Stop the presses! Rob has a new love!. He's left Imogen Kerr in the dust! Get the scoop here!
Just 24 hrs before these pics came out the dipshdiots were all about Imogen Kerr. She was in NYC and supposedly took a picture of Bobby Long's bride to be and was also hanging with Dakota Fanning. Of course in the dipshidiots minds this means she was in NYC fucking Rob. Until the pictures below came out and they smelled new hook up blood.
Yep a woman walking alongside Rob on a side walk means he's fucking her don't you know. But wait it gets better. The woman's name is Taliah Barnett also known as FKA Twiggs. She was also seen hanging with Rob in L.A. so of course this means they are an item. They look so romantic don't they? Holding hands. Kissing. Yep they look really in love.
Rob walking on a sidewalk with his wife. Someone he's actually attracted to. Can you spot the difference? Some people are clueless.
Another woman was lucky enough to get in the same shot as Rob. Rob must be into women walking on concrete these days. A new kind of kinky fetish maybe? That's three women just in the past week.(Imogen, Twiggy, and a mystery blonde). The man has some serious stamina.
This is how the man looks when he's actually interested in a woman.
Do you see the tongue thing going on for Imogen, Twiggy or any mystery date ? Yeah that would be a big NO.
But wait the shit gets even funnier.
A twitter troll swears that she saw Rob hooking up with an "ugly" chick. Tulip and her flower brigade actually fell for this crap which makes it even more funny.
One tweet and they believe it. But one tweet of Rob and Kristen in NYC while she was filming Still Alice with video proof to back it up was deemed not worthy. Some hilarious shit.
Rob enjoying hanging with friends. (Funny his new love Twiggy was a no show).
Rob and Tom being bad daddy's, husband and fiance again. Oh wait that would be Rob only. It's okay for Tom. You have to be attached to your daughter or your significant other 24/7 or you can't possibly be a daddy or husband at all. Other men in the world need to be let in on this new law. Including Tom. Or maybe it just pertains to Rob.
He sure likes talking on that phone. Looks pretty happy with whoever he's talking too. Seeing if someone was making their flight okay perhaps? Yeah that.
Kristen at Tokyo airport.
Jun Sato
@junsatophoto Kristen Stewart sighting in Tokyo. Next stop Singapore! #Equals (Photo by Jun Sato)
Mama Nails had a nasty anon that insisted that Kristen was going to Singapore too.
Wrong fools! She came back to L.A. I love it when trolls get burned.
What happened to Rob's guitar case? Don't think she left it in Japan. Or her husband picked it up and brought it back with him when he visited.
Kristen has a new ring with an A on it You know where the dipshidiots went with this right? The A is for Alicia her lesbian lover. The crazy is never ending.
Could be for Angel, Rob's favorite name for her. Or Sweet Pea's name begins with an A? Uhm.... Or sweet Pea's name is Angel.
Yes you do Rob. Don't make us tickle it out of you!
It looks like The Big shoe is being put on hold indefinitely. Some fanatics have gone plum crazy attacking Jim Sturgess and others. Get a grip people. It's only a movie not life or death.
Brad and Angelina were secretly married in France. Now of course Rob and Kristen couldn't possibly have done the same thing.
Yeah they could and did! Deal with it haters!

Kristen channeling Halloween Rob.
This just in! So it looks like Rob was possibly at Sundance with Kristen!
Ladies this weekend could get pretty ugly troll wise with the wedding happening. The Robsessed will be busy with their hook up dreams. We may get a new record for stupidity.
Just remember this.
And I'll leave you a can of this
And I'll keep this close by.
And I may need your help to bring me down from wanting to strangle a few of them.
You'll help me out right?
Have a nice holiday weekend!
1 – 200 of 599 Newer› Newest»ROFLMAO!! Brilliant post HKN! Just saying... LOL!
Hot Damn, I caught your post just as you posted, & I love it! This post is hysterical- you go girl. I'm enjoying all the drama over BL's Fiancé being Robsessed , a Kris hater, (& a FF writer?). The last thing I heard about her degrading Kris was back in 2012, and do we even know for sure that those tweets were really her? I mean it could've been a troll from what we have learned since then. Or maybe she saw all the evidence and changed her mind. IDK. Then there was that girl who posted a pic of Twigs & a cow w/a nose ring, saying "Look what he ended up with." Jeeze Louise... Her ass got blocked quickly. People- let's calm down & have a great Holiday! Great post HKN. You always make me smile.
Great post, as always. These idiot people are so stupid with their crazy ideas. I don't get why they would rather have Rob with countless women than Kristen. It just makes no sense.
Take care hkn, until next time.
Oh Girl you have outdone yourself...I can't stop laughing..perfectly put..glad you foound the can of Troll Soray I was wondering about that today.
I asked MamaNails today who opened the doors to the panic room and let the trolls loose. I had the biggest laughs and give that woman all the credit in the world for putting up with the absolute idiocy that she finds in her ask box.
Just when you think they can't possibly get and dumber, they surprise the hell out of you with a new all time high score on the stupid meter.
You keep the delete button on the ready...we've got your back.
Thanks for this truly funny and accurate description of desperation at work...
Hugs coming your way
that should read found the Troll Spray.. sorry about the typo
HKN -- GREAT POST!!! I think we'll ALL need the Troll Spray, LOL.
Poor Rob, I hope he doesn't sprain an ankle running from the women at the wedding. And wouldn't we LOVE to see what he does when those that are clueless at the wedding try to get him to stand up with the other bachelors when they throw the garter, LOLOLOLOL ... he'll be hiding in the bathroom :)
LIZ IN LALA LAND --- TWIRLING because RK will be back together in a few hours ... just a guess!!!
Another fantastic post HKN!! Still don't know why everyone is so concerned about the ring. Of course there are the idiots who will claim any woman within a mile of Rob is his new girlfriend.
They have a huge wake up call coming soon, and I can;t wait for that day. RKian for life!!
Did anyone stop to think it could be nothing more than a ring representing her birth month or Sweetpeas???
Gigi, Think of how many new GF's Rob will have after the wedding!!! Can't wait to see the wedding reception pics, LOL
Morning Coffee, Well DUH on the A ring standing for April, makes perfect sense!!!
LET'S TWIRL!!! Can you just see Rob doing the Chicken Dance?? Would love to see that video!!
Dear HKN, What a funny post! I don't know about the A ring--it may mean something special to Kristen, it may be a baby ring from Daddy Rob. All I see is Kristen is back in the USA and she may be in NY or in CA. NY is a short flight on a private plane especially with a baby. She definitely needs rest, and Daddy Rob to be with right now, so Daddy probably found a quiet place for them. I would bet you money they are together right now. In any case they really do not want anyone to see them, meaning the paparazzi. Here's hoping you all have a terrific weekend! Happy trails! Susie from Tornado Alley--TWIRLING AND TWISTING TO THE PEPPERMINT TWIST- ALL RIGHT!
Nooooooo! Strangle first...then delete....just sayin!
Great post as usual. Does anyone know when the pics of Kristen were taken I know they say today but was it early morning or afternoon. I hope she is in NY with Rob. I said the other night when the pics of Rob came out walking next too that singer that I hope they come out soon because of people trying to hook him up and then others that believe He and Kristen are together call them names. Someone is going to get hurt feeling and out them and it won't be on there terms.jmo
Hey HKN....Great job! I see the Trollette -in-chief is on and has stolen MY name for all of them! Good...that means they are paying attention, poor little things.
Kristen looks gorgeous as usual; so glad she's back.
Don't worry HKN, we will have your back....and here we go...10, 9, 8........
What sighting and video in NY while she was filming SA? I can't ever find that.
Like I said, isn't it funny that the troll visitors have to be the first on with their rsnting nonsense. Lives must be pretty boring to subject an all day fixation on a blog???
The rumoured sighting a lot of the RK fandom took as a sighting, only idiots believe in the media's idiotic need to spin a story based on trolls filling their inboxes with 'sourced' sightings. Ladies I tip my hat to you the visitors have no where else to go, as thdir like minded are pulling their hair out trying to make up more hook ups. Don't forget Anani; Hollywood Life, Star, RadarOnline, Laineygossip, E!, US Weekly, Will have all the latest hook up rumours. Sourced from each other of course, because they can't get the facts straight themselves, due to an even lower stupidity than yourself.
ASFJ..forgive the nitwit she has no originality of her own...or his own ...or it's own...whatever
The post was excellent and just goes to prove that they all fall for the BS every damn time and just keep getting burned badly.
OMG!!! This was perfect! Thanks for the shout out!!!
Looks like HKN already used the bug spray! Don't you just love it?
This is gonna be fun for the next few days...nitwit Trollettes all over the place...I'm flexing my fingers and getting ready...
Kristen had her chain on..........
Hope you had a peaceful you, girl.
ASFJ...yes I am sure we are in for a fun filled weekend...
I had a very peace filled day, but read too much my eyes are on fire,,just put drops and heading off to bed..
Love you too sweet girl.
Night everybody sweet dreams
Nice one HKN.
Just saw a beautiful picture of Rob at Bobby Long's wedding.
Excellent post hkn. Way to go. So rob was in sundance when haters were sure he was in london for whole 2 months. Figures
Awesome Post HKN! I am usually a lurker that found this happy place a year and half ago. I must say HKN, you MammaNails, and Tempest are truly a treasure to visit. Hat's off to you three for dealing with all the haters. Since some of you trolls like to repost comments from here, I am going to officially give my permission.I would love to be repost to Hollywood Lies, and Gossipcrazies so I could get me 5 minutes of fame. When you repost comments to make fun of a blog, it does the opposite in my opinion. It bring my people to the blog which is a good thing. That's how I found this blog a year ago when I was on Gossipcrazies and a troll repost the link for fun. I would like to personally thank that troll who ever you were.
So Rob has a new flame. I think we hit the 2 million mark on girlfriends. I don't know how he does it, but the man got skills.
I notice a lot people are saying that RK can't be together because K didn't attend the wedding with Rob. Why would she? Now according to the tabloids, they haven't been together over a year. So why would they make their first appearance at a wedding. The drama would be unreal, not to mention taking away the bride and groom special day.
MorningCoffee happy belated birthday, mine is coming up on the 4th. As Kristen would say, I am going to do Epic Shit!
Good night Havenettes! Have blessed Labor Day. Hope you don't mine me joining you all from time to time.
Rob should endorse energy drinks instead of perfume and clothes at this point I calculate that if the rags and haters are right he will need to have bedded a different woman every hour. He is young but man no one has that stamina.
Great post HKN...Just saying perfect way to deal with the haters and Robsten denialists!
Your welcome here anytime ms lottie. Im sure all the havenettes feel same way.
Hi Morning Coffee, HKN, Barbara Fenwick, RKP, LizzieD, Gigi, Annie, Tina, Merle, Happygirl, Happy, ASFJ, Sanni K, Andreana, Mama Nails, Tbell, Vernier, and the rest of Havenettes! Sorry I have been MIA for two days. Had to work for two days. And I am beat. Plus, I work too hard. I hope you all miss me. Its really raining and stormy right now. I hope I get a good night sleep.
HKN- I love this post. Great job! Hugs!
Good night to you all! I am going to bed. I am really sore from working hard. I couldn't get up from my bed. Hugs to you all! Keep me posted. Love you all!
Sleep well Arleen and night Havenettes!
Have a lovely day waking Havenettes!
Lovely to wake up to a new post HKN!
Don't let yourselves be trapped in the trolls' attacks today as they will definitely come in force because of the fact K wasn't pictured at BL's wedding (which of course means nothing) and also because of the new tweet stating R might have been in Sundance with K!
What a wonderful surprise if it is true! And it goes to show how well they hide and how often they do things together without people knowing...
Morning frenchie yes rob at sundance good news.I saw sohohouse pics before.the guys brother host a radio show. He thank k for taking pic. And he had on his ig out that rob ask for privacy while he await exciting arrival of his first child.that comment still on his ig today.
Just because k wasnt picd doesn't mean she didnt attend wedding.
I definitely agree with you on all of that Teresa...
I saw the picture with the brothers before and also the comment that went with it.
I was at a wedding with my husband and daughter when she was a baby and I am on no pictures as she was quite fussy that day. My husband is on lots of them though! And strangely enough we were and are still married and that was nearly 20 years ago... And nobody thought we had split up or our daughter didn't exist when they saw the wedding pictures... Phew!
Amazing post thanks have great weekend :) 😘❤️❤️❤️ (
Hey everyone, I'm here again after a long time... Sorry, but things are crazy and I don't have time to comment :P anyway, just saw the new pics of K out in LA and R at BL's wedding and, of course, some fans are going crazy because, probably, K wasn't there with R. Well, K could be at the wedding and the photos could be from yesterday... But if she wasn't, it's OK! Just think, we have many possibilities, just like the fact that K didn't finished Equals, then maybe she had some kind of reunion in LA, or they both (RK) decided that the best for their baby was stay at home with mommy... Who knows? Until this moment we can't say much, I'm just trying to tell you that the important is that they are happy and together, attend at a wedding or not don't say anything about their relationship!! If K wasn't there, there's a reason! *sorry for my english hehe*
good Morning
interesting and enjoyable post HKN
particularly Sundance!
It is not important if Kristen was at the wedding or not.
Ok now there is pictures of her in LA on the 30th then she seem on Rob to wait there.
It is a pity, I was hoping for a nice picture with both. But it's ok.
Happy Sunday, love you all
Hi everyone, I won't deny that I was hoping Kristen would be at the wedding, then again the only pictures we have seen are one of Rob, one of Dakota and one of Bobby and his lovely bride. Is there a chance that Kristen could have been there too, after all, Bobby is such a good friend of Rob's.....just me being sappy I just thought it would be one special occasion where they would both celebrate with their friends. Having said that, we don't know she may have been there.
It's always nice when we get the proof that we are right! :) RK together at Sundance and the other guy in the Fan pic with R didn't change his story his comments are still on his instagram about RK :)
Bobby is a good friend of rob. Didn't understand that kris attends the wedding of bobby. Why? I have concerns because I never saw them together. Many people are convinced that they are together.
@white Sam Bradley's GF & Marcus fiance weren't there too! So did you think that they broke up too! OMG sometimes I think some people need a a new brain! So If you believe that RK broke up fine believe it! But stop with your BS!
I'm sure the sienna also was not there
the only girl of Rob's friends Dakota was there.
We were hoping that Kristen flies to NY but it was not so, but ok
Rob again determines to follow today after his family.
What I'm wondering whether we will ever see Kristen and Rob together again for all. (For all the obvious - Trolls and haters) Hmm
I highly doubt Kristen was welcome at the wedding as the bride hates her and Blobby just follows her lead.
No this isn't a rumor. It's true.
She is a robsessed bitch.
Even if Kristen was invited, which I doubt, why would she go when she knows she isn't liked?
She is a respectful person and I'm sure her feelings are mutual but she wouldn't do anything to "ruin" Their wedding.
And before anyone starts shit with "rob wouldn't go if they hated kris" yes he would! He doesn't have to choose one over the other!
Rob is a good guy, and Bobby is a dumbass but he is also someone rob has been friends with since he was a kid. He doesn't have to like his wife or be happy about the wedding. But he would go to be there with the guys who are like his brothers and they will all support Bobby and his stupid decision.
And you can bet that rob is there with Kristen's full support.
Her not going to the wedding has zero bearing on her relationship with Rob. And Rob isn't disrespecting Kristen because he went.
Hi ladies,
Hope you are enjoying your weekend. To me when I saw the pic of the 'A' ring i thought of the new ring we saw last summer. Looks like the same general shape.
if the new wife of bobby is a hater Kristen, why dakota is close friends with her? Or have I got this wrong?
Otherwise there was no wife or fiancee of the Rob's friends there.
Girls Can we please stop talking about Bobby's wife! We are here because we are RK Fans! So let us be happy that RK are happy!
Goodmorning all...
I am wishing for a peace filled weekend here at the Haven, although I am not holding out alot of hope for that either.
ms lottie..Thank you for the b'day wishes, and welcome to the Haven.
There are rumors on top of rumors about anything and everything as far as BL new wife is concerned. I look at it this way, maybe she did hate K at one time, maybe she still does, maybe it was just another made up lie by another hater.
The fact is actually none of us know either keep assuming about this woman is serving absolutely no purpose...we all need to learn to stop claiming things as factual when the only fact is we really don't know.
Here's the facts we do know
1. Rob and Kristen married
2. Rob and Kristen have a new baby girl
3. Rob and Kristen have a wedding anniversary coming up
Everything else is speculation by all of us. Both haters and those who love them we are only on the outside looking in when we are afforded the privilege..
So please, think about what comes out of your mouths before you state them as being the truth or a fact.
love you all and hope you each have a blessed day.
Sannai exactly. K and Dakota best of friends so she would not be friends with someone who hates k. No one has ever had proof of this.its all rumor.yes sam and marcus gf and fiance not there. Sienna not there. So see k not being there doesn't matter so much now does it.
Good morning to Morning Coffee, Sanni K, Happygirl, Frenchie, Barbara Fenwick, RKP, LizzieD, Gigi, Annie, Tina, Merle, HKN, Happy, ASFJ, Sanni K, Andreana, Mama Nails, Tbell, Vernier, and the rest of Havenettes! Happy Sunday!
Frenchie- Thank you sweetie! Right now I got a headaches. And its really stormy. Thunder really woke me up.
By the way its bacck! Thanks to my hubby and my daughter. They gave a cold. So I will rest today just in case.
Good morning all! Sanni and Teresa, Dakota is Jamie Strachan's girlfriend and he is a friend of the groom, I believe, so that's why she's there. I won't add my two cents about the bride; I agree with much of what Shamrocker wrote, regarding Rob and Kristen, two great people...anyway, the wedding is over, so I for one am moving on... TIFF is just over the horizon!
I tried to post last night, but my post disappeared. I'll try again.
We spent the day with our youngest daughter and son in law. We celebrated our new son in laws belated bday, our oldest daughters 4th wedding anniversary and my hubs successful bypass...with pizza no less! Had a great time. We watched the Royals game and then played Catch Phrase. Got home late, but had a good time.
Looking forward to TIFF. Love you all. Later.
Love it. Thanks for all your hard work
OMG the annoying troll is back with the bla bla bla
Yes Happy, bla bla bla is the right word... So rehashed...
Nicci, get some fresh air, please. "Mark my words" and "you will go down in history"—you're a laughingstock. I pity you. However crazy you consider people here, multiply by ten for yourself. Please, just stop. Seek counseling.
Rob is Groomsmen. What does it mean?
The Groomsmen is a named person who is present at a marriage and this act witnessed by signature.
Needed that! This fandom is soooo split and some so full of shit! We don't know who was there...small wedding tho, and if I were Kristen I am not sure I would want to go either( that is if she didn't) BL's new wife is said to be a K hater...who the fuck knows any of that for sure. Hell she could end up in pics we see much later...happens all the time...but just to answer a question you presented I will help you if you need me to pull you off of anyone! maybe....depends on the person LMFAO!!!! Great post thanks again!
Hey ladies! I'm bored with the wedding. As I said over at SRWN, Kris was at the one that matters the most - hers. I'm ready to move forward. Like everything else that is turned into a HUGE deal in the fandom, this will be over soon and something else will take its' place.
Rob and Kris are making the right decisions for Rob and Kris (and their family). They don't live their lives for the fans thank goodness.
Arleen, I hope you feel better soon.
MC, is it hot down there too? It's sweltering here. I'm ready for cooler mornings and falling leaves.
Sherry, it sounds like you all had a lovely day. Hope your husband is doing well.
My daughter hasn't been feeling good today. She stayed home while we went to church. Glad she's off tomorrow.
Going to see my parents for a short time. Love and abundance to you all.
Hello to everyone. Well, I have upset about some mail, real life, and truly whether Kristen made it to NY or not is really not serious. If she came, it was to just visit with friends and girlfriends. Rob rented a car to see people so he could enjoy his visit. Or, Rob might have rented the car for the newlyweds, to go on a honeymoon. Whatever, I really doubt if Kristen made an appearance if she was there. Everyone from ROBSESSED says the bride was not a friend, but I do not believe in anything the Kristen haters say. They deny they are married and have a child also. Mama Nails still has folks insisting they are broken up and never speak, calling Kristen a druggie. If they truly believe that, they certainly want others to hate her, and that story did come Hollywood Life/lies who really enjoy hating Rob the Romeo of Hollywood, instead of knowing he is a nice man with a beautiful heart, belonging to Kristen. Rob is a kind person who is a long term friend, a life time friend. And, Kristen loves her childhood friends and they have stuck by her to love and protect her and Rob. These two actors are somewhat alike, they definitely think alike. When you really understand your loved ones, life is just beautiful, because they always understand, and make the extra effort to be patient. That is called love and honor and it covers a lot of situations like an occasional silly argument you can't even remember . Have had many, never can remember why I was mad at the man. I only know I loved him and he was worth the fuss and bother because we loved each other. Life is way too short. So, I would believe HKN, MAMA NAILS, AND TEMPEST before I even took the time to fuss about Rob and Kristen, it's nothing but stupid to attempt to mind read people you do not know. It is also impossible when they do not want anybody to really know them. You can see and hear them when they want you to know things. Eventually these assholes will lose interest in their every move, I look forward to the day! Happy Labor Day, don't eat too many dogs and buns, and BBQ beanies! Hail to the mighty ribs and burgers with potato salad, deviled eggs and watermelon. Now I am thinking of Double Chocolate cake with ice cream, homemade pecan fudge, with perhaps some lemon pie? I am looking forward to a nap so you all just enjoy! No sleep last night, worried all night. So, going to sleep early. Susie from Tornado Alley.
Evening everyone Hkn brilliant what more can i say iv'e had a rough week but this brightened my day thankyou, Morning Coffee never thought of that with the ring you could be spot on hope you and your family are all well, Thankyou for the wishes on my health and RL issues you are all my Haven family lovely and kind and warm hearted, well got to go but hope you are all having a great weekend so lots of hugs and love take care be safe.
Gigi...hey sweet girl, yes it is hotter than hades here at the moment and the humidity is awful. We keep getting teased by thunderstorms that just skirt around us and keep going. Although we are getting some pretty loud thunder at the moment keeping fingers crossed for some cooling rain.
Hope your daughter feels better by later today.
I am with Sue and you...when the haters and trolls get finished beating this drama to death they will find a new one to start up with. It never ends for them, they can't help themselves it seems. So glad I am not a bitter bitch like they are...I may be a bitch, but I am definitely not bitter.
@Tina...Hope you are doing better by the time you read this..still sending up prayers for you and family.
going back to my story..see you all later.
Hi Morning Coffee, Gigi, Sanni K, Happygirl, Tina, Merle, Frenchie, Shamrocker, Lisa G, onagee, sue morris, and the rest of Havenettes ladies!
Gigi, Tina, and Morning Coffee, I agree with all three of you. I don't know about you three but they are starting to give me the headaches.
Shamrocker, Love what you said.
Evening all.
It's pouring rain here, thunder and lightning!
How are you all?
This fandom doesn't recognize itself without some sort of drama.
Never understood the need for any drama at all.
This post really is just perfection in how robsessed and haters constantly get proven wrong, constantly look like complete morons and keep squirreling around hiding their nuts and then BAM...they get run over by a fucking truck called the TRUTH! LMFAO when will they realize lies always get found out?
Hey ladies hope everything stays calm and lets enjoy the good times!
Annie- Same here. Its been raining and thunderstorms. It even shook my house too.
Tbell- Hey sweetie! Love your comment.
Arleen: It's over now but it was fast and furious. The sun's out again.
TBell: I think the truck hit full force with the news that Rob was at Sundance with Kristen. :):):):)
TBELL- What the heck happened to our rain? This is just a real pain, to have 60% chance and nothing! I need to have word with the weather wizards. As in phooey. Annie, the truck knocked some of dimwits on their butts. I am glad you and Arleen had some H20 dumped on you, maybe it will chill a little. Susie
I'm laughing and shaking my head because I've finally seen it all..
MN got an ask that just said Liar, liar, pants on fire...Iroared with laughter..What the... does she have five year olds writing in now????
We had Thunder, and a spritz and now hte humidity is worse. Can't win
Tbell...miss you lady
Arleen hope you are rested up..
Sue..if I had the rain I would send it..but no dice we keep getting promised and it looks like the sky wil open and then it's a dud.
Hope you are doing well.
MC: Laughed out loud when I read Mama Nails's response. :):):):)
Well, I forgot to say love the post. Spot on.
Have you all heard about Joan Rivers? Last I heard she is in an induced coma after her heart stopped during a procedure to look down her throat. I may not like her but this is very sad and scary.
One more question. Does anyone know why there have been no new posts on Robsten Dreams. It's been 10 days. Just curious.
Sunny and hot here. Hubs is taking a nap and I'm being extremely lazy. Watching Indiana Jones and the Ladt Crusade on Spike.
As for the trolls they aren't going to stop even if RK had a press conference, showed the marriage license and had Sweet Pea with them complete with birth certificate. They don't want to believe it. Some might but not all. Like the saying goes, "You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." Think that is attributed to Abraham Lincoln. So I'm just glad I'm here and on the correct side of things. Unfortunately, this fandom has broken into sides, and more then two.
Well, gonna finish enjoying my lazy afternoon. Love you all.
who is this girl which is of arms with robert?
Sherry: It's being reported by some news outlets here that Joan Rivers is on life support.
I am not a fan of her type of comedy but I feel for her family.
Hi Sue..... Hoping the rain makes it's way towards you.
Alexa Maria : Relax......She's one of the bridesmaids and if you look closely, she has a wedding ring. :)
.....And no, Rob did not marry her in the days it took him to toss Imogen and be smitten and hook up with FKA Twigs!
Hey y'all. It poured here while we were on our way home. The sky was very dark, like nighttime.
My daughter is feeling better! She just needed to lie down longer and eat something.
So tired of people in the fandom making mountains out of mole hills. Keep the big picture in mind and the rest becomes less important.
Rob and Kris are married, have been for some time. And they have a child. Nothing that happens can change any of that.
Time for dinner.
Hello to all the Havenettes ladies!
Morning Coffee- So I have a huge headaches. And coughing starting to appear. I think its asthma. Because when I take a hugs deep breath I end up having coughing attacks. Now I have a huge headaches. I better rest again.
Arleen: Take it easy.
Hi All:
Hope you are having a good weekend...saw the rain in NY..stopped the US Open for a while..
Well, it is really getting nuts over at MN....the latest posts are from the disillusioned, it seems..Also, a pic of Rob lighting a cigarette...........all I can say is , Mama Nails, hang in there.
ASFJ: After just reading the latest questions thrown at Mama Nails......
Some people are really too overly invested!
All Rob and Kristen owe us, IF they owe us anything at all, it is the benefit of a good performance in their movie roles......THAT IS ALL!
You don't want to believe Rob is married to Kristen and they have a child together......Then don't! ....BUT
don't accuse Rob of fucking any woman that comes within an inch of him!
Don't scape the bottom of the barrel to come up with bullshit!
You don't want to believe Kristen is married to Rob and they have a child together......Then don't!... BUT don't accuse Kristen of being a lesbian because she hangs out with life-long girlfriends!
Don't scrape the bottom of the barrel to come up with bullshit!
We have just seen months old Tweets of Rob being at Sundance with Kristen. Sundance was in January...... Do you really think you know when and how Rob and Kristen get around and maintain their relationship?
No, you fucking don't!
Annie..Amen to everything you said...R/K owe their fans nothing more than a good performance in their movie roles..That's it bottom line..none of us are entitled to anyting more.
I have said it hundreds of times to fans and trolls and haters...none of us know what goes on in their personal world from hour to hour or from day to day..
The same way know one knows anything about you once your doors are closed to the outside world. Every body needs to take a deep breath and get a grip on themselves...Stop making up lies because let's face the facts, you wouldn't recognize the truth if it jumped up and bit you on the ass. But the biggest thing is none of you know jack shit about them as people much less a couple.
Quit the lying, bitching, bellyaching and moaning over every damn MN always says pull up your big girl panties and prepare for a rough ride. If you can't do that thenit's time for you to let go and move on.
MC: Amen! to everything you said as well.
Right on.....people can believe what they want as far as babies, marriages's a free world, but to malign and slander a couple who are trying to live their lives according to their own dictates and then DEMAND an answer from Mama Nails and HKN who have maintained their integrity and haven't varied one iota about the information they both have received, is just plain bullying.
Wish I were as eloquent as you and MC.
Take care, girl
p.s...Love you both
ASFJ: Hahahaha .......Don't know about being eloquent but thanks. :):)
Reading Mama Nails's blog, all I can wish for her is patience and fortitude! :)
Mention has been made about Tweets that Rob was at Sundance, is there evidence to prove that or is it just another tweet? Evidence as in pictures? Not a hater by the way, just wanna know.
Hello! Ladies, hope you don't mind a new comer?
HKN great post, really made me laugh and poor MN with all the crazies that she has to handle, but she's doing a great job. Here's to the great ladies and that includes Tempest for all that they do. Hope you are all enjoying a well deserved long weekend. I hope that R&K will get some good quality time together and with their bundle of joy before they have to leave again. Take care!
ermelinda the post the twitter is pictured on it.
Happy ...welcome
ASFJ... Thanks lady..eloquent? long winded is more like it you and miss you.
Annie ...Have my boxing gloves on the ready's very hard to cool italian blood. Ask ASFJ ;))
MC: Hahahaha......I have heard. :):)
Nicci...I was referring to people like you and yes I do know the facts of their wedding and the fact of the baby..The rest of their lives that I talk about other than the one or two minutes that someone takes a photo of them the othere 23hre. and 58 minutes of each day are their own..
Why don't you try growing up you are an irrational and delusional I said FALSE PRETENSES..Shall Annie post your comment again to refresh your memory??? It's past due time for you to move along..go back to Robsessed I am positive you would do much better there. Oh and take Jane and Hope and Anani with you.
oooooohhh....Shamrocker must be shaking in her shoes.....Jane sent her post to Bobby and hopes he takes some action. Are these people for real?? I think Bobby is a little busy right now and probably has his phones and whatever turned off . Poor guy...missing a personal message from Jane on his honeymoon...I'm sure he's gonna be devastated.
Asfj exactly.bobby is getting laid right now. Leave that man alone jane.
ASFJ...Yeah I'm certain Shamrocker is all shook up...These people seriously need to see their Drs. about changing their meds..or administering a higher dosage.
I have never seen this level of ignorance in all my life.
what are you doing tonight? I am still reading my story from lst night trying to finish so I can get on to my work by Tuesday.
sending you virtual hugs
ti amo
Yes, I truly hope Bobby does take action against haters and trolls like you Jane. I'm sure you know him well enough that he will take your tweet seriously. Just because you follow someone on Twitter doesn't mean they will respond to your tweets. Get out of here and stay out if you don't agree with us. I'm in a rotten mood and this crap that you haters and trolls spew is worse then the venom of a snake. At least a snake doesn't pretend to be anything they aren't. If you know so much then prove it. Give pics and a statement notarized that Rob and Kristen aren't together. Since you think you know Bobby so well I assume you are on a first name basis with Rob too.
I'm fed up with the childish behavior of all of the trolls and haters. If you leave I promise none of us will follow you and antagonize you. By the way, we aren't the ones who find you and attack you. This behavior is bullying.
Havenettes, love you all.
Here you go let me refresh your memory one more time for you....In your very own words...Notice how insincere you actually turned out to be.
Nicci said...
Happy Memorial Day to you all.
I may not believe (personally) that R and K are married but the point is I don't mind that there are people here that do. I'm also not positive they've had a baby, but again, I don't mind that there are people here that do. And if I come across info that leads to the idea they are married or have had a baby - I certainly would rejoice in their happiness (and ours by osmosis). I love and will protect the Human right to freedom of beliefs and choices and especially of the freedom to express those beliefs.
The is HKNs happy place and her joy with RK is contagious and has attracted others with like minded feelings. She is not a shepherd or a Rasputin like being. And the people here are not blindly following anyone. Just people who share a love for the same thing and like to talk about it with each other. They found this forum and stay here of their own free will. They don't need anyone's "saving".
Those with the need to fix things that are not broken nor asking to be fixed need to refocus their efforts to an area that wants and needs such people.
Bring back our girls. Or feed the world. Or protest against something else that makes a difference.
Leave us to our happy hobby and stop reading what we post if it bothers you so much.
We express our freedoms. Express your my not subjecting yourself to reading it.
And to all, have a beautiful day!
May 26, 2014 at 5:14 AM
Morning Coffee, thank you. I thought there were other tweets, I do remember seeing the ones HKN pointed out. Because I have an aversion to twitter I thought it was just another tweet alert, I completely disregarded them.
Hi MC:
Just finished watching another episode of Masters of Sex (yes)'s based on Masters and Johnson and their research of the physiology of the body during I have to take a cold shower...excuse me...
ermalinda allis...
Your very welcome.
ASFJ....*-* ;))))
Forgive me ladies, but I have to step in here...
Ok, let me get this straight, people are actually threatening sending messages to Bobby Long over a person's point of view regarding his wife, are you serious, do you actually believe anyone in Rob or Kristen's circle, give a flying fuck?
Excuse my rudness, but let's just sit back here a second and review the situation.
Nicci, hope, jane, anani, nikola06
You seem to be pretty beat up over this blog and its content. Seem to be pretty hot under the collar about a group of women, who don't travel over to your corner of cyberspace so why travel over here?
Seems to me the only reason you do is because of some self serving belief you get the attention you crave. You certainly do enough copying and pasting over in the other blogs/sites to ensure this group of people get enough attention, yet on the same turn of the dime you complain that they are posting their lies (lies you have still to prove are lies btw) everywhere when they are not. They have public blogs, but they are not the ones objectifying Rob or Kristen. They put up posts, but they are not suggesting Rob is shagging anything that looks at him, or drunk out of his mind, drugged out of his mind or indeed Kristen is sleeping with every married director she can get her hands on or having a lesbian affair?
These are the accusations 'you' come across with, Rob is dating anything, because you believe the idiotic media, or you are the ones feeding the idiotic media....hmmm....which one is it?
I couldn't care less what these ladies say regarding pregnancy, marriage or baby, you see as far as I'm concerned, they are harmless in their intent. I don't have an agenda, im not putting one side against the next. I neither objectify Rob or Kristen, its a pity I cant say 'that' about the constant names, that are seen in this blog, spouting vitriol every chance they get.
You can call it what you want, the need to prove HKN or others in here wrong, but without proof, actual proof they are and the people who come behind and before you, don't have a solid legal leg to stand on.
Oh and I do hope Bobby does reads his defending message on Twitter by dear Jane and piss himself laughing, pass it around for everyone to see. If you think Rob, Kristen or their friends give a damn about what some obsessed fans think about them...well then,there is no cure for being stupid.
White; cryptic only works if there is a message to be unlocked. All your messages contain unfortunately is a confounded verbal excuse to try and sound intelligent, but come across confused in your waxing poetic.
I suggest going back to the fundamental basics of English Literature and its coding works and start again.
Tempest u made an amazing point. So true. Thankyou
In the real world, couples do attend weddings of friends without their other halfs. I myself attending a wedding of a childhood friend several yrs back without my husband, did that make him a bad husband in my eyes, eh no.
This fandom feels it has a duty to put their feelings and beliefs solely at the door of a couple they know nothing about personally, yet they feel it is their right to criticise or condemn every single time 'they' are seen out with their friends, attend weddings of concerts were they know they will be photographed, purely to satisfy your need to have them photographed together.
I don't claim to be an insider or really pay attention to infofmation floating about. For me actions speak louder than words, no significant other in over a yr, despite the desperate media and even more desperate hater fan base can try and piece, glue, put on the same side walk or same restaurant, curb space, parking lot, gym club or other...both incredibly attractive and lets face it if their fans believe thry could throw themselves at them and maybe stand a chance, you would bet anyone in the same industry who knew either were single and obtainable would be doing the same and the media and haters would not have to be grasping at straws. Its called common sense some people should try it once in a while
Zsa Zsa, Zsuzsulip or whatever...The wedding was on the 30th in NY....Kristen arrived from Japan to LA on the 28th...flew thru 4 time zones to LA...I can understand her not going to NY, another 3 times zones, the very next day. I wouldn't do it, not even for Prince fucking William's wedding. And Sienna and other assorted girlfriends of the Brit pack were not there either..
So zsuzsip your lip, please and get real...
Tempest..Once again I must say thank you...This weekend as we all girded ourselves knowing full well what was coming..
The hypocrisy is what I find you made a very valid one from here posts our beliefs all over the internet and forces our point of view on anyone.
If memory serves me correctly which it does, many have come here that didn't believe but they were respectful in their views, some came as doubters and fence straddlers and have after much observation changed their opinions to believe also.
It's the ones that came on the attack that we have problems with continuously...We have tried asking, ignoring all to no avail. They honestly believe they will eventually change our minds or they will force this blog to go private or cease to exist.
They shame themselves every single time they come here..but that seems to be beyond their comprehension level.
Considering though what they have systematically done to Kristen and Rob over the years..what they do here actually pales in comparison.
So again thank you for your comments we really do appreciate them.
ASFJ...Your cold shower all done? ;)
When does TIFF start? do you know. just wondering when the next round will start here.
back in a few
My last post as I have taking up too much time and you ladies here I'm sure have a lot to talk about.
I don't confess to know anything, but what I do know and its fundamentally clear is that there are too many people, wasting valuable time of their lives, spouting hatred and narcissism on a group of people who are harmless in their intent. I have seen so much piety and sanctimonious rebuttal from those hell bent in proving a relationship does not exist. You seriously need to ask yourselves why does it matter, why does this need eat into your lives? Is it because you have obsessed that much this need has become your life?
I find it worrying the growing trend of those who have no respect for either Rob or Kristen when they believe or spread about themselves, that Rob can't seem to respect women all that well, when he is forever sleeping around?
Never mind the blatant homophobic or disrespect of the sanctity of marriage with Kristen when they publicly agree with the twisted situation the media glorified, including badly photoshopped grainy images.
And yet...
You come in here blasting a blog because not only they believe in the couple, but they want to believe in a marriage and child, that would put the couple still together? I think parts of this fandom are missing a lot of brain cells. But then again you have always had haters, disguised as supporters, that's nothing new. Yo call a person a liar, or call them out and accuse them of lying, you have to have proof.
You have to have images, documented and sustained periods in which the person has been lying and caught lying. You have to have evidence suggesting when the lying took place.
Stating it as your opinion is not proving they are lying, because it's your word against theirs and you have to prove your word is the truth. In a court of law that is how it is done, in any judicial system that is how it is done. Coming in here accusing HKN and others are lying, prove it, back it up with evidence to support it. Do you know any different or are you just like others, listening to people telling you HKN is lying, but with no proof.
When the visitors who come to this blog can come in here with absolute proof that everything that has been said in here and elsewhere are lies, backed up with evidence to prove the lies, then I am sure you will have a case to ask for this blog to be shut down.
Until then you are not justfying anything or proving anything other than hatred and uncertainty, because you can't prove it either right or wrong and therefore you are coming across frightened and scared she might be right. If not, then this blog wouldn't bother you as much as it does.
On that well thought out message I am off to bed at long last.
Pleasant dreams to those asleep or on the way..and a wonderful day to those just getting started.
Don't really know the dates for sure for TIFF...pretty soon, I think.
See we have a couple of new ones here who preface there posts with "I'm not a hater, just want to know" many times have we heard that before?
Going to pack it in for tonight....get ready for tomorrow!
Love you amica mia...
WOW TEMPEST! Thank you for that! In this world, life is too valuable to waste on this illness of wanting to change what is, which actually is very special and belongs to Rob and Kristen. They do not care what hateful people say, and these lies just roll over them like water on a duck. Rob and Kristen are basically thumbing their noses at the possessed who are not potty trained as yet. Rob smoking with pleasure just made me want to giggle, because he is saying " fuck you bitches " or perhaps you can't see it, because I would bet his friends do. Kristen is with all kinds of friends, old and new, to show the same thing, "fuck you, I will be with and visit with whoever I please." The reason that Brad and Angie took so long to marry was a protest against gay intolerance regarding legalizing gay marriage. They finally got married and they have lots of babies that are happy about that. Kristen loves her husband and they respect each other, give each other space and come home to each other happy being parents of I am sure, a beautiful little girl. We hope to see her one day, I think I will tear up when I do. The press has no right in their backyard people, that is all so wrong, nobody can invade a human being's private life, ever. That should be law. Laws are on the books but never respected. Hope you all have a great Monday, September 1, 2014, Labor Day. Hoping the Pattinsons have a nice quiet happy day. Susie from Tornado Alley, Oklahoma
Hope, you are truly sick. You need to just go away and take a pill and stop what you are doing, no one is listening and you are why the Pattinsons do not want to share their lives with the world. You are the problem. It is called mental issues. It is just sad that you are so very full of hate. So sad.
OMG Hope does it mean that Tom & Sienna broke up too? Plesase tell me that´s not true, because Sienna wasn´t there. rme
Why do you not go and read your Tabs stories since you believe all the BS stories about R. So Hope please tell us who is his new GF now is it Imogen or the singer or the married girl in the pic. I´m really lost. Maybe you can help us.
HAPPYGIRL, You know that I believe very few of the doubters and haters are in the real world or have a family but are so envious of happy people they live in a deep dark world. I am usually very happy no matter what. I am above ground, my world is not impossible but can be complicated and I do not understand stupidity and ignorance. I never believed Rob or Kristen ever split up and I never will. So I am not angry, just sad that there are those who need to be where they are not wanted just to spite others. That is sick, and they need help. I agree with Medusa, these people are not worth the time. I will just say prayers for their sad, pathetic hate filled world.
Thanks to Bobby´s wife that she accidentally confirmed what we all already knew. :)
Good night to Morning Coffee, Happygirl, Tempest, Annie, ASFJ, Sue Morris, Sherry, Gigi, Tina, Frenchie, Teresa Holmes, ermilinda allis, Shamrock, and the rest of Havenettes ladies! I am almost better. Just so far is the headaches. It wasn't a cold. I believe it was asthma. Because when or everytime I take a deep huge breath I end up having these coughing attack. And end up with these headaches. But I am ok. I am going to sleep. Hope these headaches will go away. I might go see my doctor about this problem. Well Good night to all of you. Hugs to you all! Keep me posted. Night!
Bullshit, oh dear child you just keep reaching and reaching. For your information im not the one going around spouting about a married director or suggesting Rob is hooking up with anything with a pulse. Your hate in HKN and the ladies in here is actually quite endearing, for a person to spark that much passion in you means she has really got under your skin. No surprising really because the gossip sites are your holy grail and the media would be the worst in the world if you found out that they actually lie, poor you!
Here's a deal, I sill stop my bullshit if you stop yours - deal?
As for sweet, deluded hope...mocking Christianity is really showing your ignorance but then again, like anani and other visitors like yourself, the desperate craving you need for this blog, the need to stamp your little foot in anger just keeps the cockles of my little heart warm.
As I have said repeatedly to all of you (named you and everything) prove that what you denounce as lies are lies. Back it up with evidence. I will study, look over the evidence with you dates and times, cross referencing where, when and how HKN and others have bedn lying. Then if i am completely satisfied that what you have submitted is good enough, then have at it with HKN. After all I'm impartial to the whole 'marriage, baby debate' I'm a fan of both and don't follow rumors, but I do follow facts and evidence.
good Morning,
shame on all the haters and trolls.
Happy Girl what the woman of bobby accidentally confirmed?
Great Monday, love you all
Way to go Tempest! I agree with you there.
It´s not our fault that you are not inteligent enough to understand tempest comments.
Oh sweetie I will get off mine when you decide to grow up and get off yours, after all its a free blog with free spzce ;) just getting warmed up. Oh and you do mock your memory must be slipping, that must be the senile maturity in you
Can anyone telling me what the wife of Bobby accidentally confirmed?
Just curious;-)
not react to these stupid trolls
Tempest I have a question. Are u saying u believe the pics of rob with friends and fka twigs is digitally manipulated?
Nope just the ones certain trolls keep bringing up about 2012 quite a few were 'enhanced/doctored' and proven to have been tampered with.
Oh yes those pics were totally fake. Been saying that since 2012. K never cheated.
"Too bad his little wife couldn't make it."
This was lifted from the new 'Mrs. Long's' twitter account, before she got into a twitter war with some fans and decided to delete her account. She had been asked about Rob and of course trolls suggesting he had a date with him, aka Imogen or FKA, because trolls don't have a life. So this was a blatant reply to what was being asked.
Its been floating about all day, apparently some people are not happy with her response...
Thanks Tempest,
very interesting answer from Mrs Long:-)
Trolls are cruel
I have no idea, from what I have been told it hasn't been received very well by a fraction of fans, seems this person has 'stabbed' them in the back 'shrugs'
Tempest so bobby new wife recently confirmed that he and k are married.
As I don't pay much attention to the lives of Rob and Kristen's friends, there are those out there who apparently know his wife by reputation??? So this is what she said in a tweet 'on honeymoon' that has some people rejoicing, some people fuming. It was about Rob as she was being asked who did Rob take with him to their wedding, you know the usual needy questions, probably had Hollywood Lies on speed dial.
From my understanding horrible and vile things had been posted on Bobby's wife's account which led her to close it. I can't believe anyone would do that on such a special day, there are some really sick people out there. There's so much unhealthy speculation. It hurts that a function Rob attended with his group of friends has been polluted.
More than likely Vana, I'm under the impression she was attacked pretty badly following that and other comments. I don't know of her as I've said I don't partake in the lives or need to know about thd lives of the friends of Rob and Kristen, to me that is going above anc beyond being a fan, but that's just my opinion.
Lol I see reading comprehension is alive and well in some
Lol! Definitely something the trolls have in common...
So If she mocked the Fans why did she delete her account! You trolls are angry that someone of RK circle just confirmed what we already knew!
There in lies the reason why Rob and Kristen do not make joint appearances
Whatsa matter chickie doodle.?..jealous you can't get up on that" high horse". Tempest is intellegent ...that horse is not your don't fret,get yourself a jackass to mount...that would suite you nicely....on sooo many levels
If Bobby's new wife's comment about Rob's little wife was intended to be snarky towards was a nasty thing to say...I have read that she is a member of the Robsessed crew... is that true?
Well, I see the noise is around. For the life of me I can't understand what kind of enjoyment these haters get from coming here trying to change our minds. I get the feeling the haters don't understand the concept of freedom of speech. It is the right to your opinion and the right to express that opinion but not the right to attack another for their beliefs. We have all stated that if you don't agree with us then that is fine. But attacking and belittling others is childish. The way the haters attack reminds me of the girls that blame other girls when the guy the haters are going with strays and flirts with everything female, but it's always the 20 girls he flirted with that are the problem. What that means is that the haters are actually co-dependent. They are co-dependent on this blog so they can blame someone for the reason Rob is taken. They want so bad to believe he is single and a man whore so they maybe have a shot at him if they meet him. That is a low self esteem issue. Some just hate Kristen and have believed the lies about her. One suggestion, get your heads out of the rag mags and make up your mind based on common sense. Mind you this is my opinion. If you have proof bring it.
I'm going back to sleep. My RL makes this tripe look good. Have a nice Labor Day Havenettes. Love you ladies.
Ok then ...she got what she deserved...I guess she is angry because the closest she could get to her real desire was one of his least famous friends ....Bwahahaha!
I saw her wedding pic...not a pretty girl.......
One more thing. I was concerned that RK might have broken up last year until I stopped going to certain blogs and one rag site I thought was legit. I began to look around for an unbiased blog. I found Justice for Kristen and began reading and studying. I came to my own conclusion that they were together. I came here to find some peace and quiet from the crap that is out there. I would do the same thing RK do if I was hounded by the swarm of paps that are constantly after them. I'm not convinced that the haters that come here aren't working for the rag mags since you are always looking for "proof". Why is that? If you don't work for the rag mags then why do you care what we believe? I don't care if you don't think there is a marriage or a baby. Why do you care if we do? Only one good are looking at a hefty chunk of change if you get proof before RK let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. Good luck with that.
Ladies, I'm going to go do something besides try to get through to this brick wall of hatred and blindness. Love to the Ladies of the Haven.
I see the continued shit just keeps rolling on...So I figure Hope is from another universe all her Christianity comment..She is of a different faith....oooooH my...Hopeless there is only ONE GOD...All religions. There are no seperate Gods for each belief system.
Hope does your ignorance have boundary lines or is it a free for all inside your mind, anything goes, as long as you have your say.
God the Mosquitoes are buzzing tonight Girls!!
Anani you are such an annoying mosquito...
Where is my fly swatter???
Too bad.. so sad... NOT LOL
Ah... peace and quiet reigns!!
Well at least now we know who the five year old is that wrote MN..Liar, liar pants on fire comment..
Anani you do not believe that bobby permitting his wife over a wife of friend evil writes tztz you're stupid
Rob was his groomsman and groomsman is only when you also like the wife of friend
Morning all.
Anani: You said here that everything about Bobby's wife not liking Kristen was pure assumption and speculation, now tou're saing her dislike of Kristen is not new....Can't have it both ways.
Also why was it so important for her to tweet ANYTHING about Rob within 24 hours of her wedding and on her honeymoon no less.
Anani this words "Too bad his little wife Could not make it."
are not written angry or sarcastic.
there is a point and nothing more, no lool, or the like.
And it has never been proven that they do not like kristen
otherwise prove it
Anani, you are the liar. I care about the ladies on this blog and the right to their opinion. You do not have the right to belittle and demean people. Also, you don't scare me. You are a bully and most bullies hide behind hate filled words because of low self esteem. You can't even understand what I said correctly. You are just a bully, plain and simple. It's not the first time I've had people ridicule me for my beliefs and it won't be the last. All I ask is for you to stop trying to make us look like the bad guys. I respect your right to disagree but I don't respect how mean -spirited you are. I really don't intend to respond to you anymore. Sticks and stones.
Anani did you see her? then share
because I know that it is not sarcastic, I do not need it looking.
And I'm sure she hates kristen not, why should they are all giving anani what he loves best and doesn't get elsewhere in his life, attention.
His opinions and arrogant assinine remarks are meaningless to all of us. don't scratch his itch for him.
Happy day off to those who have Labor Day holidays, and good morning to all. I see a truly desperate squirrel has completely lost its nut!
Anani is in full meltdown! Enjoy Havenettes!
Poor trolling anani, you could never place nice with the grown ups, being vulgar and disrespectful, deary me, it must be really bitter in that little hate filled 'Kristen shagged a married man' world you live in. Just an FYI been around the fandom a long time while little babies like you were still wet behind the ears. Word on the street doll, if NF wanted to 'stick it to the RK fans' she would have made sure to invert the descriptive word "wife" by way of mocking darling, its reading and writing 101. It's a pigy you talk thd tslk but unfortunately your grasp of the English language is befuddled with vitriol and hate. Too busy hooking your hero up with anything other than Kristen, make sure to check your spelling before you send your fan fiction report to Bonnie at HWL.
Mocking really is a fools game, but then again thinking you know things when all you do is copy, paste and believe your gossip mags...such a sad lonely life, pinning after a man who sill never be yours. As many who know Bobby's wife will attest, if Nichole wanted to 'mock' the RK fans, she would have shot down the rumours, addressed the 'fake' pregnancy and marriage. Instead she acknowledge with 'too bad his wife' that's not mocking hun, learn the difference. Oh and one more thing...she deleted (as per screen caps) as she was bring attacked for saying some nasty things about Rob and the fans responded back. I guess you were not given the full transcript of her tweets. I would be more than happy to send you them. They're all over twitter.
It was an sorry to bother you...she is rather plain...why are you upset..I did not say she was you put her on a pedestal cause you think she hates Kristen Stewart? If she tweeted that comment on her wedding day , then she is ugly.... on the inside
Typos care of tiny keyboard lmao...
Ugliness does show in various colours from the inside. Some little girls just like to sputter with hate. I'm actually enjoying the spluttering, couldn't give a toss what Mrs. Long said, I just find it funny a dear friend of the blog crew would suggest even what she did. I guess finally winning the hand of one of Rob's friends possibly made her a tad sentimental. As I've been around a little longer than the robsessed blog, the bitterest pill is always the one you never want to swallow.
Morning Coffee
Sorry girl!..just toying with the little mouse...I know I shouldn't do it but its fun.....meow!
How have you been ? Hopeyou got all your dental issues resolved....That is the worst of all pains. .have a good restful labot day...miss talking to you...I am still knee deep in fan fiction....I don't tkink I will ever get tired of it problem girl...yeah FF can be addicting especially with some of the really talented writers..Some so good they have become published authors..
Miss talking with you too..Enjoy the rest of your time off and reading.
I'm done with these stupid trolls! But I love it to see that they have a big meltdown! RK are married! We knew it and now it's confirmed! I love it! See you later girls when HKN used her troll spray :)
Lol oh dear stupid one, I don't have to swallow anything, I could run rings around you with my eyes closed. I'm not part of the havenettes, I just love coming in here, seeing you and others like you loose your shit.
But please enlighten me as to what I am about to swallow so I can give my throat muscles a work out? If it's bile then sorry you beat me to it, because that is all you can come up with. But when you find out what it is, be sure to find me and let me know. Still got those screen caps of NF's if you still want them, always happy to oblige :D
A wife bringing up another wife......Cool! :):):):)
Let me I dumb nope, a lot more intelligent than your little hater brain whose sole purpose in life is to sit in acirner and rick like a biter troll. I don't read fan fiction do I would nit know how or why I would create it.
As for what this person wrote, it doesn't matter to me, but i gurantee sweetie she wasnt attacking or mocking the RK fans, coming from ppl who have been in the same circles she has run in with the R blog crew, she would have had a little bit more fire in her belly.
But hey, come closer so you can read clearly...I couldn't give a rats ass if she has confirmed of denied anything, you are the one losing your shit over this, the need to prove, rings desperate in your replies. The little childish rants are a joy to watch, is the little vein ticking on your forehead yet?
Hey crazy squirrel, if you climbed off your shaky branch here you'd see the people here are in excellent company. Mrs. Long's comment is all over, and interpreted precisely as we do by many, many people.
Sorry laughing my ass here, I haven't had this much fun with a troll in a long, long time.
I find it interesting that she used the word wife.......Hmmm.
Do you seriously read your bullshit before you hit send anani? I mean I know you write like a child but I didnt think you actually believed the crud you post. I guess when you eventually grow up and get married...then you will be able to spot the difference between bitter resentment and mocking, a whole wealth of emotional difference between the two
Anani: According to you she is.
i however don't think so.
Again reading comprehension "inverted commas" is to mock or abbreviate, a sly suggestion a mocking tone.
Little "wife" is in mocking tone,
Little wife is notm please if you are going to use the Queen's English in a sentence learn the difference.
Oh dear you really need to get that head of yours from out of your intelligence is not called into question here, however yours needs a serious over haul when it comes to reading and understanding the difference.
Insults seem to be your only rebuttal, pity really I expected an intellectual argument...
Do we know that this twitter thing by Bobby's wife was really her? I find it odd she would be on Twitter on her wedding day. It sounds more like something a hater would do to cause the havoc that has occurred. I didn't even use my phone the whole time at my daughters wedding except to keep an eye on the weather since it was an outside wedding. Just a thought don't crucify me.
Love you all.
Oh yeah hun you are shit scared, you wouldn't obsess so much about this blog if you didn't. The daily need to come in here, to be one of the first to attack and mock anyone who posts. Your obsessive, compulsive behaviour directed at the owner of this blog your little tantrums are hilarious.
Yes, Sherry, it is indeed the bride. Not a hater. Various people saw the conversation going on and those who follow the accounts regularly know who is who. Also there were no quotation marks in the original comment, is my understanding; the quotes are simply to point out they are her words, carrying them elsewhere. Personally, I'm done with this matter: she said it, it's out there, the meaning is simple, done. Have a great day!
Umm he was at the wedding reception alexa so....
I think Mrs. Long made a poor choice and is probably paying dearly for it as we speak. Respect is lacking here on so many levels. Yet another example of misusing social media...a mantra I preach to my students daily.
Well, I think it's time to put this subject to bed. To all those who have seen the tweets from the new bride, you all got to see it for its meaning. For those making something else out of it, can't cure stupid.
To the rest like me who couldn't care less, but love thd meltdowns its created, have fun.
Face facts dear little visitors, keep hooking Rob up with whatever fantasy gal you can think up of, runny shit doesn't stick. Rob and Kristen are together and I don't need tweets from bitter brides who couldn't get the boy she wanted and had to settle for 2nd best, or papped photos to tell me that, its called using your brain not your bitter hatred of Kristen.
Have fun in here,I had a blast but I'm bored playing with a toy that just repeats herself into nauseum.
Holy Hells Bells...Are the malcontent and ignorant still here ranting like their ass was on fire?
Alexa..At a wedding reception the wedding party meaning groomsmen and bridesmaids eat at the same table. There is nothing more to comment about..
I find it particularly hilarious they the trolls and haters are in full blown meltdown..the attacks are more frequent and more non-sensical than ever..literal ranting! Temper Tantrum anyone?
Thank you. I had no idea that was going on until this morning. I'm officially done discussing it. Thanks again.
alexa maria - That girl was a bridesmaid at the wedding. Look at the Aunt's pixs that were posted. As part of the being a groomsman is to walk down the isle with a bridesmaid. And going to dinner with the entire wedding party aka "wedding rehearsal" dinner. Also in the aunt's pixs the girl is wearing her engagement and wedding ring.
Also in the car pix you see another arm in a plaid shirt.
Well there goes hookup/girlfriend 1 million whatever.
Sorry. Meant Onagee.
MC: Meltdown or clusterfuck.....Both terms work.
To be newly married and tweeting about your husband's best friend and his wife is not something i would be caught doing....Is the ink even dry on the new Mrs. Long's marriage certificate?
Well I have decided to just sit back and read the comments and have a good laugh..I might even make some popcorn...If i get really lucky maybe anani's head will spin around and do a 180 while spewing pea soup and levitating..hmm that could happen you know he has enough hot air..
Okay then fresh cup of coffee..feet up and please have at it..entertain me some more...
Remember that little saying anani 'proof of lying'. Unfortunately for you my poor delusional one, I don't lie, unfortunately for you, I tend to spot liars a mile of, comes with the territory of my job.
Prove people are lying, show your evidence, not just gossiping speculation and hearsay. To prove a person is lying you have to back your accusation with facts. So come on little girl, prove to me the lies? I have said mothing in here, worth meriting a lie, I have been blunt and scathing at haters such as yourself, because of your vile belief about Kristen - i think you will find that throwing the word 'liar' around is a veiled threat your brain can't seem to tax or understand. As I said immature, childish behaviour, rant and stamp your foot if you must but back your words up with evidence people in here are liars.
Annie..absolutely either works just fine...
To be honest I don't know the first thing about Bobby or the new Mrs.
However I am beginning to feel sorry for the poor bastard, hell of a way to start a honeymoon, so romantic...not now der I need to tweet!
MC: Exactly!
Christ! Is it a case of the 7 year itch after a few hours of marriage? Or has the definition of being on a honeymoon changed?
Annie who knows...maybe it's a sign of the times we live in...We can dub this the twitter wedding...Poor HKN I bet her delete finger hurts already this morning...Hope she got them all!
Hey All:
I'm hysterical she's the one who came up with "liar, Liar...oh, lord....
Like we both agreed in the past blogs, great minds think alike..sorry, but Mrs. L. WISHES she was at least 1/4 of the size of "little wife" Mrs. Pattinson! Yikes!!
MC and Annie and Tempest and Onagee:
You GO girls...this is Really funny.....Trollette-in-Chief foaming at the mouth... and to think I thought Bobby would be too busy to get any twitter messages on his honeymoon, meanwhile "the missus" is busy talking about the One guest everybody was paying attention to...on twitter.....probably didn't give the bride a second thought! Could this get any tackier???
Love you guys.....and Sherry, have a good day with hubs..
ASFJ...Yes this is our resident 5yr old..RME
You really do have to sit back and laugh...were you on last night when Jane said she tweeted BL so he would get us all into to trouble for talking about the new MRS? I almost died of hysteria..they are really beyond nuts.
MC: Sad if it is.
ASFJ...correctionn..not get us into trouble but Shamrocker...what a whacko.
Damn I think I just used a whole can of troll be gone spray Lmao!
Hi ASFJ. :)
MC: Wait! What! .......:):)
No!........Surely you're joking?'re absolutely right, it is sad.
I think that is one of the reasons we all got such joy watching Rob and Kristen, they brought romance back to a time when it has been all but lost.
Maybe that's why they hate Kristen because she found with Rob something they all want.
Annie some bride and grooms wait before going on their honeymoons. My cousin and her husband waited a week before going on theirs due to work commitments. So the new mrs long could just be at home. I am not should have heard the rant..
HKN..I have no doubt..hope you bought a case of it.
Teresa: Even if she was at home, why, why are you tweeting about your husband's best friend and his wife.......Why any comments about him/them at all and why that particular comment.
Annie and MC:
Scroll back (if your finger stand it) to August 31, 7:15pm....I'm answering Jane who threatened to report Shamarocker to Bobby about what was being said about his lovely Missus. And here we thought he was getting laid!!!
@Tempest - I just wanted to thank you for directing me to what I know believe is the truth about 2012. Though I defended a young girl's actions at the time, I with your help have come to realize - it was all smoke and mirrors with a healthy dose of technology.
ASFJ...oops...forgot you were here for that I remember..
Well it jsut never ceases to amze how far they take their antics.
later girls
Hahahaha...she WISHES she had just married her husband's best friend!!! Typo...imagine..on your wedding night or day after, talking about your groomsman...cheesh...
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