That about covers my attitude right now so you are fore warned.
Ole JR Ewing . One of the best villains ever on television.We have our own version of JR. JR Thorpe. She isn't nearly as talented as Larry Hagman. She fancies herself a journalist but in her case it would be an embarrassment to the profession to actually call her one.
She tried to contact me not as a professional would through my email but through my comment section on my blog so she could get the most attention which is what she was after. Her article was all about us conspiracy theorists who believe Rob and Kristen are married and have a child together.
Funny how she didn't mention the conspiracy theorists called Save Rob Now who believe Rob is a drug addict and needs saved desperately. Talk about nutters!
Funny how she she didn't mention the conspiracy theorists that believe Rob has sex with every woman he comes in contact with. They even typed their fingers off writing up a list with about 1000 names more or less. Maybe you should ask these conspiracy theorists if NASA faked the moon landing. They love the attention so I'm sure they'll give you the chance.
We also have the conspiracy theorists who believe that Kristen is in a lesbian relationship with a woman who is possibly her cousin. Oh wait that makes you a conspiracy theorist fruitcake too doesn't it JR.Yes women do have friends that they are close with but it doesn't make them a lesbian.
Funny how Dakota Johnson can hold hands with a friend and not be considered a lesbian isn't it?
Funny how Jennifer Lawrence has a friend who she has spent quite a bit of time with but no one is suggesting she's lesbian.
Funny how she she didn't mention the conspiracy theorists that believe Rob has sex with every woman he comes in contact with. They even typed their fingers off writing up a list with about 1000 names more or less. Maybe you should ask these conspiracy theorists if NASA faked the moon landing. They love the attention so I'm sure they'll give you the chance.
We also have the conspiracy theorists who believe that Kristen is in a lesbian relationship with a woman who is possibly her cousin. Oh wait that makes you a conspiracy theorist fruitcake too doesn't it JR.Yes women do have friends that they are close with but it doesn't make them a lesbian.
Funny how Dakota Johnson can hold hands with a friend and not be considered a lesbian isn't it?
Funny how Jennifer Lawrence has a friend who she has spent quite a bit of time with but no one is suggesting she's lesbian.
Oh wait there's one more...
Funny how you don't consider IT a lesbian when she acts out with a friend like this isn't it?
Funny how you don't consider IT a lesbian when she acts out with a friend like this isn't it?
Yeah That Ole JR. Doesn't fit your agenda too
well does it.
So JR you say there was publicists statements about the breakup? Oh do show me those. Neither Rob nor Kristen's publicist has ever confirmed a break up. Maybe you should do some research before you make those kind of claims. And Neither Rob nor Kristen has mentioned the word breakup in an interview. Again do your research.
You say out of one side of your mouth that you don't want to mention any commenter's names so not to embarrass them. But then you copy and paste people's comments complete with their user names. You are full of shit. You didn't use certain people's names (including mine) because you knew you would get ripped big time if you did.
There is no exclusive nature to my knowledge. There is more than one person with the knowledge of Rob and Kristen's marriage and baby sweet pea .Some of them with more knowledge than me. Why don't you go ask Chelsea over at Rotten Pineapple Life about her knowledge of how Rob and IT supposedly met? Ask her for some proof and see what she comes up with. I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for that proof.
You got the attention your sorry ass wanted. Now go crawl back into the hole you slithered out from.Your 15 minutes is up.
IT provided
us with some more entertainment as she stepped in her own shit in her latest bid for attention. An interview in the New York Times.
Message to it . The reason you can't have show's like Drake, Beyonce, and Kanye is because you have to have talent along with respect from your peers and others to get to that level. You have neither.
You can't get respect from your peers or others when you show up to a respectable fashion show wearing an outfit designed for a Ron Jeremy get together.
And claiming it is art isn't going to save your ass. You were an embarrassment to your profession and to Rob.
Someone in the mental health field needs to talk to you about your obsession with wearing dicks on your person.
That's a disturbing affliction you have there.
Maybe you should take some lessons on how to dress for a fashion show from Rob's beautiful wife.
This is how it's done.
Kristen is doing another movie with Olivier Assayas!
Rob's in NYC babysitting the Twat making sure she doesn't screw it up. Again. He doesn't look too pleased with her.

If looks could kill. The bloom coming off the Showmance rose? (No he is not glaring at a pap. He's looking directly at IT.)
He did get some time to himself going for a bike ride with Jamie..
He sure likes the biking. Not the same as surfing Rob tho....
Message to the trolls....
When you moderate a blog it doesn't mean it's private. You know that right?
To close this out I want to mention the blog being moved to Wordpress. This blog will not be deleted. I just want to try this out and see if it's better. If we don't like it at Wordpress we will come back here. Just looking to try something new and hopefully keep the trolls at bay a little better. I will give you all the details once I have it all sorted out. You ladies are the best and don't deserve to be bullied by the trolls. I am doing my best to take care of that.
1 – 200 of 1137 Newer› Newest»Such an awesome post.
HKN you never disappoint.
I see Rob attended a premiere tonight in NYC for Heaven Knows What. Looking good Rob!
Great Blog! Really funny! I think this new poster who was calling names just stepped in it with all four, whew what an idiot. I will be praying for a little girl with problems! Janie, where did Rob go? Red Nose?
I'm watching Falling In Love with Robert DeNiro and Meryl Streep. I would love to see Rob and Kristen play in it.
Great post, I so agree with you on JR. Like I said before if she truly wanted to do a story about the fandom she should have done it about the whole fandom. She didn't use my name but I don't post here everyday, and I was on vacation for a week. So I guess I miss her. Oh well better luck next time.
Janie where did you see Rob attending a premiere tonight.
It was a movie premiere tonight called Heaven Knows What. It is in NYC at Museum of Modern Art. Getty Images has several pictures. He got rid of the scruff. He looks great!
I should have said he got rid of beard. He always has a bit of scruff.
Thank you for the great post HKN as Rob and Kristen continue to flourish on both in their personal and career lives and love to all the great ladies here! xo
Part of what will be the new address of your site? What you will need to do to enter for your new website?
You go girl!!!!!
I will let you know everything you need to do when I get the new site set up.It will be a little while.
You notice he went alone to that premiere. He is networking, and he wouldn't want her there to mess it up for him. Plus after the penis dress, I don't think he'll want to walk another red carpet with her.
One of the best posts!!!
great post hkn Your always there with the truth and a little red hot sarcasm
Great post, HKN. It was wonderful to see Rob back in his element doing some networking at MOMA. What a beautiful venue. Ole JR is a complete fool. That was the most one sided piece I've ever read. I hope the WP change works out. We love ya GF. Hope you all have a perfect week. Quietly supporting Rob & Kris and their little family.
Bravo Bravo Bravo thanks 😘❤️❤️❤️❤️
Couldn't have dissected that weak ass journalist Thorpe and the siutation any better! Good job
Nice post HKN rob looks nice I enjoyed everything that you said hi Mae Floyd talk to you again didn't,t see any comments from you I,lol look in the morning on my break I work in an hospital urgent care clinic later
Another great post, HKN! Congratulations, couldn't have said better! Hey, I just sent you an e-mail today, if you could answer me, I would be thankful! :)
HKN - thank you as always!
I have been binge-watching Mad Men since last Wed nite and fell off the planet. It was actually kinda nice.
After the finale last night, I just started searching for any new pics and saw the one you posted of Rob unhappy with the chanteuse. There AIN'T no other way to describe that picture!!! I was hoping you would snap that one up for the next post and VOILA!!!
Great luck with the new format and HUGS to you and the Haven!
HKN Another brilliant post! 900 plus postings, Havenettes!
Thinking of Rob - Had photos of Rob attending "Heaven Knows What" premiere. He looked absolutely handsome and you can see he is sporting his gold chain under his black T shirt.
Is Rob out of The Trap? RK Movies reports that The Trap starts filming Spring 2016 in Miami and Rob is no longer listed as cast?
HKN Any recourse when a regular poster's name and her posting show up that report without her permission.
HKN...Great Post!!! You really socked it to JR. She deserved a cyber bloody nose.
You're the best! And so is your blog.
Have a great week Havenettes! I always have fun reading your comments and agreeing.
Take care all,
I was just over at RPL and I have to say they are disgusting the way they talk about Rob, being freshly shave and out of the shower. I swear they accuse us of being disrespectful. I do agree that he looked happy. Must be done babysitting Twigs. She is done here in the states until later this summer right? I know she has something in Chicago in Aug.another music festival like Coachella. Well good night all.
Hello. Thank You HKN, love the new post, it's the best yet, and yet your post seem to gets better every time. You go HKN, you go.
Now @Luckychris37, thank you for you responds, and sorry to hear about your, don't remember was it granddaughter or daughter, any way I'm sorry to hear about her having cancer, I am truly sorry I do hope they treat it, hopefully they caught the cancer early.
@Lydia Callwood, I have posted you may seen them, there were quite a few post I posted, but did have to stay away, at times because of the damn trolls keep sneaking in when HKN would be out may gone for the nite, so they just never seem to quit coming no matter what we do or say. So I've made my mind up to just ignore them and talk to these ladies here, as if they weren't even there, like talk over them that's how I can over come the trolls.
Well that's all I have for to night I love all of you ladies of Haven and to HKN, R&K&SP love and hugs to all, your friend Mae.
Way to go!!! A great post once again!!!
Great post HKN as usual.
Rob is so handsome tonight, is so good see him so relaxed again.
I see him wearing a necklace, i never see him wearing one before. I think is was a birthday gift from Kristen :)
good Morning,
Bravo HKN, brilliant post.
Rob looked at the pictures from yesterday's very relaxed. Perhaps he sees his target getting closer.
Kristen still Mia. She lets their man do his hard work
Nice Day. Love you all.
Hi. @rk4ever, I saw the necklace that Rob was wearing as well, I saw it on my FB, and yes Kristen did get him that necklace for his birthday. I should have said Kristen and Sweet Pea, got that for Rob's birthday, now I know that the trolls will say that FKA bought that necklace for his birthday, but that is just plain stupid and crazy and they know it to. You wait and see, they will come up with something to say that it was a gift for Rob, and that's would be dumb if anyone would believe that. I sure in hell ain't going to believe it.
Well that's it for me, so this is good bye talk with you all later love and hugs to all of you, and to HKN, and R&K&SP, Mae.
Having read the article in Times I do wonder about the facts given in that article, which were none, just remarks baaed on prejudice, promoted by the Rob obsessed group and entirely promoting the dancer who likes to wear the male appendage. Sounds like a promoter for this dancer who is very gay and not engaged to Rob, but is with a woman who is her partner. And lots of gay women do flock to see her, along with gay men, loving that penis attached to her , that really is a German gay review strip club item, been around for years. Men love this stuff, women not so much. I guess if you into gay porn, it would be funny to see. I am not into gay porn, sorry. The European strip circuit is really different from the American and not for everyone, but is funny to many men. I would imagine this is the draw on her shows, but probably tame compared to Europe. Reminds me of Victor-Victoria, movie about the gay European shows, a comedy and musical, with British actors. With Julie Andrews, no less, who was very good. Now, Julie can really sing! All these idiots are having a fit now, very sad and so repeatable/and happens every time the gossip mills are believed. Susie
Well the crazies are back and look at the new names HKN, just for you! I remember reading Rob loved the German circuit and took his Dad to see these clubs and there are a bunch of them there. As I said, this is funny for men and some women. I say, each to its own. Just surprising this was traveling show, must have been really tame compared to Europe.
HKN Thanks for removing the crazies!
From Many French RKfans
Thanks for your new post!
Enjoys our day !
Here in Paris, ppl knows the truth about The PinkDickDress woman !
A bientôt
Thank you for your posts!!!
Oh My! Glad I'm not the one you're mad at:))))
Sue - I think the really interesting thing also about that NYT article is that its not in the form of a conversation. You will see some interviews where the interviewer will ask a specific question (and repeat the question) - then print the interviewee's response. This was not like that. It was sounds bites that were taken and a story was built around in. Anything the writer wrote down was just wording around these sound bites. We don't really know what questions were asked - so her responses could have been about anything. I always raise a skeptical eye to any interview like this where we don't know what was asked. Unfortunately, it happens all the time.
where in the world is Kristen Stewart??? Love that she is able to be MIA for so long
Good post HKN! I saw on Twitter you wonder about a pic the Sesseds deleted from the night of pissed off Rob. Well They forgot to post the pic of Imogene entering the building with Twigs. Why not If They think they're only friends?
Good to see Rob as Rob, at a premiere, networking. I saw the bling around Rob's neck. It looks like there's a medal or maybe a ring.
Isabella, what do the people of Paris know about Twigs?
Rob's cousin Kevin is in NYC. I'm sure he'll treat him to the concert. Maybe we'll get more picture's of Rob. Hope so.
ISABELLA-FRENCH, Good Morning there! What is your weather like there? We are having enormous amounts of rain. Yes, I read some British discussions of the European and Asian tour of the dancer, I am glad her tour of US is close to complete, as I would imagine the RK fans are. We all have pretty much the same opinions, but hopefully the bills are paid now from the groups investors. We are having temperatures in the 80's already in the plains and lots of big windstorms and tornados. Hope you are all well! Susie
Hi Haven ladies. I see I missed the trouble maker trolls, I am so glad of that, on the other HKN old blog, when I come there were so many I couldn't keep up the count. I don't like coming when they come in, and how I found out is I check in, and if they are on I don't stay not any more, it's a little hard for me, you can't talk to them, all they do is put us down and HKN, the things they say about her and us again.
All they like to do is pick a fight, or like to argue with you and I'm not for that, I can't handle it, so I stay away until HKN clean house, deletes there ass. The damn dumb assess they don't know thing, I do know that they are so,so, crazy.
Well I got to go, talk to you all later, love to all and hugs and to HKN to and Robert and Kristen I love and adore these two couple and also the same for Sweet Pea to. Love your friend Mae.
Janie, do you think it's a good thing to have sneaky fan pics of Rob? More generally, except If Rob wants his photo taken, I hate when people disrespect him. The first concert, he didn't want to make it very public an yesterday he didn't go.
No, I don't like sneaky photos. That is very disrespectful. But I can't help but peek. Sorry.
FISHYONE2, From all the large or small newspapers or magazines, there is a complete elimination of the question-answer delivery of the story or narrative, just bites from previously delivered stories from all over, just warmed over for delivery, calling it her own work, which shows this was a paid for way of the dancer to get her name into the Times, as she was there to blast Rob Pattinson and RP fans, and definitely RK. Sounded like someone was trying to have the last word, attempting to defame RK. There is no love lost with this entertainer, she had a inaccurate article attempt to name call and ended up with egg on her face.
Funny, you truly do not make friends and influence people by being a total embarrassment to the support establishment that has been backing you. Kristen is very correct in saying that this destructive gossip harassment publication is big money, and should be taken with a boulder of salt. Rob simply said he was not for personal statements and a photograph that is used to back a story, and is manipulated can say about anything to the public and still be just another story, basically manipulated. No posting anywhere is ever really honest, unless it comes directly from an individual's mouth. And then with Rob on a talk show, we really think he likes to make up crazy stories, and Kristen has said he likes to shock people. Well, it would appear he keeps a lot of fans a bit confused. This way, you find out nothing about his or her personal life really. Susie
Dorothee - how can you tell what is on the chain??? It could be anything or nothing.
DOROTHEE, I think that RK hate the selfish people that constantly snap at them, everywhere. And, remember many sell these photos for whatever. We all like to see new pictures, but I for one absolutely hate looking at the publicity stuff. To me, the business portfolios for the houses like Chanel are great and movie attractions are good. The invasive pictures during downtime are just that invasive, so I do not look at them, because usually somebody removed a body part from Rob or Kristen and some people have an additional appendage.
new pics of Rob last night leaving someplace. I don't know how he is staying in NY with the people like that. It's really disgusting and disturbing.
Whatever is on the chain is not our business. If he wants us to know he'd wear it on the outside of his shirt.
I agree with you Janie. None of this is our business and it is scary how many people do make it their business. Rob seems to be handling pretty well and thank god Kristen is still MIA
Looks like Kristen is filming in Atlanta.
thanks Janie
PR still on photos of Rob and T in SoHo. Roboshayka twitter. They just must have just had a little spat the other day. Ha! Tour not over yet. I'm in it for the long haul.
I hope Rob is washing that hat! He's worn it 3 days in a row now. lol
Ladies, Rob is ready for this PR to be over with. If the contract was signed in June of last year he still has one more month. Maybe he is trying to get as much PR done before he start filming to satisfy his PR team. All of these people going to see her performance really doesn't care for her but to see Rob. If she was so in love with Rob she wouldn't put his fans are him down. All she wants is attention anyway she can get it. Some that go to concerts thinks they are horrible and I believe the media that says they are Google are getting paid by her PR team. The singer real by goes on tour and is with her all the time, probably posing as her bodyguard. Rob and Kristen are together married and raising a daughter. The trolls will read my comment and will talk about me who gives a shit.
@Janie The pics are days old. Yesterday R hasn´t such a big beard. He was nearly clean shaven. They are playing with the dates again.
Thanks. I should look harder at the pictures.
Mickeymackey - Check out Twitter acct: Kristen Stewart fan pics of KS in Atlanta. One pic shows her hair is getting longer.
Dorothee RC Rob is wearing a gold chain about 24" or more in length. Vicki posted that Rob received bling for his bd a gift from Kristen and SP.
For which film is Kristen in Atlanta?
That's why I hate sneaky fan pics or paparazzi pics: we always to look at it and it always brings more drama.
Mickey, I'm not exactly sure what's on the chain but it looks like a medal. At least I'm not pretending it's from someone or someone else.
Carol, not sure the contract was signed in
June, at last the PR part. The first time we saw Rob and Twigs was in NYC in August with the Brit gang and back then, there were not fake PDA. It's after a Photoshoped pic taken at Venice Beach in September. The word is that Rob produced or found funds for the video she shot in LA. The farce started mid-October in Paris. I think the Venice beach pic gave the idea to Rob. The beginning of the tour in Europe went wrong. People were insulting Kristen during her shows and Twigs laughed. And just after, Rob was in Paris and the whole thing started. I don't think it's coincidence.
And I don't think Rob has a PR team and I haven't seen Nick, Rob's manager in a long time.
There's no interest for Rob to promote her tour since the NY shows were already sold out. But there's another project that needs that PR thing to develop. And of course They like to play with the dates. Again.
even though I don't always agree I respect a person's blog being about what THEY believe and have to say. And more importantly I understand this is a community here and that should be respected if for no other reason than they have bonded over the same beliefs and ideals. The people that don't agree should find someplace else to vent.
I agree with you ...a fan
Merle thanks for the info
Dorothee not understanding your comment above. First, how can you even see the end of the chain. Hes wearing a black top and nothing is sticking out. Secondly, please correct me if I am wrong, but are you saying that you dont believe there is some sort of pr stunt going on and that Rob and T are actually together? I personally dont believe that at the present time considering the pics we have been inundated with since the weekend. First with the stare and then last night.
I saw a posting on twitter that stated that the woman in front of Rob is Sage that Kristen did the video for last year and Robs cousin Robin,who was also with him last night, was with Kristen at the Patti Smith concert. I cant imagine my cousins hanging out with my husband if we werent together anymore. The coincidences are just too many to be pushed aside.
Hi Smack!
On this pic, I think I see a white/silver little patch under the black shirt, at the middle of the chest.
Yes I think I lost myself in the post. No I didn't mean Rob and Twigs are together. That would be difficult since the lady is very much into girls. What I meant is that Rob began working with Twigs months before the farce started in October. He began this right after Twigs messed up and especially with her fans mocking Kristen. I think what Rob did was to do some damage control and to divert the attention and the hate from Kristen. Let's say that I think Rob agreed to play the PDA game because he's aware that it protects Kristen who has benefited of this, since the Sesseds are now focusing on Twigs. Kristen received death treats for being with Rob and for preventing her for having his baby. And of course Twigs agreed because it's free advertising for her. That was a big way to introduce her to the US audience and maybe her investors were not willing to let her being?openly gay.
@sanni K is filming Billly Lynn's Long Halftime Walk right now in Atlanta. Her role is very small.
Roboshakya is a Russian Robsessed fan (I think they're a group) and They're big Kristen haters.
However I saw two pics that show Rob and Twigs crossing the same street. Two different pics tell me they were not together there at the same time. But if they were together, it's even more laughable because where is the epic love?
Thanks Dorothee- i just looked at your pic and there must have been something on his shirt. If you look how low it is, a man doesnt wear a chain that long. As for the rest, I agree with you. As long as it protects Kristen, I would think Rob would do anything. Its interesting how the trolls have been quiet since the pics from Saturday night. Thank god tonights the last of the concerts. I totally agree the only reason they are sold out is because of how many of Robs fans were in attendance if the sneaky fan pics are any indication. Interesting how she was able to be in Atlanta filming her movie and no one bothered her. Lets hope he will have the same when he starts on his film next month.
Sanni Kristen is in Atlanta to film Ang Lee's Billy Lynn LHTW.
Dorothee RC I cannot see anything through the black T shirt Rob is wearing. I did see the long gold chain dangling from the open shirt Rob was wearing while riding the Citi bike in the streets of NY.
I have not read the NY Times interview with T. Anyone have a link? Thanks in advance.
DOROTHEE, Why are you and all still discussing the T? She is just another book on the shelf of pretend PR made to order women. I really do think most of these creeps are very much aware RK have been married and have a baby, and while Kristen's body is growing just a bit more, she is out of sight, working, and staying wherever the heck she wants to, and with or without Rob, or their little girl, because nobody really knows exactly where she is all the time. I just hate to promote T in any way, because of her total lack of professionalism. Truth being, nobody is really crazy about her act, and she is like a fart in a whirlwind, just a lingering bad odor that needs some air freshener. Sorry but this is a subject I wish everyone would realize that this is a come to Jesus moment. She wants attention and you all are past that shit now. We need to just talk anybody else plus RK, PLEASE. Go check out Rob and his RED NOSE on SRWN, short video, kind of stupid but it is supposed to be.--the event on Thursday night for feeding children. Also, we all know RK are able to ignore the little shit dished by the morons, so let's just think about REAL LIFE and wish LUCKYCHRIS 37 some good news relating to her grandchild. And, I feel so badly about the ladies who were hurt by that nasty JR who will eventually gets her reward in a place where bad people are going to spend eternity roasting alive. Sooner rather than later.
good afternoon everyone.
I wanted to ask, the necklace I saw under Rob's shirt, and there is something odd, down the lower of his shirt there's something there, you can see a odd shape through his shirt, I don't know what it is, but there is something. Did anyone else see it or is my eyes tricking me.
Can someone explain it to me, I hope it's not my imagination isn't getting the best of me.
Please can someone tell me, what you think, and tell me, I mean really take real good look at it and tell me what you think of it. I know I'm not the only one that has seen that. Well I'm going talk to you all later, love and hugs to all of the Haven Ladies.
Love to HKN, and R&K&SP, Mae.
Sue, I understand where You're coming from. And I don't like it more than you but like it or not but this is a part of Rob's projects and sadly we hadn't have a lot of movie news lately regarding Rob. More selfishly, it helps me to put my thoughts together and to let them go and move on. If not I keep thinking about things I don't understand. But I understand the way you feel. Hopefully it will end soon.
My guess is this is same chain like Kristen's, both use for their rings and things, probably. And since everyone is a detective, they both have SAINT CHRISTOPHERS', I wear four and a Greek cross or two or three. There are also other very sentimental items we really have no business getting vocal about. Rob hides his private stuff as does his wife, Kristen. My husband wore western wear and had silver St. Christopher belt buckles and bought me one to wear on road trips. I do not wear a star of David or Arabic symbols like my brother who would joke, I am not taking any chances so I accept all religions just to be safe. We need to be happy they are safe and they have those family members and friends and each other to protect them, meaning RK.
Hello my Haven dears!
HKN, i just wanted to post a line or two letting you and all the world know that i the pook do completely adore you and do thank you for yet another wonderful. entertaining edition of Haters Know Nothing Blog!
Whatever would we do without you, dearest HKN?
we love you
your grateful fan,
Please be assured that not all of the "trolls" here, myself included, are here to castigate you and your beliefs!
Just please keep the stories and theories coming Havenettes!!
Good post, HKN, thank you. I read the blog post by this person—someone fancies herself a reporter while parading her assumptions and dumpster pickings as facts. She's given so many people a good laugh. Hate to be unkind, but nobody likes a poser! Glad Rob had people he likes to hang out with after the premier.
My daughter just told me that there are new pics of Rob and T from this afternoon. I want happy face Rob back
If that is happy and cute to you, your love life must have really sucked your entire. And to clarify, before you jump down my throat attempting* to retaliate, I'm stating this as an opinion, not fact seeing as we don't know each other in real life. You sessed seem to struggle with the concept of knowing people online vs in reality lol
Live guest
I didn't see a happy couple. Obviously something is wrong with these pictures. What happened to all the PDA? This is not a happy couple. These are two miserable people who can't wait for this PR to end. If they didn;t want to be papped they shouldn't have gone to SoHo. She is definitely sending us a message.
I don't see a couple. I see just what it is: two business partners. She looks bored. Rob is not eventrying. Sometimes I feel like he just can't.
Tonight, last show. We should be backto normal again by tomorrow.
If you look closely when t was on the phone she looked almost in tears. No happy couple. I read on one of robs blog that the gay guy that got robs iphone shot a picture of his penis and he even had his picture taken with rob. Have a question. Speculation on twitter of rob going to the gay bar last nite alone. Nothing wrong with that straight go to them all the time but wasn't that when him and his cousin went after t at 3:00 in the morning. And why, She had her dancers with her.
Im with you Janie. I don't see a happy couple. I see two really unhappy people. Maybe Im looking at the wrong pics. Happy was the pics from last night of Rob. And I also agree with Alex, this is my opinion only so get off your high horse live guest and go back to where you belong which isn't here. I guess his babysitting concerns have now been passed onto his family members. and notice how there aren't any pics of that though
How do we know his cousin was with T at 3 in the morning? Because sessed make up and embellish stories constantly, I'd like to know where this came from. As far as I know, from pictures I've seen, they both ended up at different places after his premiere party and her show. It looked like manager/pr subject Rob had the night off
Girl you are sooo good at what you matter what I think is true I will always be one of your cult members....... mix up the koolaid LOL. Love your post!
Thanks for the update. Doesn't explain the fight they had on the 17th. Pictures were telling. Rob was so mad.
Then he doesn't go to her concert. Oh, my. Trouble in paradise.
Then today there are 75 pictures and she isn't even smiling. Body language tells the true story. But, if you think those pictures show a happy couple. You are the one that's delusional. JMO
Have a good night.
thanks alex I guess I assumed wrong.Where I had read it t was there and rob picked her up so thanks for clearing that up. Just seems strange he is interested in the clubs now .Don't remember k and him going to such places. But what ever floats your boat.Where was it that the guy stole his phone.
Update with the same usual, delusional bs not welcome on this blog. I think the theme of the blog is very apparent even just from the banner, no? Smdh, we can't even ask a clear question to the unwanted here without them spouting off irrelevant made up shit. What horrible conversationalists lol and no, I'm not saying 100% everything you just said is a lie, but your track record is pretty bad. Now go on and scream that us and HKN are the liars, no one gives a fuck! Good night havenettes
You are right Maria no one knows especially you. For your info, look at the instagram post you listed and show me where T is walking into a club. I can't see it but maybe you have some xray vision we don't know about? Also, we may not know what happened on the 17th but the pics from today show both of them not happy and yes I lurked on RPL to check them out and you know what - one of your posters had the nerve to say that she is upset with him. What in gods name does she have to be upset about with him? and before you respond, I don't know what happened and you don't know either so please leave your comments at the door.
I have to apologize to my havenettes - I haven't ever posted something regarding what a troll has posted and tonight I found myself unable to not answer when Maria posted her comments. And Charlotte, this in no way was in reference to you.
Great post hkn. Your words always come at the right time. I have gotten so tired of seeing pics of T...they seem to be all over my TL where I have to see them. Rob looked great at the movie premiere, very happy.Take care hkn, love you, until next time.
I just noticed that Kristen is going to be in the new Woody Allen with Blake Lively. I don't know how it'll look on screen. But I am psyched for all the pretty!
I'm also excited about that movie. Kristen is also going to be in Personal Shopper. It's a ghost story. French director Olivier Assayas is really impressed with her. Funny haters think she can't act but the professionals love her. Have a good night.
Seriously, Janie, do not talk to live guest as she looking for a fight, looking to insult, looking not upset and she is just another hater. She thought I was making fun of Rob's silly face, oh my god! She is half a bubble off, not quite logical, just dopey. And, how many times has HKN asked her to leave? I think she is a joke, not unlike the person who shall not be named AGAIN. Rob is making it clear he is not a boyfriend, not with her, does not like her, ready to leave for home. I really expected the third act much sooner, but the closing scenes are there. I sometimes cannot believe he has as much patience and courtesy as he has, his parents did a good job with Rob, he did his job and I have no doubts Kristen is working hard too. He did look happy with his cousin and Kristen's friend at the premiere. And, Jamie and Kristen's BESTIE have his back. I think for all the BS that has been happening to them, that their family and friends are always there for them. Both Rob and Kristen are basically very caring, kind young adults. What's hard to believe is that Rob is almost 30, and Kristen is over 25! Wow, time is really trotting right along! Have a good night! Susie
I know. You are absolutely right. I had a weak moment. I'll take the high road now.
Have a good evening!
MICKEYMACKEY, you have nothing to apologize for, we have really have had many dopey haters with many names and everyone has sort of popped their corks occasionally. You don't reward stupidity with attempting to clear the air when there is no reasoning with closed minds and extreme hate. I just ignore, laugh, and get out of Dodge. HKN, please check back and remove a hater comment. Susie
Thanks Susie. I knew I was going to blow one of these days and I guess today was it. The one single thing that has helped get past these trolls is the fact that Kristen isnt being threatened anymore and should be safe thanks to Rob. He sure has the patience of a saint.
Thanks HKN for removing her from here. Cant wait for your move to wordpress.
Awesome post.
Let us know when you change to wordpress. I would hate to miss you guys!
Mickeymackey There is no need to apologize. It is difficult to ignore the trolls when they attack us.
Luckychris37 I just your posting about your 7 yo granddaughter. You, your granddaughter and family will be in my thoughts and prayers for a good outcome.
Sue Morris Will you be The Voice tonight. They will be selecting the champion singer.
Have a good evening Havenettes.
I just love the comments over on RPL. Its a regular comedy show. Had to look had to look because it seems there is starting to begin a breakdown of sorts. She looks pissed and he looks furios except for yesterday. Aint life grand?
I just seen the pics on RPL, and I have to say I'm surprise at some of the comments. They are directed at Rob and not Twigs. I think HKN hit the nail on the head when she it was Rotten Pineapple Life now.
I watched Still Alice for the 3rd time tonight and it had me in tears all the way thru it again. I cried thru the book too. I got American Sniper in the mail today, and I have it in right now. I've seen it a couple of times too, and I cried thru it too. If you haven't seen it I recommended it. It's not all about war, there is some of in it but it shows how he dealt with his family life too. Well I'm going to go now and finish watching the movie.
Good night ladies of the Haven.
Comments on RPL keep getting funnier and funnier lol they claim that IT said "I love you" before kissing Rob at the vogue knight party. Yes, they fu..... kiss, but I don't really can see her saying that. Still thinking that it was planned.
What do you think?
Haven greetings!
That was Sage at the film premier Rob attended.
Jamie and Dakota attended the chanteuse's concert this past weekend.
Interesting coincidences...
I am still laughing my ass off re: the photo of Rob's "displeasure" - never seen anything like that from him.
Waiting for Film Rob to return and happy Kristen is doing her thing.
HKN - I wasn't aware blog posters could have their quotes purloined. Not to mention identities... Loved Dallas, but never thought I'd call anyone named JR a bitch!
I hope everyone realize that the Vogue knight kiss or whatever it was, was a big manip. Like it was posted days after when other pics from that night were online right away. Just that should tell something.
Now I wonder how things will work out after the break-up. Will Rob and Kristen come out? Will they explain what happened so everybody will look stupid? Or will they wait for years and then someday we'll see them togather publicly with kids? I kind of looking forward...
Exactly, dorothee! My point is, they knew there were cameras there, it was a perfect place for a 'show'.
As for what's coming next, I'm not really sure about R&K coming out and explaining everything. First because they never really have done something like that, and second because they don't own people anything, they just want to protect their relationship from the public eyes. Maybe someday we get a picture of the family (that would be amazing, btw), but for now I think they will just enjoy their family time with their baby girl ;)
Hi girls.
Dorothee RC i just wanna say that i share all your thoughts.
I don't know why people still talking about this ''kiss'', was a clearly manip, a big one manip.
Looking forward too, my wish is that they explain everything, i would love see the sessed's faces.
Hi to HKN Havens friends! I am back. Just making some changes. Its not your fault. It had to do with that reporter. What he or she did was to me it felt violated. What he/she did was wrong. HKN, Thanks! That is a beautiful post. I just needed time. I was hurt and mad. I sure if that happen to you. You would felt the same thing as I did. Anyways, And by the way I wanted to tell you all that me and my hubby are sort of foster parent. My daughter's friend she goes to same school as her is fifteen years old. I am not going to get into that detail right now. If you want to ask just email me or/and if you have twitter I can DM you to know what happen. Some day me and my hubby are thinking of getting a new home so we can take kids like her. We are only taking one just for now. And see how it goes. I think it just temporary. So if I am not here its because I am working on my family and work. I will talk to you all here when I can. Anyways, I am going to bed. Love you all and RK! My prayers goes to you all and RK. Night!
Good morning Dolls,
I am pleased that Kristen at work for a short time.
And yet greater joy that rob soon goes to work, which makes him fun
Then a few thoughts:
Men wear their wedding rings often on a necklace.
PR is coming to an end.
Rob and Kristen will never acknowledge publicly how it is. They will come out alone or with friends and good it is. No press conference, hey it was all PR, Kristen and I are married and have a child. Never so, that is not their thing.
Everyone can to make his judgment! Bang and both will be there.
Carol Are you sure that everything was signed in June?
All a nice day. love you all. Hugs
I just seen pics of Rob at her last concert, I though she only had 3, but according to them the reason she wasn't with him last night is because she had a concert. If my count is right that would make 4. Oh and they are so happy he is attending it tonight. I seen one pic that looked like a fan was trying to take a selfie and Rob in the background. To me it didn't look like a packed house.
Larii, I seen that on there too. I watch all 5 video's and they were there for about 20 minutes, and I didn't see or hear her said I Love You before the peck, I wouldn't even call it a kiss. I actually left a comment on the set of pics from this afternoon, and I just left one on the ones from tonight. Pretty much said what a few pics it takes to make them happy over there. Only thing is She isn't in any of them.
The chain around his neck reminds me of one Kristen has worn. Like the one she wore for Camp X-Ray, with the Dog Tags on.
Well I've had an emotional night with watching Still Alice and then American Sniper. So I hope you all have a great night.
Dear Arleen, So glad you are ok! I still think that the performer was behind that reporter and it may eventually be found out, and if Rob was looking for her at a gay bar it would be because she was drunk again and someone called about her to get her out. Since Rob can relax now, I think he will eventually return to LA. So many times he visits with friends and Jamie is a long time friend. He will keep his cover for Kristen until they decide what to do. And I agree, these two have never really been forthcoming about their life, why would they now? Kristen is doing her thing without harassment, and soon Rob will be able to work unbothered hopefully. Guess we will have to pretend to be psychic like all the rags. Not! I am perfectly fine not knowing for sure about their private lives and glad to see both busy. I think keeping people safe and continuing to make movies is great.
What the hell is going on, am I hearing this right, a couple of you went to RPL, and did I hear you right that Rob and IT! kissed is this some kind of joke or was it really for there last showing.
When did this suppose to have happen, especially when I read a couple you said that Rob wasn't even there at T's last concert, and if so where was he. Now did I hear that Rob was at a gay club and some gay person took Robs phone when was in the bathroom and took a picture of Robs penis from his phone, tell me that's not true , now if that's true how in hell does anyone know that, that happen, did they show a picture of him, on his phone.
Just asking a question? that's all, I been away from my computer for a while, and then I did side to check in, and read some of your comments that a few of you posted. I could not believe what I'm hearing, so that's why I asking the question, if that was true or not, please don't jump me or start yelling at me, just because I asking a you all a question. Well I have to go, but I want to say I'm sorry, for any trouble I may have cause, I just came to see what's going on and then I see all of this.
Well I'm gone, so good bye love and hugs to all and to HKN, and to R&K love them to. P.S. I want to thank HKN, for moving the trolls, that I missed, I'm glad I did, they are so damn stupid they don't know nothing, they just think they do, but wee all don't know and it's none of our business. I wish and hope that some day hopefully R&K will either show up and say something or tell us something, or maybe will see them out about together with there little family some day, that would be nice , but until then, lets just set back and wait and watch what happen.
Well I have to go talk to you all later, so good bye. Again love to all and to HKN, and to R&K, Mae.
OK, the kiss was another manipulation, has been verified, and yes Rob did miss a concert, and he is really upset about something in several pictures. And, this stuff is starting to smell bad, because it is old meat and I really hope we do not get any more shit about this business mess. Red Nose coming up, maybe pictures of Kristen in Atlanta. The stupid pictures mean somebody pissed on somebody's CHERRIOS. No kidding, seriously think you all believe Rob likes gay bars? I really do not think he likes them, but what do I know? I guess I must be just silly but I do not think Rob is gay, nor does he need fans to repeat crappy gossip. Also, I do not think his wife Kristen is gay, but neither one is ashamed of being close friends with a lot of gay friends, there are many in the theatre business, music business and all fields. And, thank God, there are laws to protect them here in the USA. Hope I did not offend anyone. Susie
The reason why I wonder how things will work out is because months ago, Bunny told that RK will eventually come out. And because it has looked so messy, that would be extraordinary if Rob could finally have his revenge after years of manipulations...
No I don't think it will be soon. Yes I think it will happen because you can't hide things endlessly and except if RK are willing to create other fake relationships, they won't be able to look single forever. Babies are easy to hide. Kids, not so much.
When people say RK have never stated anything, it's true. But there was a time when they didn't hide the fact they were together, in 2012 and 2013 till the fake up. They didn't confirm anything with words but the situation was clear and common knowledge.
DOROTHEE RC, Many of their friends have been hounded by the press junkies like Andrew Garfield, and they have resorted to going under the media exposure and even their best friends in New York have been written up as a Break. Yes, I mean Jamie. Most believe Andrew and his girl are forced under the radar, as RK were in 2013, because in 2014 they went completely dark after the paparazzi that took Kristen's and Rob's life away with his attacks finally convinced them on Rob's birthday to disappear for some time, only to appear separated. These very high profile actors are all subjugated to harassment to the point where in many cases they do split, but RK didn't and many of their best friends have followed their actions in order to have a happy life. They now have excellent reasons to just be under the radar for life, but Bunny is right, they will eventually be shown together, and will hide their world as long as it takes. The chasing of them and their friends during the summer outdoor music shows was also a factor in their disappearance of being together, which is why they allowed so many pictures of them together just before walking around with close friends. This year they were all inside tents and under cover. the rags have a lot of money tied up in keeping them appear apart, as that is what most fans will buy off the magazine racks. Most of these fans love the drama of all Rob's conquests and imagine themselves as the newest lady in his bed. it is business, really big business as Kristen and Rob indicated. I just bet they can really keep a secret a long time! And all Rob's conquests are made up stories by the gutter level press who sell their stories to the brand name rags that sell drama too as most rag and paper sales are very low because of the computer blogs outselling them by 100%. Very few magazines sell unless RK are generating those sales. I do think RK will shake these gutter level magazines up, but nobody will or can predict when. In the meantime, they can go and do what they want unbothered to some extent. Everyone misses them smiling and happy in pictures but they were chased and frightened by so-called FANS. Those fans are the rats and bugs called trolls and they harass all the couples that are needing privacy in Hollywood. RK are the most high profile and friends, family and the local neighbors keep them safer. Glad they can hide while working! Susie
Rob and Kris are very creative and smart so it will be curious to see what eventually takes place. I think it will be hard to imagine, but then most of their world is pretty normal, they just have to stay home a lot unless working. Working gives them an excuse to get out and travel a bit. Susie
Yes, Yes, Yes. I couldn't have said it better.
Sue well said. Because the alleged fans rats and bugs called trolls and this gossip rags, Kristen and Rob have decided to go private. Now that mega big but .... exactly these people were fed for months and the food has been getting bigger until today.
They were so good breastfed that they came here and attacked people here
It has nothing to do with my life in personal privacy
What happened in the last few months, looked worse than in 2013
... I hope it is now really end
Yes I agree Sue. I was on instagram the other day and saw Suzie had posted some pics with her brother. She has since taken it down but R and K's fans both went crazy disgusting on her with their comments. Its as if they are coming at them in all directions now because they may finally be seeing what we have been saying here is actually true. If you go on the sessed site and RPL the comments there are trying to justify the pissy pics from the past few days saying among other things - the stare was because of the paps and just because he was staring at T when they took the pic didn't mean anything and from yesterday T was made at Rob for some reason. First, she needs to grow up. This is the life she wanted and unfortunately it might not be the life she is getting now but that is too bad. This place has gotten entirely too crazy and I don't know about you but I have felt that some sort of change is coming for our fabulous duo, meaning K and R, not quite sure what it is but it feels like something is coming. I don't know if you feel it also but just the past few days of pics from NYC leads me to believe that they will be parting ways shortly.
Sue your comment back to Dorothee RC is exactly right. Perfectly said! IMHO that's what happened too!
Sue Morris You are "Right On"!
How about Sawyer last night!!!
There was a pic of Rob this morning solo with a back pack!! Wonder where is going?
LADIES, please check out The Poison Quill(Tempest) and read her newest posts, today and just before, Monday-Wednesday. I could not stop laughing, HKN , please read her today, it will warm "the cockles of your heart" as the Irish and /or Scotch say. I really love HKN, MAMA NAILS, AND TEMPEST, our best way to sucker punch the STUPIDS is to laugh at the dense minds who have been attempting to control two smarter than the average bears, Rob and Kristen Pattinson, Inc. I do think eventually the real world will be understood by the troll-like creatures, but they will never, never admit any fault was theirs. In fact I see them in their caskets with their finger pointed up to say, " I was right", in the hour of final breath! Now that is the real true group, mob, mentality of these sad unhappy people who create hate and stir shit for a living for a nice guy, Rob Douglas Pattinson, who appreciates real movie fans but hates crazy obsessed women who fanaticize about his anatomy and cut his hair? Oh, good gravy, can you imagine running around an awful lot of the time in hot or cold weather feeling freakish about some crazy person wanting your hair? Sometimes I think that is why he shaved his head once, but it also allowed his scalp to get healthier and grow out evenly. Kristen has avoided getting shot or stabbed , and god bless her, please keep that woman covered with security please folks. We love both of them and do not want any attempts on them. Susie
Merle - went to see the pic you mentioned and interestingly enough its not on any of the sessed sites. I wonder why that would be? Maybe because it blows all their stories up in smoke. Cant wait for more.
Hi ladies. I see the trolls have come back, now what do they want Oh! I know to cause trouble where there ain't any. There here to cause drama with us and HKN, they do know that they won't have much time, because they know HKN will be cleaning house, start deleting again to get rid of the trouble making idiots out of here.
I'm not going any where, I'm here to stay, and these damn trolls will never chase me out like they did others. Now when we stand together, I mean really stand strong, and stand up for one another by supporting each other and HKN's blog, this is R&K blog not R&T's. See I'm not even talking to them, I am talking to you ladies of Haven, not the trolls, I am ignoring them as if they're not even there.
Well I got to get out here, talk to you all later, I'll come back when HKN cleans house again.
I love all of you, hugs to all and to HKN, and to R&K&SP, Mae.
blind gossip has posted an item that's nasty and vile and obviously about rob. Can those people be sued.
A lot of fan-pics of Rob at the last concert yesterday. Just some fun facts. Rob is not a big fan of fan pics but I guess it was a way for him to escape the show (when you think about it, he saw it a hundred times). Rob only took pics with guys, no girls aka Sesseds. My guess: he dissed them and took pics with genuine people who won't create stories. And finally this confort me that there's something off with the first show Sunday.
Oh look everybody!
Jaz the guardian of all wisdom is back to spread her idea of truth.
impressed? Oh hell yeah we are......yawn.....zzzzzzzzzz
@vicki brooks no they can't be sued, because they don't use names.
thanks happygirl Tempest posted 2 posts today both excellent. Their is no shaking her positive vibe. Love her
Any sightings of rob today.Saw some pics of k the other day . She looks very tired. She may be in this with rob all the way but doesn't mean what she sees does not stress her. Love the 2 sets of pics with a pissed off t the last couple days. You go rob!
Yeah I believe Rob was there last night. There are plenty of legit fan pics of him being there and some dudes said he was there. I was talking about the first show, on Sunday that looked weird to me.
Well, looks like new pic shows him looking down at his phone. Wonder who he's conversing with? Wink, wink. Sorry, PR not over. Putting in their appearances as happy couple. Poor Rob.
Funny we have 3 days of concerts and partying and no pictures of the newly engaged couple celebrating. I wonder why? All we get are PR unhappy couple pictures. Sad.
Can't wait for Kristen to come home from Atlanta. Girl working all the time. She is in such demand considering haters think she can't act. Comes to show you they don't anything now do they?
That horrible look Rob had on his face the other night in the rain is forever imprinted on my brain. That is his true feelings. Everything else is PR.
Have a good night ladies.
Janie, those last days, I haven't seen a couple but two business partners. They haven't tried to look like a couple. No hand-holding, no smile, no look. The showmance seems over but the business keeps going on. They won't stop hanging out right now because there's still a contract. But you're right that Rob has constantly his phone in his hand, texting or talking. I'm sure he keeps in touch with Kristen so she always knows What's going on.
Vicky, I hope this farce is not what pissed Kristen off. Could be. But maybe it's just because she saw the paparazzi and it seems quite obvious that Kristen has tried to go under the radar, probably for a reason. Maybe because there's a tiny lady who's close...
Oh thank God we got s good night. Perhaps she can go stalk someone else......H is pathetic in her constant blathering on here. Seriously - she needs a life. I'm bired with hers and I don't even live it.
Love how the photos create this HUGE storyline........boring.
Really all this out and about shopping and there is only 1 pic when every other time there are pics we get close to 100. I dont buy it at all. You cant tell me the paps werent following them and didnt take 1 pic. So since you cant see what T is wearing how do we know its from today? And no Hope, Jax or any other troll not asking for your opinion so dont give it
Fishyone2 - i think they like to hear themselves because this seems to be the only place they are posting as no one seems to be posting on either sessed site at all.
Yes the concerts were sold out. Why being there for Rob? To make sure she wouldn't mess everything. Because Rob is required to attend certain shows. He's always there when she performs in LA, in New-York. Rob's introduced her in the US. He brought investors together to set a tour. They want their money back. Rob own them results. As for the tiny lady, we don't know where she is but I'm sure Rob is the first to regret he can't be with her because he has duties.
Oh, and there are more pictures of her crossing the street by herself. I guess they are not together 24/7 afterall. Do a little PR then they go their separate ways.
Hum...Maria, for the pic of Rob in a store today, the girl says she saw Rob, she doesn't mention anybody else. You embellish. But to be fair There's a girl on Rob's side and she looks like Twigs. Now Smack is right, what does tell me it's from today? The girl didn't say it.
Let's call it a night. The more we post the longer they stay. They are pretty nervous right now. A whole week and no PDA. Just remember the night it rained tells the true story. Have a good night.
Hello again. What hell trolls again, why do they keep persisting on coming here, when they know that they will never going to win us over, I myself will not turn to there way.
Why do they keep talking about those damn pics of Rob and Twigs at the concert and then after party, and now walking around in the big apple, NYC, pics of them out and about shopping and holding hands, and looking like a happy couple again, I mean I seen pics of Rob looking very angry at Twigs and there saying that he was looking right at the papz. but what I saw was Rob looking very angry and he was looking right at miss Twigs not the papz.
So what the hell, what are they seeing, we see the same pics, are there other pics that we haven't seen, how can that be possible, can some tell me, so I don't get confused, as you know I do get some what confused, and please don't get all over me, you know don't jump down my throat.
I'm just asking for someone to explain it to me, that's all I'm asking is a question.
Well gone talk to later, when the trolls have been deleted and gone but I am sending out my love and hugs to all of you, of Haven ladies. And love to HKN, and R&K&SP, your friend Mae.
Agreed Janie. Maria - figure it out, it's not that difficult. Try sessed blog......good night! Get a grip M.
MariaM - I guess you don't know how to read. I think I said your comments weren't requested nor were they asked for. As for the pic, how in gods name can you tell who is next to him. The shot is blocked but you with all your wisdom knows that it is her? Really? You should join the police or the FBI with your great detecting skills. But Janie is right - there hasn't been any handholding or PDA of any kind since Saturday night and the rain pics. I would also have to agree that the lot of you are getting desperate. If you weren't I would think there would be a lot more posts on your favorite sites
My oh my you Havenettes rock. I do believe that a couple of the trolls here are one and the same. And it is because of people like them and probably them that RK hide away so much. RK are praised by their peers for being very intelligent and private so I have no doubt whatsoever that they are both planning and have planned this whole charade and its all to protect someone. Otherwise if they weren't protecting someone or even something (like they are married) then with Rob being out and about with this PR scam then he'd just go ahead and let it be known since all the sessed seem to think its real anyways. But he won't because he doesn't lie and neither does Kristen. So there is so much more happening than any
Of us know but I have to agree with Merle about a change or something coming. I have felt that for a while now. I think this PR thing is soon to end as it will have served its purpose. Then all we will get is Rob and Kristens career which is great until the crazys find him a new love to obsess over and make up stories about. And this will continue until either RK make the real truth known or someone gets a big payday pic and exposes them against their will. I doubt RK will make a formal announcement so I could see them just out casually or something and letting the papz snap a few. Who knows. But RK are still very married and have a child together. Who cares what the stupid haters and trolls make up and really that's all they have - make believe.
MariaM - I don't know what pic you are looking at but the only pic I have seen is on rpl and I can't tell what the person next to Rob is wearing. The only outfit I can tell is the person with the jeans on with his back to the camera. Unless you have xray vision you can't tell from that pic also so please don't insult me. And since I have given this topic way more attention than it deserves you know where the door is
HKN - you so need to remove these people. No need for them to add to your count.
And I have NEVER called T a bad name. Ever. Please do not accuse me of things I have not done. Nikola - there are posters on sessed board who will respond. It's becoming so tedious.
Mae - I was responding to Maria not you. You were wrong to attack me.
Mae, I just know you are not a troll so settle down fishyone2 was not talking to you. You really need to take a break, I am leaving until HKN cleans out the bugs and rats and sprays for fleas. They are just trolls, nasty ugly hater trolls and they love to cause problems here and everywhere, somebody pissed in their CHERRIOS! Love, Susie
fishyone2, Try not to respond,they are so not worth your time, showing respect for trolls is a non-starter, I tried about four years ago and found out they are just stupid, and there is no cure for stupidity.
Thanks are so right. Will wait for clean up in aisle 1.....cant reason with them anyways.
fishyone2, I think the ladies are right we have a multi-named troll who is too dumb to know she is never read.
To Fishyone2. Like I said if I was wrong, I'd apologize, so I am sorry I guess I, misunderstood you It's just My name started with an M I thought you call me M instead of Mae, I'm so sorry. will you except my apologize this one time, I will not accuse you again of anything, that's a promise, and Sue I apologize for any problems I may have caused.
I don't want to leave this place but if you all want to and you thing can do better with out me then I leave, let me know, and HKN the same for you If you want me out of here we go, this you blog. I did apologize to Fishyone2 and to Sue to, I not trying to cause trouble, I do love it here and I do love and adore Robert and Kristen I believe in them and I believe in you to HKN, and MN as well.
Well I will go for a while, but I won't post, maybe when the trolls are gone I may come and read some of your all's posts but not respond. well this it so good bye love to all, and to HKN, and R&K yours truly Mae.
Those were interesting pictures from shopping yesterday. The chanteuse dressed as if ready for a stroll on the beach and Rob had on a t-shirt and jacket. No hand holding or signs of affection - I thought I did see her "ring" on her hand - but nothing.
I wonder how the breakup is going to occur. After seeing Rob's face the other night, I'm guessing he read the NY Times article. Wonder if that's where the beginning of the end is...
I think that's Rob's cousin, Robin, with him in the photos where the girl totally diverted the paps' attention. She certainly knew how to get the attention off Rob!
Socks Shadow - nice to hear from you. Been very concerned about you.
People, please stop interacting with the Fidiot Tritches!!!
Hi Mae Floyd how are you are you feeling okay I didn't,t post for a while don,t leave for good just take a rest from here like I,m doing I read all the nice comments from everyone else I enjoyed all the comments expect to the haters I love the shit out of R/K hoping to see them soon in their new movies k looks good even rob so we,ll keep in touch okay so take care I,ll send you little notes on this blog so just keep checking ok love all of HKN and mamma nails again don,t let the haters change our minds from what we believe that's our rights goodnight everyone that believe in rob and Kristen
Well hell I missed all the fun again, damn.LOL.
I have to say I seen that pic of him shopping and I couldn't tell if anyone was with him. Maybe it was a store clerk helping. I looked at the fans IG and someone commented that the least she could do that name the store after he left. I didn't go back to see If she named it or not. Have a good night all.
good Morning
a sighting of Rob and Dakota in the restaurant. No T! So when I go to dinner with friends (maybe farewell eat), then I would bring my fiancee with tztz
In this New York-days you could see whom Rob is important
Friends as Jamie, Dakota and his cousin. Was so funny, that his cousin was on almost every photo
nice day. Love you all.
Some more pictures of the loving couple yesterday. Arms crossed while walking couldn't have looked more bored. Rob has his hands in his pockets. I'm loving this more than the fake pda pictures from California.
Sanni - great slouthing. You find more pics than I could ever do. New pics up and I don't see any great things happening. No hand holding. Rob looks to be talking more with Jamie than a pissed off looking T. It is really funny how pics that are so obviously depicting one thing and the trolls know that it is their way or the highway. To the trolls - get a life. There are more important things in life than this.
The post at 1:54 am was NOT made by me even though my name is attached to it.
How could that happen?
The post at 4:10 am was NOT made by me even though my name is attached to it.
How could that happen?
You hags are impersonating me!
so is the post at 1:46am also not by you????? Unless someone else is using your name, which is possible, you posted it and why would any one of us want to do that
Correction it was Mickey I was agreeing with on a feeling of change and I said Merle. I was close they both started with an M. Lol. I enjoy everyone's posts. The trolls little ever ready battery needs to die and stop harrassing and stalking people here. But ignoring them is the best revenge. It's why I do it. Nothing they say or imagine will ever make a difference to me and my steadfast beliefs on RK. Patience as good things will come.
I agree Cindy - but I will say this one more time since they obviously can't read - Jax your comments are not welcome here so don't let the door hit you as you walk out of it
Hi ladies.
I responding to Lydia Callwood.
Thank you for your talking to me, I guess I don't know anything and don't know what do or say any more. I keep misunderstand people and hard for me, I don't mean to hurt or offend anyone especially Fishyone2, I apologize but I don't if she will except it, she says that's all I do is say I'm sorry, after I say thing that I may have shouldn't of said.
Yes I do get offended when think someone of to get me or hurt me like I have been hurt, I been hurt in the past, by people that it's not even funny, I don't take things that people say to me very well. I get hurt very easily and think people know that now so I just don't know what to do or say any more, you know I'm perfect and I do make mistakes many of them, and I know other people also make mistakes, and try my best to make amends, but it's up to them either except my apology's. I can't make them to so I think I will stay away for a while and I won't respond to anyone's comments they post, except maybe yours, sense you are talking to me, I feel some time that they are speaking over me and over my head, I don't understand or take people, so maybe I shouldn't talk to them any more sense no one is really talking to me except you Lydia and MS Gylnda. Well I'm out of here so this good bye, love to all the ladies of Haven, and to HKN and much love to Lydia, and differently Rob&Kristen,Sweet Pea.
Love and hugs to all, Mae.
I believe the Trolls play a lousy game
in frustration ??
Sorry HKN, I should have ignored her at 703. Taking the high road today.
HKN, please delete the troll at 7:41, she has been impersonating me this morning
HKN - you have a problem here. Someone has taken over control of your blog. The last comment posted by me - I didn't post it.
I haven't commented in a couple of days. I read and listen to some of the comments here from the trolls and haters trying to convince us they are right. I know this is a R/K blog and I love it here. The singer is trying to make people think she is upset with the paparazzi for following her and Rob around she is loving it. This woman has an agenda look mad get more attention. Yes I went and read some of the comments on RPL after their walk around and shopping on the 19th when she walked away and left Rob pm the corner of the street. Some of his are her fans said she looked embarrassed being with him because of him trying to make her laugh he was being goofy. She did this after her so called interview with NYT. After these comments were made RPL took them down. She should be proud just to be in his company if it wasn't for him where would she be now. The trolls will have a lot to say about my comment.
WHEW! These trolls are really making big mistakes now. Trying to make a comment under another's name is fraud and in writing, you get to do to jail, do not pass go, go directly to jail! Oh boy, we get to see some real tears shed now! You all go right ahead and keep it coming! HKN, check out the routes from the trolls on the dupes, you can help process some good shit on these trolls. I love it!
I would suggest everyone stay off of the blog until HKN can fix it. It seems someone has taken control over the posts and is now putting stuff up there as if you are the one doing it
Sue -its a little scary that they could put stuff up on the blog and make anyone of us look like we are R and T fans. Not liking it at all
Mickey don't worry about them. We all know who is who here. It's a very childish game they play. It's very easy to click on the name and compare the names to see its fake and just another troll. But most of us don't even need to check it out as we know who the real RK fans are here and I know you nor Janie would ever say those things. Just ignore them everyone HKN will clean house as soon as she sees this.
Lol I'm about to watch a movie titled Obsessed about a killer that stalks a woman whose blog empowers people. Apparently the killer doesn't like what the blogger has to say. Déjà vu!!!
Read srwns. She'll right on.
you are so right Cindy.
Janie - I will as soon as I get home. I work in a school district and tumblr is a blocked site
Sue - the post at 8:31 - I didn't write it
They really are babies and immature. I guess we are getting on their nerves.
The second post with my name on it which addresses the women here as "hags" is most certainly NOT me.
The moderator can, if she chooses to, verify that it was not made from my ISP.
I am an outsider, but I am not rude. I don't call people names.
Please take any future post with my name attached with a grain of salt. I cannot check this site every hour, so there may be posts made by the fraud between now and when I check again.
I assure you, if it is unkind, it is not me.
I know that wasn't you. Some scared little troll has been hijacking people's names and posting nasty comments. I will delete them as fast as I can.
When you go as far as using others identity, it says a lot about what They say They believe and what they really believe. Nobody would do that If They were secure in their belief. Just posting here when they're not welcome and disagree with our common belief was strange to me. I'll never post on RPL. I don't see the point to engage in a convo with them and honestly, I don't care If They believe in the Twigs crap. It's actually a good thing for Kristen. But going to such extreme means you're scared and know what's going on. I'll never even think about doing something like that.
We may be delusional, but I've never seen anyone of our side being that crazy.
shall rob today attend at an event in NY? for Red Nose Day!
Dorthee - I agree with you. No one who is a RK fan would do that on their own site and I know that I don't post on either RPL or the sessed site. I just go to see the pics. They are pretty desperate people and if we can feel a change coming I am sure they can also. They have started having too many excuses for why certain pics are the way they are. I guess they make it up on their own. The only down side to this is that they are locking up your profile so you can't make any changes. I tried going on my profile to lock it up and you should have seen the blogs they said I followed. Not good. Not good at all
I have a feeling the singer PR team is going to make Rob take her or meet her there to walk the red carpet. I hope she dresses decent and believe me she will be smiling. So look for some more drama tomorrow from the trolls. Do you really think Rob doesn't know what she is doing?
Cindy Thanks for giving Mickeymackey the rightful credit for being insightful with the remark of a change happening in RK fandom. This must be the reason the trolls are here at Haven a pro RK blog.
I love it here at Haven!
I choose to believe Rob will attend tonight's event solo. Too much risk of embarrassment and this is a charity event not a PR extravaganza. He would fair much more by being solo or attending with other actors IMO. But since the whole thing is nuts to me I will prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Carol - that will mean we get tomorrow new nice pictures.
I hope it is the last obligation of the Contract for Rob and really ends in June
There's another group of people I despise along with the Sesseds, and I'm talking about the Rob's haters and ex RKians who turned their back. Calling him a puppy, a famewhore, a has-been, a drug addict, accusing him of being a gay is disgusting and Kristen that They claim to love, wouldn't tolerate it.
This is one of the reasons why I'd like both Rob and Kristen telling the truth and what was this parody about so everybody will look stupid. Some will try to come back by saying they never believed it but deep down they'll feel as stupid as everybody else.
There's the Red nose charity tonight. Rob is on the list but so does Sienna and she's in Cannes so I wonder If some parts were not pre-taped. Or even the whole show. Does someone know If it's live or not.
It is quite interesting that you wrote about the Bustle article as I had just sent an email to someone about it. I'm glad you knew about the author as she didn't sound too bright or trustworthy. The other thing which floored me was the picture of Dakota and I think it was Cara Delevigne. I had also made that very same comment to someone else. Why is it that Kristen is the brunt of all insults and cattiness, if only to the media and the twankers? All the other celebrities love her and can't say enough about her. I agree with the celebs, the producers, the directors, Rob and her long-time pals - she's one in a million!! Happy sailing!!
Dorothee it's a 3 hour live event being televised on NBC. Each hour will be a different host. There are a lot of actors involved so for the sake of not being embarrassed since it will be televised to millions I hope Rob goes alone. Maybe he'll go with Kellan Lutz as he's scheduled as well.
Thanks Cindy! So it's live. But some guests are in Cannes so I guess that not everything will be live. But since Rob has been in NY I guess he'll be there.
I consider that it would be a mistake for Rob to take Twigs there. First she's not on the list. Second it's a charity, not a fashion gala. Third, Rob will be there as an actor. He needs to be back in the game. Twigs is bad for his image. In a sense he didn't care because it benefited Kristen. But tonight, he doesn't need to mix business commitments that don't get along IMO.
Don't be surprised if he doesn't go alone. This whole week of pictures paints a picture of a not so happily engaged couple. I think he may have to be with her to try to prove they are still an item. I'm sure he saw pictures of this week. Damage control. Remember Met? What a performance he put on. I expect the same for tonight. He's a great actor.
We are really getting on the Trolls nerves. I think it would be best not to answer them because it only makes them madder when we don't . I like that idea.
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