Robert and I.
Now why would a woman refer to an ex in this way? Why not say my ex boyfriend and I?
Because he's not an ex. He's her husband and father of her child.
There was a twitter troll that I had to set straight a couple of times. She insisted that Rob and Kristen broke up over two years ago. I'm not kidding you. Guess she didn't get the memo on the daily pap fest from April 2013. Or their follow the leader car of shame after their get together in October. Actually the last pic we got of them was July 4th of this year so back up that train.
She also insisted that there is no such thing as a "confidential" marriage license.
A confidential marriage license allows all the personal information on a marriage license to be protected from public view. Only a court order or a notarized application by either spouses can obtain a copy of the information. This benefits anyone who wishes their information remain private, including celebrities.
For a confidential wedding license only those people present at your ceremony need to know and the marriage certificate will be sealed from public access or review. Consequently, only the bride and groom and the minister need to be present; witnesses are not necessary.
Maybe she's been listening a little too much to some of our trolls that like to infest this board.
Speaking of weddings...
Rob was a groomsmen at the wedding. Too bad they couldn't use this one as a hook up rumor. She's married. Things were looking a little bleak for the Robsessed.
She Was Around.
Three words that sent the dipshidiots into a tizzy.
Now the dipshidiots will tell you this this happened in 2012 or early 2013 before the fake up. Doubt that . More than likely it was shortly after CXR.
She also insisted that there is no such thing as a "confidential" marriage license.
A confidential marriage license allows all the personal information on a marriage license to be protected from public view. Only a court order or a notarized application by either spouses can obtain a copy of the information. This benefits anyone who wishes their information remain private, including celebrities.
For a confidential wedding license only those people present at your ceremony need to know and the marriage certificate will be sealed from public access or review. Consequently, only the bride and groom and the minister need to be present; witnesses are not necessary.
Maybe she's been listening a little too much to some of our trolls that like to infest this board.
Speaking of weddings...
Rob at Bobby Long's wedding posing with two geezers. Don't think this is what the Robsessed had planned for what they hoped would be an epic holiday weekend.
The lady holding up the camera is way out of the hook up age bracket. The Robsessed were doing a lot of this.
Tom looks like a Blues Brother lol.
Even Rob's newest hook up rumor Twiggy was a no show.
A bunch of drunk bridesmaids and the bride drooling over Rob. (Was this a wedding or a frat party?)
When I see this picture I see Rob doing this....
Run Rob Run!
What is wrong in this picture? The bride looks so interested in her new husband doesn't she? The Robsessed were let down by Rob again. No hook ups to speak of. More worried about what's in his jacket pocket .
Hey maybe their buddy the new blushing bride will help them out.
Not quite. More like she put her foot in her mouth.
This woman was on twitter the day after her wedding trading blown up pics of Rob with her Robsessed buddies and making this announcement:
"Too bad his little wife couldn't make it"
She deleted her twitter account shortly after realizing in her attempt to be bitchy she had inadvertently let the married cat out of the bag.
And the Robsessed as usual were left still waiting for their great chance at Rob...
Hey maybe they can hold out hope for Twiggy.
People Online who said a friend of Rob's told them Rob was crazy about Dylan is now crowing that a friend of Rob's has confirmed he is smitten with Twiggy. Hey the dipshidiots fell for the Dylan crap why not this !
Twiggy with another man! Supposedly he's gay but I guess Twiggy doesn't have Rob's super powers to turn gay people straight so they can be his latest hook up rumor. She was also seen kissing on another man too. Of course the dipshidiots believe the tweet about Rob hooking up with the "ugly chick" but they don't believe the one about Twiggy kissing someone other than Rob. If we're going to believe all the rumors how about the one that Twiggy is gay herself? That would put a crimp in the newest hook up game wouldn't it. Of course that hasn't stopped the dipshidiots before.
Oliver Assayas dropped this gem.
She Was Around.
Three words that sent the dipshidiots into a tizzy.
Now the dipshidiots will tell you this this happened in 2012 or early 2013 before the fake up. Doubt that . More than likely it was shortly after CXR.
Kristen out with friends in L.A.
I don't have to tell you where this went. Alicia, Kristen's lover.You can't just have a friend who happens to be gay. She has to be your lover too.
Kristen at the beach in Malibu.
Looks like a ring to me.
CJ being a good friend. There were some dipshdiots that went on CJ's instagram and said some stupid things about Kristen and Alicia. They kept asking why Alicia was calling the paps.
Yeah do this and when that fails to register with the idiots do this.
Because sometimes getting down to their level is all they understand.
Aww Cole was with her. Let's see how many dispshidiots make a big deal about Bear and Bernie not being there too. Rob won't let her near them right? Eye roll.
Rob and his two right hands shopping in NYC lol.
Now according to the dipshidiots the excuse for his two right hands are Rob has some extra powers that make his pinky look like a thumb.
So of course the dipshidiots think this is proof they are broke up. Rob arriving right after Kristen leaves.
Nope. Actually it shows they are smart ninjas that know the dipshidiots will fall for this shit.
Rob and his two right hands shopping in NYC lol.
Verrry Interesting.
Now why would the paps feel the need to badly photo shop Rob's left hand?
Yep that would be the reason.
Kristen leaving L.A. for Singapore Rob arriving in L.A. from NYC.
(Hi Sam!)
So of course the dipshidiots think this is proof they are broke up. Rob arriving right after Kristen leaves.
Nope. Actually it shows they are smart ninjas that know the dipshidiots will fall for this shit.
We also got some new/old pics of Rob from August 2nd. Drama was started over nothing as usual.
If you have time check out this article. It is definitely worth your time.
It tells about the smear campaign going on against Rob and Kristen. Simply because they won't play their games.
And that about covers it. I leave you with this cute pic of Rob and Dane from Life.
1 – 200 of 326 Newer› Newest»Very good summary HKN! Thank you!
Thank you HKN.
Well said HKN! Thank you
Great post HKN! Hi to all HKN Havenettes ladies! I just got to work. Keep me posted! Talk to you all after I get off from work. Love all. Hugs!
HKN..another great post you wrapped up nicely and even put a bow on it.
I hope EVERYONE takes the time to read that article about a Hollywood Smear campaign. It is truly excellent......I love how she compares the attacks on Kristen as mysogynist as compared to coverage about Tiger Woods and Arnold S (can't spell his name, former Gov of California!) and their multiple adulteries....
Thank you as always for your great work..
HKN-Brilliant and timely Post!
HKN...thank you and job well done! The picture form the movie with Chris O'Donnell was exactly what I thought of when I saw the picture from the reception. Rob looks bored and ready to leave.
And my thoughts on the airport...Rob and Kris have a reason behind the this. They're fine, absolutely fine you all.
ASFJ..just finished reading it...Men never get the blame for adulterous affairs or cheating on the girlfriends...but the women are crucified and in some countries stoned to death because they had the nerve to be raped by some pig and disgraced their family.
Quite a double standard in this world and it's worse in Hollywood, who remembers way back in the 50's when half the actors and directors were accused of communism and black balled when it was all lies. So many lives were ruined back then.
It's the same today you either play the game they design for you, or live to regret it.
This is why I have tremendous admiration and love for Rob and Kristen ..they both refused to play the game. Yes they have suffered for it, but they have stuck to their own principles through the garbage and lies heaped on their heads and have proven they will come out the other side of this with their heads held high.
I say bravo and well done to them both, and to their parents for giving them both such strong moral characters.
Well done. Keep on truckin HKN. Only us old ladies may understand that.
Raining here. Temps dropped by 20+degrees. I'm ready fir some cooler weather!
BBL. love you all.
Well, I haven't posted here in a long time. RL life got busy and I just had to step away, but thanks HKN for holding down the fort and keeping us entertained:)
Some thoughts..... "Robert and I" More than Kristen not referring to Rob as an ex, why is she making any connection to him at all? If they are not together I mean. This article is about her new solo movie career path, Twilight is long over.
Why didn't she lump Tyler into the group?
She usually does when making references in regards to Twilight, as if it takes some of the attention off her and Rob. But she didn't do that.....
"Robert and I" Rarely has she referred to the two of them in the same breath. So why now, a year after the supposed break up, while promoting her new movie?.... still connected:)
And this coming on the heels of another interview where she mentioned all three dogs being with her.......still connected:)
Sorry to hear about Joan Rivers passing for her family's sake. Honestly, I didn't care for her humor. I never found it funny the way she would mock and ridicule others to get a laugh....and I certainly disliked what she did to Kristen (for profit margins in my book). Anyway RIP Joan
It's Jan! I don't know why it's posting as David (still haven't mastered this Social Media stuff lol.
Peace all!
I've been saying it until I'm blue in the face.....I've even ranted about it on MN......If it had been Rob , they would have pinned a gold medal on his chest. I love how the article goes on to say that she has been victimized by the press for two years now (Esquire, Elle , although not mentioned by name in the article..I'm bringing them up) and it stiill continues ..whereas Arnold, Tiger and all the other guys in Hollywood who can't keep it in their pants are forgotten or exonerated.
My personal favorite not mentioned in the article is George Clooney, who goes from pillar to post every year (flavor du jour?) and everyone else thinks it's great because he's single.....and yet someone like Angelina Jolie, who has completely made an impact on humanitarian causes, can still be called terrible names about her past or constantly being drawn into the Jennifer Aniston affair....after 10 years with Brad...
Women will be objectified as long there is this rotten, biased trash press out there calling the shots.
And what women do to each other!!!! Take JR for instance...what a legacy she is leaving in her latest book...horrible.
Well, I'v had my rant for the day....
At long last with the reviews for CXR and COSM..they can never again say she cant act and even begin to think anyone will tkae them seriously again.
The same will one day happen for her and Robs marriage and children. the liars and haters will have to find something new to lie about.
I a so proud of those two I can hardly see straight. They deser ve praise not bitter hatred.
You know what is NOT confidential in California?
Birth certificates.
Yes, they deserve our respect and love...and with these terrific film reviews, (for both of them), who's gonna have the last laugh?
Kristen is killing it! All of her reviews are giving her high praise!, Another proud mama moment here at the Haven! Girls we have been backing a winner....but hey...we knew that didn't we?...whoot whoot! Cannot wait to see Sils Maria....:-)
Thanks for the new post was like savor of B12....LOL
That was a shot of B-12....damn auto correc
You still have to have parents name, child's name, date of birth. In some states you have to have the county and city and year of north and social security number. I'm not answering you again. Look stuff up.
Sorry, meant birth.
What a smart insiteful man you are!
I agree with you on Joan Rivers...I was not a fan..the things she said lately made me cringe ...she was funny yrs ago but lately just mean...I am sorry for her daughter who has lost her mother...I feel very bad for her family..
Loved it, what else can be said. I went to the people article on who Rob was dating and if you change the name all you have is a repeat of last yrs Dylan Penn. I love the article you included and I agree with it all. I remember buying teen beat and all the other teen mags when I was a teenager my bedroom walls was covered in posters. Just stick to your guns and keep us updated.
andreana ...;) David is Jan very much a woman not a man...
femme..if you think you can obtain a copy of it go for it...a birth announcement is public record..todays day and age birth certificates you just can't request wit out certian information and then proof of who you are and why you want it..I would venture and feel safe in saying you don't qualify on any accounts.
Loved it once again HKN! I just don't know what to say about Bobby Long's wife, I am surprised that any new bride would act this way, Yes, she knows he and Kristen are married. Those days of standing behind the barricades on the set of Twilight wanting Rob are long over, you didn't get his attention then either! This is a disturbing to say the least. Rob is an amazingly nice, fun hearted, and exceptional actor and an exceptional person.
Amazingly proud of Kris on her performance in Sils Maria. What a wonderful YEAR for KRIS and ROB!
Great post hkn everytime is amazin and knows rob and KRISTEN are married :) , amazing year 4 RK , and I HOPE ALL PEOPLE READ THAT ARTICLE IS REALLY GOOD THANKS HAVENES HAVE WONDERFUL WEEKNED KISSES AND HUGS :) 😘❤️❤️❤️
MC HKN has posted the photo of Kristen wearing the "ring". Check the first pictures of Kristen in Malibu. The following photo shows two photos of Kristen's with the gold ring on her fourth finger. She is a married woman. Married to Rob, of course.
I was looking at rob pics at lax sept 3 Guys rob is wearing another shirt related to kristen movie cxr. Warrant officer/candidate school tshirt.
Great post HKN. You nailed it while being funny too. That article was very eye-opening and something we all need to read and remember. The Tabs are so out in left field, I turn away from them on the alerts and at the store.
I'm bursting with pride for our favorite couple, Rob & Kristen. Their movies are great, and it can't wait to see every one of them. I know they are happy & pulling all these cool ninja moves. The airport pics were very, very interesting.
K wearing red flannel shirt in aug 31 pics. I believe that s rob shirt
Hi Frenchie, Lisa G, Morning Coffee, ASFJ, HKN, Gigi, Tina, Sherry, Merle, sue morris, andreana, Bunny from Texas, Chris b, MARTHA ORIZ, Teresa Holmes, and the rest of HKN Havenettes ladies! I just got home from work. I am totally beat. Tell me about it tomorrow. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all! HKN, again love your post. Great job! Love all your comments to all the Havenettes ladies! Night!
@Merle Yamasaki...
Yes I finally noticed it especially in the blow up picture..My eyes are getting too old for the fine details anymore. Thanks for remembering Merle and pointing it out to me.
Teresa...I think more than half K's wardrobe is Robs shirts ;)))
I wanted to say that even though Joan Rivers was not one of my favorite comedians, she was a human being with a family who loved her. As for her behavior the last few years, she was 81. Before my mom died at 86 she would have times where she was just mean. We suspected hardening of the arteries. When she died of an apparent massive stroke/heart attack that pretty much sealed the deal. If you are not aware, hardening of the arteries can cause someone to be short tempered and mean at times. I am more concerned about why the procedure she had caused her to go into cardiac arrest. Believe me, my husbands health as you know is bad at best. A year ago he had an endoscopy to see why he was vomiting frequently. Turned out to be the kidney thing, but he was in the outpatient part of the hospital and he was given anesthesia . I am wondering if they gave her too much. I heard on the national news that they are looking into what happened the day of her procedure.
So, be kind in your remarks. I just read the other day that the first part of our bodies that develops in the womb is our anus. That's right, we all start off as assholes. I know I've been thinking about that.
Have a nice night. Love you all.
Good day
nice post HKN. Thank you
Happy Kristen in Singapor great fan picture.
Have a nice weekend, love you all. Hugs
People start remembering pics. The rob aug 2 pics are not from aug 2.weve all seen these pics before. They are from 2012. Thats why rob look dated in the pics.this was not a party. This was rob with muscians at jam session at a house in la.that what wasstated back in 2012. Love this post hkn. One of your best. That article about smear campaingn was very truthful. Some people need to wake up. I cant believe the troll who believe they broke up in 2012.butthats what the media does for you. Leaving speaking and looking stupid.
Inpics of k going to Singapore she wore that jean vest going to sundance. Wow. Who would have thought rob was there.
Also k would not keep wearing a wedding band if she wasnt married. Hkn I now believe u are right. If rob is just crossing the street in ny why alter his hand. Unless your trying to hide something on that hand.
K dont bring up her ex. She doesn't talk about micheal in her interviews.she only mentioned mike once when she talk about them on her porch and smoking pics awhile back thats it. I notice k seems to bring up rob or they mimic each other alot now in interviews.
Not only did bl wife confirm they together in early may ruth bernstien also confirm it. No way she would have favorited that tweet if they were exes.
Jan I missed u loved your comment. Missed your insightful thoughts. Hi chris b loved your comment too. Nite havenettes.
Good morning to all the Havenettes hope all is well,Hkn what a great post spot on once again thankyou, Well hope you all have a great weekend love to you all take care.
Morning all.
It is such a muggy morning here, last night as well.
Looking so much to seeing The clouds of SIls Maria.......It's such a joy reading all of the great reviews. IFC better not fuck up it's release this year!
Hope everyone is doing well.
Morning all....
Jusst want to wish everyone a really good weekend..we have rain and cooler temps because of them it's a wonderful change from all the heat.
See you all later.
Morning ladies of the Haven. Is nice here. Have a nice weekend. May it be troll free. Love you all.
I was just thinking about why pictures don't get released in time for an Oscar nod. If the company releasing it knows there are other films that might keep a film they feel is Oscar worthy out of contention they will delay the release. I believe there is a film that was James Gandolfinis last one. Not to be harsh but Shen an actor dies they can be a shoo in to win. You've had both Gandolfinis and Robin Williams, who has 4 films coming out that both died this year. The Oscars are politics and that could be why some movies delay release and take a chance on the next year for Oscar consideration. You can't compete with the dead in an Oscar race just like you can't compete with a popular show like Breaking Bad that ended in the Emmys. All politics.
Love you all.
Sherry, I think if they hold it back it takes it out of contention this coming year or the following. the oscars are political as is the rest of HW, but Kristen wouldn't be competing in the same categories as say Gandolfini or Robin Williams..
Guess we will have to play HW's game and wait and see what is decided. In the meantime K's reviews for hte film were fabulous.
No but there are other actresses in those movies who would get nods plus the movie could get overlooked.
People are so blind they cannot see.
IFC will be out of it's friggin' mind if it does not release COSM so it's up for Oscar nominations. With the reviews it's getting for Binoche, Stewart and Assayas.....
Waiting for the movie Boyhood to start. Later.
Annie..I'm with you IFC would be insane to not release film in time for oscar noms. I can't believe they are holing MTTS till next year, ridiculous.
Tempest...??? what are you referencing.
Haters and trolls in genera, MC ♥
Tempest...Truer words ;-)
Good morning to Morning Coffee, Tempest, Gigi, Tina, Merle, sue morris, Annie, Frenchie, Lisa G, Sherry, Vernier, ASFJ, Tbell, and the rest of HKN Havenettes ladies! Happy Saturday! I just got home from the farmers market.
Tempest and Morning Coffee, I just ignore trolls and haters. I rather talk to the one I said morning morning/hello and the rest of Havenettes ladies than those trouble makers.
So how are to all my HKN Havenettes ladies or friends? I hope you all healthy and your families.
Hello you all. How is everyone? Loved the fan pictures from Singapore. Kris has the prettiest smile. And the reviews for COSM are wonderful. So proud of our girl; Rob is too.
So tired today. but I think it's from weight lifting. I've increased the amount in the past few days. My arms and legs hurt, but the other benefits are wonderful.
Have to get some writing done this weekend! BBL
Great post HKN!
Loved the Hollywood Smear Campaign article. A very telling article that shows that RK play by their own rules when it comes to handling their celebrity status. From the beginning of this Twilight fandom, you could tell that both RK struggle to get a hold on their newfound success. The tabloids had a sense this,and went on this fabricated story campaign on both of their private lives. The tabloids wanted to see if either one them would break and have a public breakdown similar to Britney Spears, and Lindsey Lohan. It didn't happen. Both RK may have had issues privately, but it just didn't show in public. I dorecall Rob had mentioned of being a little depress and Kristen will flip off the paps, but nothing to show that the media/press had won in their attempt to tear down these two beautiful people. It is evident how much RK have grown in their celebrity status over the past few years. You can tell by all the interviews lately, that both of them have confidence and drive to handle what ever hateful or derogatory remarks on their professional and private lives. In Kristen words, "keep them guessing".
Let me just say, I am so proud of their career choices in movies after Twilight. The reviews are overwhelming, especially for Kristen right now. Critics are using words like,sensational, remarkable,fascinating, and memorable to describe her performance in COSL. Some even said Oscar performance, which I had high hopes for until IFC decided to postpone the release date until spring 2015. I had a feeling IFC was going to do this, because they already have Oscar contender with Boyhood(which is a very good film). This movie already has buzz for best picture, actor, and actress. IFC seems to be investing all their money into Boyhood at the moment
This small distributor just don't have the money to do both campaigns. As for Rob's recent Rover movie, he too got excellent reviews, but it didn't fair well at the box office. This is where you so call Rob only fans(aka Kristen haters)could have helped more. This is where he needed your full support on, and not on a blog defending his private life. Remember this is a indie film with limited releases. Use those computer skills to advocate to have his movies show in your area. I did, and the Rover was shown at a theater near me. As for Kristen's upcoming film Camp-X-Ray me and some friends are going to do some serious campaigning in our areafor this movie by attracting the military personnel. We are currently trying to figure out our game plan. Let's face it Rob and Kristen need your support on their movies instead of their love lives. Put all that anger to other uses.
As for you trolls that come here on a daily basis, I will never entertain your comments. I will always follow both Rob and Kristen stand on trolls/haters by not addressing them at all.
Later ladies!
Good Morning Arleen and Gigi...
Arleen are you working today or getting your day to do other things. I loved what you said the other day about teaching your daughter about food shopping and budgeting, these are things she will need to know in the future. You are a smart mom.
Gigi ...alternate your days of strength training with cardiovascular...too much with the weights you will injure the muscles and that is not the goal..I speak from experience, learning the hard way. But good going I admire your determination.
Yep our girl is a beauty and such a sweet generous nature, just like Rob.
Morning Coffee, I wasn't schedule today. I have always look at the posted board at my work check to see what days I work. I worked yesterday. I am hoping they will called me in. Or tomorrow. They always posted every Saturday to see what is my next week schedule.
Good morning to a really special group! I went over to check on Jackie last night and spent the night. She was running a fever. She is here in bed with mw and I am watching old movies and reading HKN, SRWN, DIDY, etc. to be quiet so she can sleep. HKN, wonderful job on this post, looking forward to reading the clip on Hollywood Smear Campaign. Yes, R and K have not been push-overs. Yes, they pretty much have expressed a desire to insist on privacy. Why? Because anything said candidly is reversed totally by a greedy press that lies always to make bucks from drama and bullshit, horse hockey, and chicken shit. I believe Hollywood did better last year at the Oscars. Maybe they will improve this year. I would like to see special awards for those lost this year GANDOFINI, Robin AMONG THEM. I HAVE ALWAYS FELT THAT Rob and Kristen were very kind basically and what they do, acting, is a love of theirs, an art that they are both finding very satisfying. The hoop and holler is fine, but neither one likes the personal attack daily by every damn news group around. It is just noise and lights and insults to their lives. Having a lovely rainy day in September, leaves falling. Susie in the Tornado Alley, OK
Arleen and Gigi, your children are lucky to have such good mothers that love them. Wish that every child had good parents that really care. Feeling so badly about the child, a little beautiful boy, left in a car to die. Just so hard to imagine, impossible to understand, why? Love to all, Susie
Just got out of seeing Boyhood. That was a rather long but interesting movie.
MC: So IFC will not release MTTS until next year? Julianne Moore won Best actress at Cannes for her role in that movie. Seriously who are the fools running IFC?
People can say whatever they want about Harvey Weinstein but he would be having those movies out for Oscar contention.
There is not one bit of sense behind what IFC is doing!
Hi all.....It's really very humid here and it looks like it's about to pour.
@annie IFC is the distributor of K's Film COSM and they don't want release the Film not before 2015! but the same goes for MTTS!
Thank you for telling me that, MC. My arms are more sore than my legs, but heaven knows I don't need to injure myself.
Sue, thank you also for your sweet words. Arleen is a good mom, too. I haven't herd anything about that child, but I've never left my kids in a car no matter what the temperature was. That's just dangerous.
I'm aggravated that the release dates for the movies has been pushed back.
Ms. Lottie, wow...your words to the robsessed are moving! It would be a much better world in general if people used the strength of their emotions for the greater good. Everyone can make a difference; it's simply a choice of whether or not to do it.
Love to you all.
Happygirl: As i understand it they have to release the film before the end of this year so it's eligible for Oscar nominations even if in limited release.....It's being seen at every film festival this year and the reviews are off the chart!
It has already opened in France and some other territories. Holding it back for 2015 seems a stupid move.
Are they planning on keeping it on ice for the 2015 Oscar race? That makes absolutely no sense!
Annie and Happygirl...
To me it doesn't make any sense a at all to withhold either of these films till 2015..especially in light of it will be earlier in the year when films get forgotten and they will still have a yers worth of films to go against for the awards.
I really don't get it. Unless they think CXR has a chance, a really good one. Truthfully I'm bewildered. Maybe we heard wrong?
MC: I am bewildered as well. IFC cannot be oblivious to the buzz COSM is getting.
Kristen, if she were to get nominations for both films would not be the first actress to do so...... For example,Julianne Moore had that honor a few years back with two Oscar nominations in the same year, for Far From Heaven and The Hours.
No matter how I try to wrap my head around it, it just doesn't compute.
If it happens I will be very disappointed but I don't think anyone in HW will care.
I was really looking forward to seeing both of these plus MTTS soonish.
MC: Me too MC........I can't wrap my head around IFC's decision, if that's indeed what they plan to do.
I hope someone in that company sees the light and wakes up because it's my opinion that they're asleep at the wheel!
On another topic, I read on the previous post that we are famous......I laughed so hard at that one. :):):):)
Annie I didn't see the post..who wrote it nicci?
Something written on Mama Nails's blog calling the people here "Insane fanatical grannies gone wild" and contacting 60 minutes, 20/20 and the Huffington Post......:):):):):)
Oh That was on here the other's from Jane need I say more??? I swear that one has more personalities than Sybil.
Trying to catch up. I was really exhausted yesterday.'s been one of those kinds of weeks for it seems like everyone.
Waiting for the timer to go off on dinner, broiling some Salmon with a honey lime glaze. Talk again later
good grief, I am having trouble not having a laughing fit-grannies gone wild? that is to die for. Sounds like the fruitcake known as Jane. Golly gee, does that make me famous too!? I really think these strange mental case type haters are really out there, imploding very quickly, not able to relate to real life. Nap time here, bye.
MC, you have mail. Hope it's good. Love you.
HKN another great post. Thanks! For all the time you put into these. I love them and appreciate all that you do.
Hi! Ladies of the have eyes. Hope you are all having a great weekend so far. What a great time to be a fan right now. So proud of K with all the great reviews she is getting right now. She will go so far and she is only 24 wow. So impressed that young lady. Take care! All.
Oops! It was suppose to read hello the Havenettes. now have mail ;)
In the sept 3 rob at lax pic. Rob is wearing another tshirt related to k movie cxr. Warrant officer tshirt.k rank in cxr
Thanks Gigi Cullen, I just think we both RK fans could do more to support their movies, since they both are giving us fans the performances of their lives.
Happy and HappyGirl, I just love your names, Happy was my late grandmother's real name, and I just adore her to death. Every time I see either of your names on this blog, It bring back pleasant memories of her.
I hear that Kristen will be at the NYFF Q&A on Oct 8th or 9th. I think tickets go on sell tomorrow. A friend of mine is going to see if she can get tickets for us to see MTTS and COSM. I don't to wait until 2015 to see these two movies.
Also, tonight I am going to see Lavelle Crawford. He is a standup comedian who is costarring with Kristen and Jesse Eisenberg in American Ultra. You know I am going to try and get his autograph and other things from him after the show.
Good Night Havenettes.
I keep seeing people say that about rob's shirt, but Kristen is not a warrant officer in cxr, I've seen it.
And she didn't train at that base, she did training near LA with an ex-military guy who specializes in training actors for military roles.
Are we really going to get our panties in a twist over a shirt? I think not.
Had a beautiful day here. Going to bed . Ladies have a nice night. See you all tomorrow. Love you all.
Good night to all the Havenettes ladies! Hugs to you all! Keep me posted. Night everyone. I love you all.
Bunny - Yes, it has certainly been a wonderful YEAR for Rob and Kristen! Time to celebrate!
Charlotte and Havenettes Totally agree! It's September and the first year anniversary for Rob and Kristen. Time to celebrate! Raise your glass to toast our loving couple(is it too early in the morning to do this?) Happy Anniversary Rob and Kristen and many, many more!! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness and more babies!
Hi Merle! Same from Susie in Oklahoma! Happy First Year, Happy First Child, and many more wonderful firsts! Hello Arleen! and hello to Annie, M.C. , Charlotte's Web, and Bunny. Lizzie, time to twirl! VERNIER, loved your blog, Mama Nails, terrific Sunday tumbler, the pictures of Kristen out there made me think, I really do not like heights! Oh man, I would bet she is a very highly insured young lady! Still do not do heights, I am a WOOSH. Susie
Good morning to Merle, Sue morris, Vernier, bunny from Texas, Annie, Morning Coffee, Sherry, HKN, TEMPEST, and the rest of Havenettes ladies! Happy Sunday! Those of you are grandparents! Happy Grandparent's Day! I hope enjoy your day with your grandkids on your day. am ready and off to church. Keep me posted. Hugs to all the Havenettes sisters! Later!
I hope you love my new avi. Sorry I didn't wear make up. It's too hot for that. I just got my eyebrows done yesterday.
Happy Grandparent's Day to the ladies (and gents) who have grandkids! I'm going to see my parents this afternoon. And I agree with you, Merle. September is a very special month for Rob and Kris. I can't help but smile when I think of them.
My husband and my daughter want to go zip lining like Kris and Nick. She makes it look fun but that's not for me. Love how she and Rob are into thrill seeking activities. It's another reason why they are soul mates.
Love and abundance!
Here is the link to TIFF14 and also NYFF which Kristen my be in attendance:
Kristen is sporting new socks: Heineken. Rob's favorite beer.
Rob skydiving in Australia and Kristen zip lining in Singapore. Wow, two adventurers.
Have a great Sunday!
Evening everyone hope your weekend is going well,just watched Rob's sister Liz having her audition on the X-factor was really good looking forward to seeing her at Wembley Arena was hoping Rob would just pop in as well i can dream ,loving all the great comments would just like to say what a lovely bunch of ladies you all are its a pleasure to come on this blog, well thats me for tonight so take care be safe hus to you all.
Hello ladies. Went to church this morning and then had a bite and then just finished mowing the lawn.. Just saw the video of Kristen zip lining. It looks like fun. Would like to try that. As for the skydiving Rob did don't think so.
Hope you are all having a good and relaxing Sunday. Love you all.
Dropping by to say good night to you all. See you in the morning.
Good night to all the Havenettes ladies! Hugs to you all! Keep me posted. Love you all.
Happy Grandparent's Day to those are Grandparents. Night all!
Guys k wearing rob tshirt. The white tshirt rob wore at the costume store in nyc on aug 21 fanpic. K is wearing it on the 2 fan pics at the resturant in Singapore. Look. The collar and cuffs around arm is same. Cuffs around k arm is bigger because robs arms are bigger.only how k got his tee is he came home to la while she was there. Those lax pics of rob aren't from sept 3. Rob had to come back earlier.
good Morning,
all had a nice weekend?
Beautiful pictures of kristen, she looks so happy.
Above all so brave.
Rob is Mia since the arrival, great
great Monday, love you all. hugs
Oh I had seen something that even just fans of rob, believe the K and he are together. And what she writes is not wrong.
not everyone of a Rob fan hates Kristen, fine
I see our annoying troll is back! To bad that she is to stupid to understand that we give a Shit what she thinks!
Morning all.
I see that Rob still doesn't care enough to let any other woman aside from Kristen wear HIS clothes or carry around HIS accessories,
Damn! What is it about Mondays that shit starts so early!
Good Morning Have ladies...
Happy girl one or more of the pests always attack when they aren't sure what's going on. Like Rob always says tabloids make you stupid. the trolls that come here are living proof he is absolutely correct.
Hope you girls all have a good day, catch you later.
Hello all!
Loved the photos of Kristen on the zip line. And I didn't know Rob jumped out of a plane a while back. For some reason that surprises me—that he has daredevil streak. I also liked how his sister handled Simon Cowell on X Factor!
That troll made a comment about dead babies that was so callous it shows her heart has corroded along with her reason.
Have a great day, all.
Morning Annie..Saturday was busy...and yesterday it stormed most of the didn't do anything but relax. Hubs watched football and I read and watched the birdcage again, funniest damn movie ever love it.
onagee...I agree corroded souls is what we are dealing with in that case although I didn't see the comment I can almost guess who made it.
Well thank goodness, I missed the BS comments! M.C. and Annie and Arleen have a fine Monday! Loving all the goodies about Kristen and Rob relating to their movies, and let's hope the current distributers of their INDIES go hog wild and use their brains for something better than the typical airheads and push those terrific movies! SUSIE FROM OK TORNADO ALLEY
Good afternoon lunchtime to Sue Morris, Frenchie, Morning Coffee, Annie, Happy, Happygirl, Sherry, HKN, ASFJ, Tina, Merle, Gigi, Teresa, Charlottes Web, Bunny from Texas, and the rest of Havenettes ladies. Sorry Havenettes ladies I don't have the energy to mess with the trouble makers. I just woke up with a cold this morning. Its in my chest. Haven't cough yet.
Sue morris, I have a cold.
Arleen, Sorry about the cold. Grab some Vitamin C, like O.J. or have some hot Apple cider with cinnamon added. Good for the throat and nose. Drink lots of liquids, and get some naps in. Catnaps! I love taking a hot shower and wrapping up after. Hope everybody is chilling, I am enjoying being lazy today, just enjoying life at home. Susie
Afternoon you all. How is everyone? Arleen, I always get some mucinex when I have a cold and NyQuil to help me sleep. Feel better soon.
MC, The Birdcage is one of my favorite modern movies! I never get tired of watching it.
Hope Rob is having a good time at TIFF. I still have my fingers crossed that COSM and MTTS will be released early, but I'm not holding my breath.
Rainy and cloudy here today, which is a nice change from the heat.
Have to get dinner ready for my family. BBL.
Just got home from school. Glad I missed the trolls. Will be back later. Got lots to do. Love you all.
Anyone know if Kristen is expected in Toronto.
MC: Now got a chance to respond to you. You know how my Mondays are. Oh man!
Andreana: I don't think she is.
Annie..Manic Mondays!!!! hope it's an easier day tomorrow.
andreana...doubt very much Kristen will be at's kind of a long trip from Singapore ;)
Gigi..I could watch that movie everday I think, they were all excellent in it. It's raining here too!
MC: Here's to tomorrow. :):)
Love the Birdcage as well. Fabulous cast.
I have been seeing a lot of Robin Williams movies listed on cable, a few nights ago Jumanji was on.
I'm reading such wonderful reviews coming out of TIFF for Still Alice.
Annie where did you see reviews for still Alice?
Hi All:
Been MIA for a while...been dealing with Sis. Things haven't been going that well again, and Rl has been keeping me manic...
Catching up with all of you..glad I missed the bad stuff from the trolls....
As usual, to all the gorgeous Havenettes, too numerous to mention, my very best wishes and love to you all...
P. S. I was thinking, while reading all the crap that gets slung over at MN....(doubters)....has anyone ever seen Halle Berry's baby?? He should be about a year old now....funny...I don't remember seeing ANY pics...and Scarlet Johanssen sure didn't look 9 months preggers in the last fotos we saw of her, did she? Just some food for thought?
Missed you guys.
ASFJ...Missed you too lady ...was just thinking about you, sorry to hear about your stress levels and your sis. Praying for all of you.
Wasn't here at all yesterday so I missed the comments from the disturbed. There are some real looney toons out and about.
Hi MC:
Yes, there are some real loonies out there...and a lot of them seem to be over at Mama's....don't know how she does it.....glad she let's us see a lot of what she gets and how she hat off to her (and HKN!).
Love you, girl
Yeah she really gets some wild ones..but she handles them all with style. Lady doesn't pull her punches either ;))))
love you too
We are really blessed today, very few looney tunes today. I think a lot of actors are developing ninja tactics, it saves so much crap. Hopefully R and K are able to completely avoid the photo jerks for awhile. Get well soon Arleen! Susie
Arleen..So sorry hon, forgot you said earlier you weren't feeling well. Take care of yourslef and try to rest and drink lots of liquids..
Sue ...I am so glad to have missed them yesterday, won't hurt my feelings if they stay away forever.
Hope everyone rests well tonight. I'm so sleepy. Love to you all.
ASFJ, you and your sister are in my prayers,
Arleen hope you feel better. Take care of yourself.
As for the unbelievers, it boggles the mind. Of course a lot of us have been around long enough to know truth from bullcrap. People want to make celebrities into something they aren't. Sure they have money to do things that the rest of us can only dream of, like private jets, nannies, etc. RK want to live as privately as possible. But I also think that a lot of these trolls and haters just can't believe RK are never in trouble with the authorities. They don't run around half naked or act like juvenile delinquents. They believe the rags because they want to see them fall. Or at least which ever one they hate the most. It's really sad. You would think they would be proud of them for just being as normal as they can be. Well, I'm proud of them. Maybe it's the mom in me, but I'm very proud of them. And their movies are just the icing on the cake.
Have a nice night. Eyes are not wanting to stay open love you all.
Good night to all the Havenettes ladies! Thanks Sherry, MC, Gigi, and the rest of Havenettes ladies! I am going to bed now. Let's hope this cold and thunder doesn't keep me up. Hugs to you all! Keep me posted. Night everyone!
Hi Havenettes, RL is keeping me very busy with the start of the school year and all the kids activities to organize. I don't have time to comment much but I'm still reading you every day...
Arleen, I hope you feel better soon!
ASFJ, you are in my thoughts!
To all the other Havenettes, have a great day/night!
Morning all.
MC: i didn't come back on after i posted the comment about Still Alice......I read the reviews at the fansite.
ASFJ: Wishing the best for your sister. Hang in there.
Sue Morris, Arleen, Gigi, Sherry, Frenchie......Morning!
Off for coffee. :)
Good morning beautiful girls:
Looking forward to a quiet day at home, catching up with stuff ....and wishing you all peace and love today.
Thank you all for your good wishes....I'm praying and keeping my fingers crossed...and the same to all of you, as always , the very best to you from me.
Frenchie: merci beaucoup!
Good Morning Sweet ladies! It is a beautiful morning and I am running out the door. I love nice quiet pleasant posts here, don't you all? Got to get moving- Please have great day! Hi to MC, Annie, FRENCHIE, Arleen, AFSG Annie, and Sherry(loved your comment on Mama Nails.)Susie from Tornado Alley, Oklahoma
Good Morning Sweet ladies! It is a beautiful morning and I am running out the door. I love nice quiet pleasant posts here, don't you all? Got to get moving- Please have great day! Hi to MC, Annie, FRENCHIE, Arleen, AFSG Annie, and Sherry(loved your comment on Mama Nails.)Susie from Tornado Alley, Oklahoma
Good Morning to the Haven girls...
Quiet day today, looking forward to getting some things accomplished and then relaxing.
I pray for each of you to have a day filled with peace.
Sherry I second sues comment your words to MN were so very true.
Annie and ASFJ...hope all is good for you both today..
Arleen ..feel better soon.
I love you all
Hello everyone. So glad it's been quiet today. Rob looks wonderful and handsome in the pictures from TIFF. He's such a charming gentleman; very proud of him as always. In some of the photos, he looks to me like he's missing someone. We know who that is ladies. Kris and Sweet Pea are on his mind. And I love them so much.
Going to look for something. BBL
Hi Gigi, Morning Coffee, Sherry, Frenchie, ASFJ, HKN, Sue Morris, and the rest of Havenettes ladies! I am slowly getting better. I did mostly resting and take it easy. Miss me? So what have I miss here? I almost forgot last night had thunderstorms closed to my home. Its really freaky. And as for this morning too. About 5 am. Really Scary. I am ok. As long as I am inside I am ok. Not outside.
Just saw the pics of Rob on MN.....OMG....the guy is gorgeous. His expression looks a lot like the one he had at Cannes.....I hope the photogs are not being inappropriate, shouting out questions they shouldn't...I had to the pic where he's signing autographs outside of the venue, it looks like a bunch of grannies in the background with their mouths hanging open! Deja vu!
And that gold watch looks mighty familiar!
Arleen...glad you're getting some rest....
Hey Girls,
Just checking in again, I see it's been a quiet day around here thankfully. MN got all the wierdos again today..the woman has patience I tell you.
Arleen there is really nothing new going on, you haven't missed anything and I am glad you are feeling better.
ASFJ...Yes no matter how dressed down or up Rob is he always looks good. I love the fact that both he and Kristen are unpretencious and don't mind dressing for comfort.
The more I think about IFC...not relaesing COSM and MTTS until spring..the more I am beginning to believe HW politics have come into play somewhere down the pike. I may be wrong, however they have yet to come up with a valid reason for with holding it from release, and the excuse because they can doesn't cut it.
Hi Haven Ladies Having a lazy day. Went to the movies and saw The Hundred Yard Journey. A really feel good movie. Helen Mirin was great in it.
Yesterday was day two of my acupuncture treatment for my aching back. Still remember the sting as the needles are inserted into the back of my head but I am feeling better. Next appointment is this Friday.
Sherry How is your hubby doing? I remember you worried about too much pain meds for him and acupuncture is an alternative method to meds.
Gigi I agree Rob was definitely missing RS and RJ. There was a sadness in his eyes. Love the gold Rolex watch (gift from Kristen?).
Arleen-Be Well!
ASFJ Praying for you and your sister.
Have lovely rest of the afternoon, ladies.
Sue and MC: I had to go look up what I said, but thank you.
Been a busy day, but a good one. Hubs is doing fantastic. Going in next Monday to get peritoneal tube put back in and hopefully will get back on home dialysis in the next month. Next step, kidney!
Saw pics of Rob at TIFF on RD. He looks really good. Do happy for them both.
Got to get supper. BBL. Love you all.
Good Morning to all of the gorgeous Havenettes! Rl busy ATM but I love coming and reading all of your comments.
ASFJ I hope your sister is doing ok, I have 2 and I'm not sure what I would do without them!
MC hope your weather is not too hot and you're getting some relief - we're moving into Spring now so it's a lot more windy and more warm days interspersed with the cold ones... It's nice to be able to sit in the sun!
I hope all are well!
Well, if I am not blind, deaf and dumb, I believe Kristen Stewart/Pattinson was wearing her husband's gold watch, very recently, in a picture taken of her. I noticed it was way too big for her, and it was beautiful, like Kristen. Rob looks beautiful too, his eyes are just amazing. Kristen has almost perfect features, very lovely and her green eyes are just amazing. I love to see the beard and the hair. I do not think he likes to shave but does it for various films. I read where Kristen loves the beard and hair long, for Rob. Grizzly Adams look alike! Having a lovely day, hope everyone is well! Very proud of Rob and Kristen Pattinson, they are terrific actors. Wishing we all get our wish to see these new films before next year. Love , Susie
Evening all.
Earlier today i looked at the pics of Rob at TIFF with the longer hair and scruff and thought he looked liked Wolverine......
I see someone at Mama Nails Tumblr posted a comparison pic. :):):):)
Love, love, love the photos of Rob at the premiere! Everything about him reminds me of old Hollywood, and he never fails to make me smile. Kristen is truly one lucky lady, but he's just as fortunate to have married her.
Night y'all.
Just stopping in to say goodnight to all..I am off to bed.
See you all tomorrow.
Good night to all the Havenettes ladies! Thanks! I hope you all love my new avi. Sorry no make up too hot for make up for me. Anyways, Well, I am going to bed so I could get better. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all! Thanks for fill me in. I saw it. He looks gorgeous. Night everyone!
good Morning,
wow wow wow super great, brilliant pictures from rob
The longer hair stand him very well.
Does anybody know how long the filming are in singapor?
Arleen your new avi I like make-up in the heat, must not be;-)
Nice day, love you all, hugs
@sanni Nobody really knows it. There are three dates in the room.
1.) Sept 14th
2.) Sept 21
3.) Sept 24th.
So we have to wait and see
Good morning everyone hope you all had a great weekend,The pictures of Rob coming in are great cant wait for Kristen's also, well been real busy with RL stuff lots going on with school,college and uni with the boys it never stops, well love you all take care be safe Be back later hopefully.
Well later turned out to be morning. Saw pics and fan vids of Rob on RD. He looks good. Loved the hair and scruff. Had to laugh at the vids and all the screaming fans. I'd probably just stand there gaping and couldn't get a word out.
Raining here. Going to cool down to the 60s here by tomorrow.
Have a nice day ladies. Love you all.
Arleen, I know what you mean about makeup on hot days.
September weather is on the way and expecting it this week! Rob looked great and I think he seemed more relaxed at the TIFF awards/presentations. Missed seeing his pretty wife though. I know they try to avoid a situation but I wish she had been there, just miss seeing her. Arleen, you look great! M.C., Annie, Sherry, Tina, SANNI, LAZMEISTER, have a great day! Susie
Afternoon Girls,
I have had a busy a.m. and going to have lunch and then back to work..
Have a great day tlak to you all later on.
Wow! Where is everybody?
I know, some peace and quiet for a change, eh, girls?
HKN...has it ever been this quiet? See you're inching ever closer to the 2.5 million mark!
Love you all!!
There are some reeeaaalllly beautiful pictures posted of Rob at man ( and I mean NO MAN) looks as good in a suite as he it just my imagination or do his eyes lack the sparkle we used to see whenever he and Kristen were photographed together...I see big smiles but not in his eyes....There is just something off.....any body agree or am I reading to much into this........hateful trolls need not answer....
Andreana: I think Rob is just tired. No need to worry.
Andreana your reading too much lol. Rob is a new daddy and babies are a lot of work. Plus all his jetsetting across continents visiting k in Tokyo and Singapore. Plus his work engagments like tiff and uk rover premiere. Also u know he needs his Kristen time whenever they come together after being apart
Yes. He looked like he really didn't want to be there. His heart was somewhere else, most definitely.
In Singapore....just so I'm not misunderstood..
I don't know ...I just miss giggly happy carefree Rob...lord have mercy..I remember baby days very well...exhaustion is not a strong enough word to describe it....I used to think I might well sell my soul for eight full hours of glorius sleep....!I do not miss those days one bit!...night girls..I have a long day tomorrow gotta quit reading and get some sleep...!
I'm with you..I think his eye sparkle is in Singapore....dressed in a weird white man suite?...did you see that pic of her filming today? Strange outfit.
Well, the movie is futuristic, I think...hence,weird outfit!
Rob is so expressive and genuine...I really think what we see is what we get...he can't hide his feelings or has to be tough on both of them. I think they handle themselves beautifully. Mature and serious...but it shows when they are missing each other. And I'm sure he had reminders of K all around him with all her great reviews...and even Julianne talking about her. Not to mention what the assinine reporters were shouting at him. He kinda of looked like that at Cannes, too.
Good evening my lovelies...
ASFJ...I'm with you I think Rob is both tired and missing K..I think he has the baby in LA..not sure Kristen would tkae her to Singapore after flying all the way to Tokyo and back.
Jules is probably watching the munchkin until he gets back from Toronto. Unless his parents back in states.
He hates these press things with a passion..Kristen and he used to be a claming influence for each other at these appearances..
How are you doing? and how is your sis? I'll write you later or tomorrow so expect an e-mail from me.
Hope everyone else is doing good tonight.
Ti Amo Bella mia
Good Grief...I think I have dyslexic fingers..forgive the typos
Hey you all. How is everyone? Busy, busy day for me - grocery shopping, helping my youngest son with homework, and Bible study tonight.
I was thinking the same thing about Rob, ASFJ and Andrena, when I was looking at his pictures. Yes he looks wonderful but there is something off. IMO he's missing Kris and Sweet Pea. The exhaustion of his non stop schedule plus parenting can wear a person out too. But this is such a genuinely wonderful time for his family.
Hope everyone has a great evening.
I believe Rob is very tired. Also he is missing his wife and child. Most of the travel can knock you out, believe me it is always going to hit you the third day. He has more travel ahead so he needs to get sleep at home. With a small baby, that is not happening for awhile. He looks good for all that heavy running. Kristen will probably be completed soon, and she really looks pooped in a few shots. Time to rest soon. This was grocery day for me and bill day. Love the shot of Rob blowing a kiss to his director. Mama Nails is always funny, love the cats dogs and baby animals. Susie
There is a fan photo of Rob and a fan on RPL taken from Toronto Airport. Looks like Rob is in a hurry to leave since the promo has ended. Love how he threw a kiss to David. They have a special bond.
Have a great restful evening ladies. Good night and sweet dreams. Love and hugs to all.
Good night to all the Havenettes ladies! I went to my doctor's appt. Just to make sure before I go to work on Friday. So everything is ok. Just my back was sore or strain from the cold I had. I am almost getting better. But tired. Keep me posted! Hugs to you all! Night everyone!
good Morning,
love all your lovely comments.
I can well imagine the sweet pea in LA
Kristen journeyed much and far since it is better at home for a baby
Have a nice day, love you all. hugs
Wow it's so quite on here! I hope everyone is well... Work is chockers for me ATM so I only read you all!
Also it's the 11th here - so remembering that awful day 13 years ago. I still remember getting up early and seeing the awfulness on our morning news as it happened..
Love to all..
Good morning ladies.
Lazmeister, It is hard to believe it has been 13 years since 9/11. It was a terrible day. Unfortunately, it will be one of those days that will stay with us because of the senselessness of it. Even sadder that we are still fighting the cowardliness that is terrorism. At least when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor they weren't afraid to identify themselves. One of the things that got to me on 9/11 was Japan being the first to send words of outrage and support on 9/11. War is a horrible thing, but we have made allies out of the very countries we fought against. It's not like that with terrorism. It's like battling cancer. You get one area free of the disease and it can show up somewhere else.
May we all take time today to remember those who lost their lives 13 years ago today, their families, and the brave men and women who ran toward danger to help. I'll end with two things. United We Stand and God Bless America.
Love you all.
Good Morning All..
Let's take the time to remember what today represents..Today is a day that will forever bring both horror and admiration to the minds of every american...horror at the senselessness of terrorism and admiration for those who bravely fought to rescue those trapped in two towering infernos, only to lose their own lives in that brave effort.
I watched the wonder of so many pulling together in the aftermath, reaching out to support those who lost husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, children, friends and neighbors this terrible day 13 yrs. ago.
Take a moment out of your day to offer up prayers to those lost to terrorism all over the world and to their families. To die from sickness or accident, even old age is hard enough on the ones who lose a family member but to die from misguided violence of this nature is evil at it's purest form and it is cowardly.
Take the time today to tell the ones who mean the world to you how much you love them.
Blessings to each of you
Good morning to Morning Coffee, HKN, ASFJ, Sherry, Lazmeister, Sanni K, Gigi, Merle, Tina, Happygirl, Happy, sue morris, Annie, Tbell, Vernier, and the rest of Havenettes ladies! I am feeling much better now. I even did my five mile walk today. I am going to do it everyday. From 7am to 9am. It really felt good. I hope you all miss me! Anything new? Tell me all about it. I need to catch up. But first I am going to shower. Be right back. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all!
great und sweet picture
Hello ladies. How are y'all this afternoon? the victims of the attacks are on my heart today. I've never seen anything as devastating as what happened on 9/11, and I hope I never will again.
So proud of you, Arleen! It's been relatively quiet today. I saw a few fan pictures of Kris on the set of Equals. Very interested in seeing that movie.
Is it still raining where you are, MC? I'm ready for cooler weather.
How is your sister, ASFJ?
And is your husband doing alright, Sherry?
Need to find a snack and write soon. Love to you all.
Hey Sue, Arleen and Gigi...
Not much going on today, very hot again..and sticky. we have had rain but not enough to cool things off.
Arleen you really haven't missed much this week has been mercifully quiet for the most part. Glad you are feeling better and got to do your walk today.
Sue hope all is well for you and Jackie is feeling better.
Dear ones, We are having lovely cool weather today and Jackie and I have been doing errand and medical appointments. We watched the 9-11 ceremonies, so many memories came flooding back of friends lost that day, and the insanity of the terrorists that was so unexpected and so very cruel. We ate out and did groceries today. Jackie seems better, she has to avoid eating sugar, it makes her ill. I am really concerned about Syria , I cannot imagine they are an ally. I think Rob and Kris need a break soon to rest. A time of quiet. Hope they can just hide out in a beautiful place. Rest and renewal. Have a lovely night. Susie
Hello Havenettes!
Such a silent day here yesterday! Such a sad day to remember! And like everybody else in the world, I remember where I was and what I was doing when it happened... In France, pregnant with my 3rd and battling nausea not due to my pregnancy but from I could see on the TV! Even after 13 years, I can't believe what men can do to hurt each other... I've always loved NY and been there more than once and I had been to the Twin Towers and the landscape now always hits me...
My thoughts yesterday were with the family members of those who died or were hurt in this tragedy! May this never happen again!
On a happier note, RL seem to be settling finally for me and I'll be able to relax a bit and participate to the life of this blog more...
Hope you all have a great day!
Of course my yesterday is your today...
Good night to all the Havenettes ladies. Morning Coffee, Sherry, HKN, ASFJ, Tina, Merle, Gigi, sue morris, Tempest, and the rest of Havenettes ladies, Thank you all! I am still going to continue one my 5 mile walk everyday. It gives me courage to do it. I am not going to let my cold or sickness get me to do what I love to do. Especially, my five mile walking. I am going to do that everyday. Til Winter or til the snow sticks to the ground. Then I will have figure out what I can do for exercise. Except on days I work. Which I work tomorrow. I still love my work. If I can do that five mile walk I am sure I can work hard and faster. I know I can do it. I believe in myself. Anyways, Well I am going to bed now. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all! Talk to you all tomorrow. Thank you all for giving the courage. I love you all. You all have been great to me. Well Night! Thanks for fill me in.
Morning ladies. I saw that Still Alice has been purchased for distribution during award season. That is good news. I hope you all have a nice day. I was feeling bad yesterday and went to bed early. Going to be quite cool here today.
Love you all.
Hi everyone, late to the party yet again. I have just been catching up on news TIFF related. Rob looks fantastic, he seems so relaxed and happy and delightful. Loved watching him in interviews, in particular loved how proud of his sister he is. R/K have certainly got a great future ahead of them.
Hello everybody
everything nice comments about kristen and rob work.
CJ is on the way to Asia, visited kristen and rob possibly. he is mia
Have a nice day, love you all, hugs
Good Morning All!
Hope you are all doing well this a.m. I am rejoicing in a relatively quiet week here at the haven. but have missed seeing some of our regulars now that the lazy days of summer are behind us.
I just wanted to say to all of the posters who are no longer here for reasons of their own..that they are missed..RKfaith..Pookie..Nolagirl.. If any of you lurk and not comenting it would be a really nice gesture to at least let us know that you are all alive and well.
Annie, ASFJ, andreana, Tbell, Verni,Sue, ARleen, Laz, Tina, Sherry, Happygirl, vana, Teresa, HKN, MN, Tempest, frenchie, SanniK I wish you each a good weekend. To the rest of the Haven ladies that I didn't name the same to each of you.
Back later today.
Morning all.
MC: It was a quiet, reflective day yesterday, always is.
It's quite a cool morning here, 63 degrees at the moment.
Ecstatic that Sony Pictures Classics has picked up Still Alice and will release it in time for Oscar consideration. IFC buy a clue.......You don't sit on a movie that has as much buzz as COSM does.
This has so far been a banner year for Kristen and Rob and their movie choices....Bravo!
I hope everyone is doing well. I'm off today but heading out for coffee just the same.....7-Eleven and their 50 cent coffee beckons. :)
Hi All:
Started a diet yesterday (starting to look like the Micheline Tire Man)....took baby to Pre-K at crack of dawn....stopped at Mcdonald's supposedly to get coffee, ended up with Breakfast Platter with Hotcakes and extra much for willpower!
As always, love to all the gorgeous Havenettes!
Rob is still in LA he was last night at the Chateau Marmont with friends.
Hmm I thought he wanted to kristen as soon as possible. CJ is to her.
Hang on!
Sanni first this is a pap video. They are liars.they change dates. This video could be weeks old. Paps hang on to videos to later use for their agenda. Rob could have been at cm week he returned from london and was in la for charity dinner.why paps didnt give pics only a video. Because its pap video we have no idea when it was recorded. Paps want to show rob is away from k to promote the manwhore. Wait to see if we get other pics of rob in la. Also, even if rob is in la. K is finished filming in four days so it may make since for him to go home. Rk are fine.dont let haters stupid logic get to you.
Teresa Holmes ok thx. somewhat confused because sam was also to see and he is with rob back to LA.
we will see
what the paps yet have for old stuff. confusing confusing
Dear SANNI K, The reason these videos and Paparazzi pictures are posted at all are to get you to doubt that Rob and Kristen are together. They want you to go to HL or Gossip Cop or any other Gossip blog-it is a come-on so drama mamas can stay upset. MAKES LOTS OF MONEY. And, Rob and his wife Kristen are not giving out personal information, because Bobby Long's wife has already opened her mouth with their personal information. Giving out their real information is dangerous to them and their new baby girl. Nobody really knows specifics except a very few who are not talking. Nicole Long was trying to hurt Kristen, she only hurt herself and Bobby, as few like her , she shows lack of respect for the safety of others. She is immature and did not shoe respect for Bobby either. I repeat this only to point out that Hollywood is not interested in telling you the truth, they tell lies and show old videos just to confuse and make money. Nobody really believes these gossip magazines, they are just rags, perfect to line the birdcage or for puppy papers. Susie
There's a picture of Rob out, last night I think, wearing a new beanie from Japan. A nice token.
Rushing, but thought you'd like to know...
Look what I found on twitter it´s from @RKfan202 So looks like Rob is wearing a Japan beanie. He visited Kristen or it's a present from her
Hey y'all. I haven't seen the picture of Rob wearing the beanie, but if it is from Japan, then no one should be surprised. Husbands and wives are constantly connected no mater where they may be. I wonder what Sweet Pea has from Japan?
My husband and I are going to have dinner with our small group tonight. For dessert I'm bringing a French vanilla sheet cake with butter and spice frosting.
ASFJ, I struggled with my weight for years, and last spring I finally had enough of being overweight. The main reason I have lost it is b/c of health reasons. Diabetes and heart disease runs in my family. There are days when I miss cookies or bread, but my digestive track feels much better. It was also a matter of setting aside for me to take care of me. I firmly believe you can do it when you're ready.
See you all later.
You may be right, Hope. It was just something fun, speculation, it changes nothing except a hat. It's interesting how you wait, like Shelob in Lord of the Rings, to pounce from your spider hole. I would pity you, except for that dead baby remark.
onagee ignore the ignorant asswipe. She has no morals.
OMG Hope it must bother you that the R wore a bearnie that looks like a Japan bearnie. I know you hate everything about RK. You showed it every time. Deal with it RK are together and very happy.
I love that he has Japan/ Singapore on the brain.
Of all the symbols on all the beanies/hats he owns......he chooses that one! :):):):)
Hope you wouldn't recognize the truth if it crawled up your ass.
here's truth lets try it out shall we....
Robert and Kristen Pattinson
Better start getting use to it LOL
Hey! You said it Annie, it doesn't matter wether it's from Japan or not. Just the symbol signifies something and means something to Rob that probably has to do with K. It also means she's in his thoughts. Gosh they just don't give up do they? Hope all is well with all you ladies. Happy Friday! Yeaaaaa! Have a good one!
Often items of clothing are made in a country and sold there but also can be sold in other countries. Rob hat could be from japan. But other cities and outlets sell the same item. I own boots that are made in uk england but mine were made in boston but of that uk designer.
Hello to all the Havenettes ladies! I just got to work. Keep me posted. Talk to you all tonight. Love all. Hugs!
..late to the party.....where are these pics of CJ?
Hey MC, Gigi, Annie, Arleen and Onagee and anyone else I missed....hope you are all well..where are these pics other than the ones on RPLife?
MC...You've got mail..
Hi ladies. Got caught up with TIFF. Rob looked tired but happy.
Saw Maps to the Stars trailer. Looks awesome. Coming out October 31.
Just ignore the noise. I work with children all week. Don't intend to deal with it on the weekend.
Love you all.
I'd tell you where to go but that would be redundant since it's where you came from. Get out of here. You don't agree and you enjoy being evil so go back where you came from where you will be appreciated. You are nothing but a bully.
Ask Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes how they hid Suri for close to 6 months. No pics, nada, zilch.......For six months until Vanity Fair.
Oh look everyone....NIK
It's our very own little ray of sunshine..come to enlighten us again.
Shit for brains get this through your thick head once and for all...I am not debating paps or pics or videos..with you or any of the others.
the plain and simple facts no matter what you see or read elsewhere is very simple and not changing.
Rob and Kristen Pattinson and it. memorize it, you will be saying it alot from here on out...That's the only thing anyone really needs to know.
Yes before you go there, there is abundant proof, not to mention confirmation by the ever charming Mrs. Long.
Now let me clue you in on something else, it's obvious your parents didn't teach you, or maybe they did and you show them a different face than you do the rest of the world.
I'd like to believe you were raised in a respectful home, not in a barn with the rest of the live stock. Did your parents teach you to respect the opinions of others..and to show respect for your elders?
If not shame on them and if so shame on that the best you can do come in here to attack an older and sick woman?? Why not attack the haters and all their vicious and heinous lies about both Rob and Kristen? or are you afraid that might track you down and cause bodily harm like they want to do to Kristen.
Nikola all you are is a blow hard and a f**king coward. Grow the fuck up and find another form of entertainment away from your are a first class nitwit, trust me I am being kind in my assessment.
Oh and by the way NIk if you are going to try being witty least use your own words and stop borrowing from MN...have a little originality and integrity..Oh wait that's right, silly me I forgot you don't care about any of that.
Girl you are a loser..First class, top of the line... #1 LOSER.
Sherry: She's just in panic mode.
The FKA Twigs "he is so smitten" is laughable at this stage.
I'm waiting for them to hook up Rob with one of his male buddies like they hook up Kristen with every female friend she has.
Christ! If CJ weren't gay that'd be Kristen's next hook up......What am i saying, they already tried that....Oh man!
MC: How are you this evening?
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