnight...

ASFJ...Will your car insurance not cover it? I mean that's what we pay them for..generally a dealership doesn't do as good body work as a professional body shop...if insurance won't cover it ask them who they use..they will tell you. Good Luck.

gils love you all but I am so tired and my mouth is really sore tonight..heading to bed now.

will catch up with all of you tomorrow.

Morning Coffee said...

andreana I will search for your stories...have you checked your footprints on computer you may find it that way...
Night all.

Unknown said...

dropping in before going to bed. Have a slight headache, which is odd for me. Andreana and MC, I would love to know what the name of that fic is, too. I read way too much fanfiction, but it's my escape. Finished another chapter of Magnolias in NY thank goodness. ASFJ, I love Midnight Sun!! Merle, you always put a smile on my face. I promise as soon as I get the chapter back from my beta, I'll make the edits and post it. Rest well you all. Love to my Haven family.

Morning Coffee said...

andreana try this one..it might be the one you are looking for

Morning Coffee said...

Duh can you tell how tired I am forgot to post the link here you go


Lazmeister said...

MC Sleep well - I hope your pain dissipates quickly.
ASFJ I'm smiling all day thinking of you and the wind!
It's so cold here - we almost had 0 last night! Loving it!
Love to all

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Good night to all the Havenettes ladies! I am feeling better now. I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all. Love you all. Thank you all for checking up on me. I love all your comments. You all have been great. Well night. I am visiting my two nieces at my mother in law's house before work tomorrow. Hope you all have a great night.

Anonymous said...

Rob bowling with Zac Efron last night

Unknown said...

good Morning
I hope any is fine? !
A new friendship between Rob and Zac? OK
Is it possible that in such bowling center also has a roller rink?
Because Cj has a post where he was, and Kristen did comment. she had funny? !
So was Rob and Kristen if there;-)
All a nice Wednesday. Love you all

Happygirl said...

@sanni The commment at Cj instagram pic was NOT from Kristen. It was a fake one.

Sanni der Kommentar war nicht von der echten Kristen. Jemand gibt sich für sie aus.

Unknown said...

Then this account'''' pfffftuhsuhu not kristen?
thought of it all the time.
he always gives off comments

Anonymous said...

@sanni. the account with the 'u' at the end is an imposer. Not Kristen!
And no, I don't think that the bowling alley has a roller skate rink too.

Another pic of Rob at the bowling alley.


Unknown said...

ok thanks for your answer

on that u I have never noticed;-)

Sherry said...

Good morning ladies. Up very early to get husband to dialysis. Have appointment with cardiac surgeon today. Will know about surgery then.

If you would like to see an uplifting video, go to espn and type in make a wish in the search. Click on the video about Steve Loszewski. His grandma is my first cousin.

I hear noise on the site again. Poor Rob can't even go bowling with friends without people jumping on it. So what? He is not just out with friends but this is also how he networks and gets himself out there for movie rolls. It's not just about fun. Part of the going out is part of his job as an actor and how he keeps working. It's like us going to our job everyday. He doesn't get a steady paycheck just because he is an actor. He is always looking for work even when he has projects lined up. We all need to remember that.

Have a nice day. Love you all.

Unknown said...

Well said sherry. U are right. Rob said he met most directors he work with by networking. He has a list of directors he trying to work with. Husbands and fathers are allowed to go boweling with friends. He wasnt doing cocaine, he wasnt sloppy drunk and he was having sex with someone.so whats the problem. Rob and k baby has grandparents. The baby could be with k mom she could be spending time with alicia and suzie and rob could have decided to go boweling.rob has been mia for over week and half. Where do u think he was. With his wife and baby. These pics do not represent what rob did all day. What else did he do that day. Yeah that.

Anonymous said...

Hey Theresa Holmes, BOWL...what people eat soup out of.

BOWEL-large intestine where feces comes out of.

Bowling Alley: Where people take a ball and throw it down a long alley to knock over pens

Boweling Alley: I'm not quite sure but I think it would be a shitty place.

ASFJ said...

Hey veritas 729:

Thank you for your timely and instructive spelling lesson.....I thought bowling alleys were where balls were thrown down an alley to knock over PINS...not pens....

There ya go, and a hearty FU to you too.

Unknown said...

is always stupid that he is caught again by the paps.
I do not understand the of expressive of rob,
that these Paps no longer earn money at him,
but now have they however often photographed him.
Or he just said of him and Kristen together?
Because of him we will get again a lot of pap photos

Is not evil of me, it struck me it was now and in the past

Perhaps it can someone explain to me

Sherry said...

Pics r fan pics. At least the 3 I saw.

Happygirl said...

@sanni The papz will get money with every pic of Rob or Kristen alone or with friends. The tabs will buy those pics, because the tabs can write another BS Story! RK can't win!

Unknown said...

Evening to all the Havenettes,Hkn,Mama Nails, hope you are having a great day @Morning Coffee,Gigi,Arleen hope you are all feeling better today im feeling better got to go to GP tomorrow see what happens ,Rob cant go anywhere or be with anyone without people having a go no wonder Him and Kristen go MIA for Days/ weeks at a time, well still really hot here :(,hope you all have a good night be safe take care.

Unknown said...

Afternoon ladies. How is everyone? Sherry, is your husband doing alright? ASFJ, have I told you that I love your sarcasm? Rob looks like his usual self in the pictures I've seen. It's healthy for him to get out of the house and be around his friends. I wish my husband would do that more often to relax. My fil used to play pool at least once a week with his friends while my mil was at home. Rob and Kris are in a wonderful stage in their lives together. Love them and you all so much.

Unknown said...

Howdy! I do believe if Rob went outside to whiz, someone would comment and take the picture. I really do feel for both because they just want to get out and have fun, and Zac is an old friend, as Kristen and Rob went to a friend's wedding in New York two years ago and Zac and Rob had fun singing along with pre-recorded music, which Rob loves. I am not sure but I would think being at home gets old for both new parents and they probably do go out a lot together, they just cannot do it as easily with other people . Isn't there something called Guy's night out, Girl's night out, as well as Date night out. There ought to be a NO PHOTO NIGHT, or SHOOT THE PARAPAZZI NIGHT, with PAINT GUNS! and awards given for the most hits. Arleen, how is the back? Morning Coffee, how is your mouth? STARGAZZER, how are you sweetie? ANNIE, more jokes, please. What is going on with the white flag brigade? God knows New Yorkers are a really tough breed, and it does not sound like a for real deal, sounds like politics as usual. Tea Party politics. I have lived there, New Yorkers are very much, red white and blue flags and everyone waves one, I have a big one waving all the time! I would bet you somebody gets a citation really soon! love, Susie from Tornado Alley, Oklahoma USA

Unknown said...

Hope there were only pictures now from the Bowling night
All others were just rumors

Rogue said...


Where are the pics of him partying with Bradley Cooper and Leo D? And where the pics of him partying at CM this weekend?

irene said...

OH, ladies, just ignore the Hopeless One.....

You know her game..... complete with the lies re pics.......

Annie said...

Evening all.
Irene: Hi....Yes, we know. ;)
Funny how they can find Rob bowling with Zac E but not with Leo D and Bradley C partying.
Leo D was in Miami......Flew back in throygh LAX on sunday.

Bradley C is in LA but i had to do a double take when i saw pics of him with beard and a baseball cap.....I thought it was Rob at first :)

irene said...

Leo is in Nice, flew in Tuesday and was in Miami over the weekend......

Unknown said...

Hey, there are some people here we do not talk to. HKN and TEMPEST together and separately have made a request to ignore stupid haters that are just around to just make nasty stinky farts and cause somebody who is happy to be upset. I always think, I wonder if this hater works for Hollywood Lies or another trash magazine? When you read trash, think about it, why would a hater come here? We are a happy post and haters who look for negative things to post need to go to Gossip Cop, they love to hate over there. That's bash everybody blog.

Unknown said...

Thanks Irene, we appreciate knowing where Leo is. He seems like a busy guy. And, he is another hard working actor. But, just like Rob and Kristen and all these other actors, I would bet that we do not know the first thing about Leonardo. What you see is not what get much of the time. What you read in the gossip magazines is basically lies, because few people really know these stars. Maybe their families.

Vallie said...

Hi Havenettes!

Been lurking & enjoying but haven't commented in a while.

Hope we get an update after HKN visits with her cuz tonight! So exciting! Her updates are always great!

Best wishes to all -

Annie said...


A man goes to his doctor and says, "I don't think my wife's hearing is as good as it used to be. What should I do?"

The doctor replies, "Try this test to find out for sure. When your wife is in the kitchen doing dishes, stand 15 feet behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn't respond keep moving closer and asking the question until she hears you."

The man goes home and sees his wife preparing dinner. He stands 15 feet behind her and says, "What's for dinner, honey?" He gets no response, so he moves to 10 feet behind her and asks again. Still no response, so he moves to five feet -- still no answer. Finally he stands directly behind her and says, "Honey, what's for dinner?"

She replies, "For the fourth time, I SAID CHICKEN!"

A woman went to see her doctor. After about 15 minutes with one of the new doctors, she went screaming down the hall. Another doctor stopped and asked her what the problem was and she explained.

The second doctor went back to the first and said, "What's the matter with you? Mrs. Terry is 63 years old. She has four grown children and seven grandchildren and you told her she was pregnant?"

The new doctor simply smiled and said, "Cured her hiccups though, didn't it?"

A senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the
Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left.“Amazing,” he thought as he flew down I-45, pushing the pedal even more.
Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a state trooper behind him, lights
flashing and siren blaring........He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, “What am I doing? I’m too old for this,” and pulled over to await the trooper’s arrival.

Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the Corvette, looked at his watch and said, “Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I’ve never heard before, I’ll let you go.”
The old gentleman paused. Then said, “Years ago, my wife ran off with a State Trooper. I thought you were bringing her back.”
“Have a good day, sir,” replied the trooper.

Unknown said...

Hello to all the Havenettes ladies! I am on my way to work. After work, I an going home straight to bed. Keep me posted. Hugs incase I don't say good night. I love you all. I also had a great time with my two nieces. Later.

ASFJ said...


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.....take a breath....hahahahahahahaha!!!


How are you feeling? I'm starting to worry...hope you're OK....keep us posted.


Have a safe workday and take care.

Annie said...

Glad I can make you laugh out loud. :)

Loved your comment earlier. Had me howling.......That was some smackdown. :)
Hope you're well.

Unknown said...

robert pattinson has finally shaved...At dinner with kristen, tom and a couple other friends.PDA was a yes...

Where that?

Lazmeister said...

ASFJ - PMSL! Love the comeback!
Annie - I love the state trooper joke - gets me every time!
MC I hope you're feeling ok..
Vee - miss you!
Tbell - hope you're having a fantastic vacation!
Sherry - hope hubby does ok today.
Gigi I hope everything is well and stress free in your life today.
Love to all.

emily said...

Haven't commented for a very long time but have tried to read new posts. Rob bowling sounds good and Zac did go to support Rob at The Rover premiere. Anyways it all sounds good. I love anyone who supports our beautiful Rob.

andreana said...


Bowels....consist of the small intestine and the colon...also known as the large intestine...small bowel is attached to the ascending colon by way of the ileocecal junction...next portion of the large bowel is the transverse colon..connected by the splenic flexure..to the descending colon part of large bowel..connected to the sigmoid and rectum.....and that is where the shit comes from...

andreana said...

Morning Coffee and gigi cullen

Thanks MC....I finally was able to retrieve the story.....I finished it today....The name of it is Creature of Habit....check it out it is really good....I loved Bella's personality in this story...she is spunky and funny....edward is extremely OCD....very good! Thanks for the help you guys.....on to the next story.....I am beginning to wonder if it will ever be possible to tire of Edward and Bella......lol

Morning Coffee said...

Hey girls...been taking it easy today not feeling terrific..andreana glad you found your story..was it the link I sent you? tire of Bella and Edward doubtful...Rob and Kristen immortalized them.

ASFJ...I'm good in general...felt crappy today and tired didn't sleep well last night..

Annie...thanks for the funnies..that put a smile on my face.

Hope why don't we believe any of you that hate Kirsten...We know what the truth is..verified by very reliable experts...You can doubt all you want and try to hook Rob up with every other woman in the world like the losers you follow...but the facts will always be the facts..Rob and Kristen are married and they have a baby daughter... I have a hot tip for you stay away from the hate blogs and the gossip rags and learnt to think for yourself.

Heading to bed ladies..

I'll be back in the a.m. have a good night all.

Unknown said...

Good evening Sweet ladies, How is it we always draw some smart asses that are so stupid! I wonder when Kristen leaves for Japan? She seemed to love Japan and the people, hoping she enjoys working there. These two are so truly ninja that we would never know where they are unless we already knew. I love how they keep the press busy checking out the bowling lanes, they always cover each others backs, always. And, Rob and Kristen must spend time prefiguring when and where they can visit each other when working. I just spend time each night saying prayers for the people here who need our prayers. I would bet Grandma Pattinson and Stewart are praying constantly for their children, right along with us. Hoping you all are feeling better, Annie your jokes gave me a bellyache, I really loved the car racing joke. It was so real.

Unknown said...

MC, I think you pegged her. But, these haters have no life at all, just their hate. That's why they have no common sense and are very lazy, too lazy to see the real world, and realize the gossip blogs are making money off hate. Their hate for two people they do not know, but they know they hate them. Kristen and Rob are married and are happy with a brand new baby girl, and their world is their own. Susie

Sherry said...

Great jokes. Just wanted to let you all know my hubs surgery is the 29 at 7:30 a.m. Will be about 4 hours.

As for haters, I've thought all along they could be working for rag mags. Wouldn't be a bit surprised.

Have a nice night. Love you all.

Unknown said...

I finally updated!! Hope everyone is having a great evening.

Anonymous said...

@alexa, this is old, 2011 if I am right

praying for all the people in need here on this blog and in your life

Frenchie said...

I'm off on holiday from tomorrow night so I will be mostly absent unless I find a wifi connection where I'll be!

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! Good luck to the ones coming back and having to go to work!

Keep up the good work!

Peace and love to all and to KR and SP!

Unknown said...

good Morning,
I hope all are doing well!

Frenchie I wish you a nice holiday!

Beautiful Thursday, love you all

Frenchie said...

Thank you Sanni! :-))

Morning Coffee said...


Dear Abby,
A couple of women moved in across the hall from me. One is a middle-aged gym teacher and the other is a social worker in her mid twenties. These two women go everywhere together, and I've never seen a man go into or leave their apartment. Do you think they could be Lebanese?

Dear Abby,
What can I do about all the Sex, Nudity, Fowl Language and Violence on my VCR?

Dear Abby, I have a man I can't trust. He cheats so much, I'm not even sure the baby I'm carrying is his..

Dear Abby,
I am a twenty-three year old liberated woman who has been on the pill for two years. It's getting expensive and I think my boyfriend should share half the cost, but I don't know him well enough to discuss money with him.

Dear Abby,
I've suspected that my husband has been fooling around, and when confronted with the evidence, he denied everything and said it would never happen again.

Dear Abby,
Our son writes that he is taking Judo. Why would a boy who was raised in a good Christian home turn against his own?

Dear Abby, I joined the Navy to see the world. I've seen it. Now how do I get out?

Dear Abby,
My forty year old son has been paying a psychiatrist $50.00 an hour every week for two and a half years. He must be crazy.

Dear Abby, I was married to Bill for three months and I didn't know he drank until one night he came home sober.

Dear Abby, My mother is mean and short tempered I think she is going through mental pause.

Dear Abby,
You told some woman whose husband had lost all interest in sex to send him to a doctor. Well, my husband lost all interest in sex and he is a doctor. Now what do I do?

Remember, these people can vote!!

Morning Coffee said...

Goodmorning all...thought I wuld start our day with a little humor..some of it is a little ribald..just a warning...The Dear Abby one reminds me of some of Mama nails anons and our uninvited
guests from time to time. Have a grand day back later..need more advil.


A: It's Braille for 'suck here'.

A: It's the same as a French kiss, but 'downunder.'

A: Melt them down, make a tire, and call it a Goodyear.

A: Because when they come, they're wild and wet, and when they go, they take your house and car with them.

A: Because they don't have any balls to scratch...


Q: What is a man's Ultimate embarrassment?
A: Running into a wall with an erection and breaking his nose.

Nominated as the world's best short joke

A 3-year-old boy examined his testicles while taking a bath. 'Mom', he asked, 'Are these my brains?'
'Not yet,' she replied.


ASFJ said...


Absolutely hysterical....scary isn't it? How are you feeling? Still up for Ocoee? I will absolutely understand if you're not....dental problems are horrendous and certainly you have the right not to be in the mood to meet a fellow Havenette in the midst of all of this!! Let me know.


Don't want to look stupid, but what does PMSL mean?

Love you all..tra-la-la for RK!


ASFJ said...


Just read the questions jokes....copying them down for further use......hysterical!

Annie said...

Morning all!

MC: Wowza!! :):) Forget Dr.Abby, i'm on the floor with the.....
Too freaking funny!

Annie said...

PMSL means Pissing my self laughing.

ASFJ said...


Oh...OK...gonna use that from now on....saves time!

Unknown said...

What a great way to start off my morning, MC! I have to tell some of these to my husband. And the questions for Dear Abby reminded me of the idiotic anons MN gets, too. Hope you're feeling better soon. Have a good vacation, Frenchie. It's so warm and humid here. I think I'm ready for fall. Love to my Haven family.

Frenchie said...

Wonderful MC! Thank you! The last one is so funny, I burst out laughing in a busy place and everybody looked at me as if I was strange and dangerous!!!

Unknown said...

Good morning to all the Havenettes ladies! Hi Gigi, Morning Coffee, Frenchie, Tbell, irene, sue morris, ASFJ, andreana, Sherry, Sanni K, and the rest of Havenettes! Where are the rest of Havenettes ladies? Like NOLA girl, and the rest of Havenettes? I hope some of you are ok. I am also working tonight and tomorrow night. Well, I better get my duties down before work.

Sue from Holland said...

@MC, hilarious. Hahahaha, specially the 3yr old boy one. Men are always running after and thinking with their dicks.

Sherry said...

Good morning, barely, all. Loved the DearAbby and questions. Going to be a nice day here so I am going to mow the yard and do some housework.

Hope all of you are okay. I'll let you all know how my hubs is next week after the surgery.

Have a nice day. Love you all.

Morning Coffee said...

ASFJ ...I hope to be able to meet up next week...I have never had an extraction to hurt so bad...made another visit to dentist earlier and he said I have a dry socket..not knowing what that is of course I asked....The clot that should form having a tooth or in this case two side by side fell out...leaving air to get to the bone..he packed it and gave me a prescription for pain killers but will stick with tylenol and advil.
he'll check it again next week..and do the last two extracts..Oh happy day.
Like I said I hope to be able to meetwill let you know by SAt or Sun.

Morning Coffee said...

Ladies glad you all enjoyed the funnies..my friend Lib sends me e-mails now and then that have me in stitches.

Happy to give you all a smile.

It is horribly hot here..the heat is bad enough but the humidity is making it unbearable. Last night instead of cooling down it actually got hotter.

Will be back this evening going to try to close my eyes.

Anonymous said...

So, pic on the instagram account of Kristen's Make-up artist, who was with her in Nola too, with comment from Kristen. Seems they are on their way to Tokyo already. Pre-production for Equals.

a stargazzer said...

Just got back from the sonogram baby girl is doing fine like all you said I was worried about nothing.
Thank you for all the prayers! <3

Unknown said...

a stargazzer, Congrats!

Unknown said...

@a stargazzer glad your scan went well so pleased for you and your family,@MC that was bl**dy fantastic i must say thankyou for cheering me up hope your feeling better,@Lazmeister hope you are well,@Gigi how you doing hectic as ever i guess will kids off school,@Sherry you and your family are in my prayers and thoughts for next week and always,@sue morris and Vernier how you both doing, @NOLA girl hope your ok haven't seen you here for a while,@ASFJ hows your sister,Well had an x-ray today on my leg it sort of collapsed on me while shopping get results in 7 days everything seems to be getting to me at the moment but coming on here and reading all the lovely comments about everyone keeps me going, well love you all so take care be safe.

Unknown said...

Afternoon all. A stargazzer, that's fantastic news! I'm thrilled for you and your baby. How are you Arleen? Still enjoying your job? Tina, how is your family? I have six kids in my home at this minute, so I'm in the midst of a bit of chaos. Have to get dinner started in a few minutes.

Unknown said...

Hi Gigi and Tina! I am good. I was about to go to work today. But my boss called me to take a day off. Because I am a dishwasher. There are five people on bussers and dishwasher. Which I don't mind. So today I am going out. Yes, prayers do help.

Unknown said...

Texte d'origine
Crowded hallways are the loneliest places for outcasts and rebels Or anyone who just dares to be different And you've been trying for so long to find out where your place is But in their narrow minds, there's no room for anyone who dares to do something different Oh, but listen for a minute Trust the one who's been where you are wishing all it was was sticks and stones Those words cut deep but they don't mean you're all alone You're not invisible Hear me out, there's so much more to life than what you're feeling now Someday you'll look back on all these days and all this pain is gonna be Invisible Oh, invisible So your confidence is quiet To them quiet looks like weakness but you don't have to fight it Cause you're strong enough to win without the war Every heart has a rhythm, let yours beat out so loudly That everyone can hear it, yeah, promise you don't need to hide it anymore Oh, and never be afraid of doing something different Dare to be something more Trust the one who's been where you are wishing all it was was sticks and stones Those words cut deep but they don't mean you're all alone You're not invisible Hear me out, there's so much more to life than what you're feeling now Someday you'll look back on all these days and all this pain is gonna be Invisible Oh, invisible These labels that they give you just 'cause they don't understand If you look past this moment, you'll see you've got a friend Waving a flag, for who you are, and all you're gonna do Yeah, so here's to you and here's to anyone who's ever felt invisible Yeah You're not invisible Hear me out, there's so much more to life than what you're feeling now Yeah, someday you'll look back on all these days and all this pain is gonna be Invisible It'll be invisible
Proposer une meilleure traduction

Unknown said...

MC Love your answers to the questions-that is so cool. A dry socket is no joke, you might need the pain pills. I just sleep great if I am in pain, and it takes me a day to feel half way normal, but they do let you sleep. Boy I am glad your baby's fine and dandy, STARGAZZER. Wow, Mama Nails has had a really tough day with total idiots submitting the same old questions and calling her names, they sound like 4 year olds that refuse to let go of a favorite toy. Honestly, some of these dingbats need to be given some serious attention. I vote for turning off their computers and smart phones and sending them all to summer school to learn how to spell and keep them busy reciting LATIN words and memorizing these words and their meanings. That should keep the idiots busy. Annie and MC - it is to be in the triple digits this weekend. From what Mama said, it is not for sure Kristen has left, with or without the baby and Rob. It was a subject discussed, but not really confirmed. It does not sound right that they would talk about it on line, but what do I know. Maybe a little premature, but who knows? I know she said she loves Japan and the charming people there. They are very polite, quiet, patient and funny. Actually, I went to college with some Japanese and Hindu students. They were very kind and intelligent , both groups. One Hindu girl was pre-med and in my German class, she was wonderful, I will never forget her, she was a great friend to me. The Russian professor of my husband and his family were lovely. I wish we had been able to keep track of these people. Hoping Rob and Kristen have a great time in Japan. The Japanese are good at becoming ninja I do believe. Please have a really good evening, I am off to dreamland. Susie from Tornado Alley

Unknown said...

hi girls HKN spoke with his cousin?

Lazmeister said...

ASFJ - sorry I hadn't been back on since yesterday - but thanks Annie for answering her question!
MC - PMSL! Just for good measure! They were brilliant!
Frenchie hope you have a fantastic trip!
Stargazzer - I'm so glad you can rest easy now - I played Netball when I was pregnant (early stages) in a Mixed team and the boys refused to pass to me incase the opposition hit me! It's nice to be protected sometimes!
Sherry, Jumper, Arleen, Tina, Gigi hope you're all well..
Vee where are you!!!!
NOLAGirl, RKFaith & my dearest Pookiewhereareyoumeister - come back! We miss you!

Lazmeister said...

Sue M how could I forget you! and Yes Mama does get the odd ones doesn't she!
Sue from Holland - glad to see you here!
Go Aussies in the Comm games - already a WR!

Unknown said...

Ladies I'm exhausted. Sent over two hours chatting with a dear friend while seven kids were in the house. I think our a/c needs to be looked at soon. It was 80 degrees in here today. Calling it a night. Love you all so much.

Sherry said...

There are pics on Robsten Dreams of Kristen at LAX. Think she is leaving but hard to tell.

Got yard mowed and weed eaten. We just finished eating left overs and will be taking a shower and heading to bed. Hubby has dialysis tomorrow and then we will go to grandson's last baseball game, I think, for the season.

Well, have a nice evening. See you all tomorrow. Love you all.

Unknown said...

Kristen at LAX looks tired and hot, which is definitely is! She brought the guitar, and it helps to relax her. When she goes overseas she sometimes takes it, and looks like a baby carrier at the back. At some point, both Rob and Kristen probably just don't care about the paparazzi, they have gone through the worst and come out just fine. Tomorrow is to be way over 100 degrees and also Sat. here. Glad she is leaving early. You all have a good night, Arleen have a nice day tomorrow! Susie

Unknown said...

Good night to all the Havenettes ladies! Hugs to you all. Keep me posted. I am going to pray that Kristen's plane doesn't crash. And hope she makes it safe where she is going. And I also pray for all of you too. I will talk to you all tomorrow. Night! Love you all. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

So, Kristen is in Tokyo by now. Asia for almost 8 weeks. Equals shot is supposed to start on August 4th and will last till September 14th. Ending in Singapore.

And sorry, this is no baby carrier, it is a backpack, that she has on her back. She has Scott with her as her PA.

Frenchie said...

You're not looking at the right thing!

Frenchie said...

Where is everybody today?!

K has safely landed in Japan with a big entourage and I bet a very precious cargo...

No paps at the airport and a handful of fans! Isn't that wonderful! She was able to walk freely to her car...

Sherry said...

Hi ladies. Pics all over Twitter of Kristen. Noticed she is carrying Rob's backpack. Does he ever get to use anything he gets more then once? Lol. I can't say much. I'm always wearing my husbands white t-shirts and his tank tops. And a few of his other shirts. She was smiling and signing pics for fans. So this shoot lasts about a month. August 4 to September 14. Glad she got there safely.

Hope you all have a nice day and a great weekend. Check back later. Love you all.

Unknown said...

Im here frenchie. What do u mean about backpack? Rj is definitely with k in japan.there are private entrances to lax or baby could have flown private with nanny, daddy or grandparents.

Unknown said...

Kristen pa is carrying robs guitar case.just like suzie carried to europe for k.as her pa. K is rich and can afford her own case. She wouldn't be carrying robs guitar case if they broke up a year ago.

Frenchie said...

Hi Teresa, I didn't talk about a backpack!?

Happygirl said...

If anyone still think that RK broke up then please search for help! No Ex girlfriend would do this: K signed the HP mag with her & R on the cover with an "angelic smile

Annie said...

Frenchie: :) :):)

Annie said...

Happygirl: People really need to open their eyes.

Good morning all.

Unknown said...

This morning on SRWN they are talking about how sweet Kristen is with her fans and the guitar of Rob's and possibly a pram. I think it is great the Japanese press are considerate, a real rarity in this world. Praying for their safety. Everyone calm down, there will always be haters that know nothing posting to this blog. Love, Susie

Frenchie said...

Mine are wide open! Hi Annie! And what I see is lovely and sweet...

Annie said...

Frenchie: :) The same! The same! :):):):)

Frenchie said...

'):):):):):) indeed!

Sherry said...

Well said about haters. It's their loss that they choose to be blind. So excited for RK and Rj. So proud of This little family and how hard they work to keep private what should be private.

Love you all.

Unknown said...

good day all,
I hope kristen and little RJ had a good flight.
Although I see no strollers or car seats, maybe you show me a picture?
Possibly shall fly after Rob when he was in London after'' Rover premiere.
We will see!
beautiful Friday and weekend start.
love you all

Happygirl said...

Different day same stupid troll here with her BS!

Unknown said...

Hello to all the Havenettes ladies! I am off to work. Keep me posted. Talk to you all later. Hugs!

Unknown said...

Happygirl, Just ignore the troll/bully. Later sweetie! I am off to work. Hugs! Keep me posted.

Unknown said...

Hey Y'all! Isn't a great thing to choose to be happy despite the circumstances you're in? One of the things I adore about our Haven is that the ladies here always look towards the brighter side of life. I despise a bad attitude. No one ever makes you turn into a bitter person - you make the choice.
Now onto wonderful things - wasn't Kristen super cute when she arrived? Of course she had her husband's case b/c a piece of him is always with her. She flew for eleven hours, yet signed autographs with smiles (angelic ones!) and was a joy for her fans. You all that is one more reason I love our girl. Rob certainly misses her, but they have ways of being together we might never know about. MC, are you feeling better? Arleen, I'll bet it was a nice surprise to have a day off. Verni, miss you lady. Did everything go well for your husband, Sherry? How was your grandson's baseball game? How are you Laz? Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday. Love and abundance to my Haven family

Happy said...

Hope could you please go away. That case is Rob's and always has been. Even if he doesn't use it at the moment she certainly would not not use an exes old case. You should work on getting help because soon the truth will hurt you real bad. I'll say like MN LMAOF

andreana said...

Hope less

Funny you should say that hope less... you know " same shit different day".? That is exactly what I say about your constant bullshit....hope less....same old tired bitch....different day.....

andreana said...

Its good to be a Rkian......you and me and babymakes three....! Time for the cockroaches to run....the light is going to come on soon....

andreana said...

Hope less..
It must really suck to be you.....

Unknown said...

Please hkn have something to talk your cousin?as will be kristen will stay 2 months in japan,and the baby?
Please keep us informed.
thank you.

Hatersknownothing said...

New post up ladies!Alexa I would assume a couple of months in Japan and I'm sure the baby will be there at least part of the time.

InuRK said...

Hope: Go away we don't want stupid bitch insane like you in this blog. only stupid like you think RK broke up. when they still together. I have know a lot of ppl who broke up with their bf/gf and never used their EX stuff again. You need doctor to help your mental brain.oh wait no doctor or medicine can't help you at all. We don't need people like you in this planet. you should go to jealous,hater, insane and delusion planet to live.

Sherry said...

Well we are in a holding pattern. Will explain later but surgery will now be either Thursday or Friday. Hope you all are having a nice day. Love you all.

Unknown said...

share good content.

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