Monday, April 15, 2013

Pics, Pics, And More Pics!

It wasn't a good week for the loons. We had all kinds of pics of Rob and Kristen together and the loons excuses were wearing thin lol.

"Shes not even looking at him"
"Hes walking away from her. He doesn't want anything o do with her" 
"His hand is clenched so she can't hold onto it." 

Yeah. That's about how their week went. Desperation in high gear. But lets sit back and review and rub it in a little of course !

Tuesday April 9th

 Rob at Kristen's birthday party. The haters said he was there but not anywhere near Kristen. yeah right. Until we got this:

The party goers all identifed lol:

Wed April 10th

Friday April 12th

First Coachella sighting with much more to come!

Kristen at Coachella

Sigh. Just sit back and enjoy shall we?

Rob enjoying the view. Love how he smiles at her.

Kristen wearing Robs hat lol. They love to share clothes and such don't they.

Saturday April 13

Clenched fist. I think hes pissed at the paps .

CJ taking over HBG duties!!!!!! Get em CJ!

Holding hands

Yes loons Holding hands. Give up while your behind.

And that about wraps up the fun week! On a sadder note say some prayers for the people of Boston!
Just too sad what the world has come too these days. God bless every one of them!


  1. Guys im actually freaking out apparently they spotted her getting in ruperts car wtf hkn help I'm desperate

  2. lol. Don't worry. Only in the haters dreams was she anywhre near the pig. Shes not interested in the pig. Only Rob. Just the haters pinning their hopes on stupid shit and being let down as usual.

  3. I don't know who is more stupid, people who write this bullshit or people who believe in it. Apart from this... Hkn, do you know what is doing Rob in NYC, if he is there as it looks? I love your blog.
