Friday, January 2, 2015

Diversions And Supposedlys

Diversions. We got a lot of them over the holidays. And some were were hilariously and obviously staged, photo shopped and miss dated on purpose. Fortunately unlike the robsessed hags we know better.

 This is another word that you will be seeing a lot of in this post. Because we're supposedly  not smart enough to see thru the crap they are trying to feed us.

These are the first pics that were supposedly taken on the 20th. The robsessed hags assumed that the person who is sitting next to Rob is Twiggy even tho you can't tell who the hell it is. Hopeless couldn't wait to send me a comment to let me know this exciting news. 

Then we got this gem. Twiggy looks thrilled doesn't she? Wonder what happened to make her have such a hissy fit? ....

Chiburkie thank you! You rock. That was priceless!

The person that posted this pic has since deleted it. It might have something to do with Rob's hair suspiciously longer than it has been and the lack of Christmas decorations at a supposed Christmas Party. 

This one had me busting up with laughter. Supposedly from December 22nd. Once again the robsessed hags assumed the woman in front of Rob is Twiggy. And again you can't tell jack shit. Even funnier? The Chanel bag Rob is carrying. Buying something for the Mrs? He sure wasn't buying it for Twiggy.

This picture supposedly from the 22nd too.Where's Twiggy? Rob was gracious enough to take a picture with this bitch and then she preceded to tell everyone on Twitter how rude he was. No you were rude interrupting him. He doesn't owe you  JACK.

This was supposedly taken at a pub on Christmas Eve. The robsessed hags will swear on their mother's life that Lizzy and Victoria are in this pic somewhere. Good luck with that.

Oh by the way where's Twiggy? Oh wait that's supposedly her that Rob's hands are around. Funny how his hair is shorter again. Did he get a haircut in between pics again? That was the hags excuse last time this happened. Three Swedish girls were giving the deets on twitter about this pic. Or are they from Miami? Their story kept changing but the hags still bought into it. 

 This picture is supposedly from the 23rd. Twiggy trying to copy Kristen's moves. Give it up poser. 

Look familiar? Yep the supposed fan from the above pic. She's a reporter. Go figure. Nothing like having a reporter around to help sell your showmance. 

So no pics from Christmas Day?

Now of course where there are Rob pics the tabs have to make sure we know Kristen is in another place far away. 

Kristen supposedly on December 22nd. Notice anything fishy? 

 She has no reflection in the mirror. Guess she really is a vampire. 

Just to have fun with the holier than thous doesn't Kristen look like maybe she's been Pattinsonated again?


Kristen with Rob's friend Charlie supposedly on December 23rd. Yep I would still be hanging with my friends ex when they've supposedly been broken up since 2013. Sure thing. 

And of course we get  Kristen and Alicia pics to keep the lesbian dreams alive. Supposedly from December 24th. Guess she borrowed some of Rob's Miracle Gro for her hair since it's a lot longer in two days.

Miracle Gro needs to contact both of them about a product endorsement. 

No pictures of Kristen either on Christmas Day. Funny how that works isn't it? 

Once again for those who can't grasp it. 

The next pictures we get are supposedly from December 26th. CJ, Kristen, Alicia, and Alicia's long time girlfriend. The Kristen haters lesbian dream just got shot to hell. But wait it gets better. Kristen or a poser had some fun with them on her supposed instagram. 

Unfortunately the Kristen haters can't tell when someone is making fun of  them. They actually thought she was coming out on Instagram.

 It's called sarcasm idiots. And Kristen owns you.

This is a picture supposedly from December 27th. Sure it is. 

We also had tweets of Kristen supposedly cuddling with Alicia in Hawaii ( Too bad the hags couldn't be more original. Didn't they say the same thing last year?), and a Rob sighting in North Carolina. The fools have to cover all their bases lol. No stone left uncovered. 

Did Kristen get a new bauble from Rob? 

Looks like a pic of Sweet Pea on it!

And now onto NYE which was even more of a hoot.The person who posted the pics below changed their story a number of times. Supposedly some random chick sent him/her (depending on who is giving you the info) these photos. 

Get ready for a record number of Photo Shop fails!

Photo Shop fail no.1
What the hell does Twiggy have sticking on her back side? 

Photo Shop fail no.2
Twiggy has eyes in the back of her head. 

Not to mention the exorcist head spin she has going on. 

Photo Shop fail no. 3
Rob's fore head is suddenly a lot longer. 

Photo Shop fail no.4
Funny how Rob's fingers are suddenly a lot shorter.

Photo Shop fail no.5
Twiggy has some kind of arm disease going on.

Photo Shop fail no. 6
Funny I don't remember Rob ever having a pointy chin.

Photo Shop fail no. 7, 8, and 9
Jamie's hand is cut out, Twiggys shoulder is over lapped, and Rob's finger has a line in it. 

Maybe they got their Photo Shop skills from the tabs.

Now I ask you why is all this photo shopping necessary for if you are so positive they are an actual couple?

Another fail is placing Jamie in London when he was actually in NYC.

Thank you Jamie for messing with  the trolls.

This is the latest pic of Rob. Supposedly  from today January 2nd. From the length of his hair and 4 o'clock shadow it looks like he's been sniffing the Miracle Gro again. 

There is a girl over at Twiggy Life named Chelsea who seems to think that Kristen never spent anytime with Rob's parents or his sisters. Let's enlighten her on a few things...

One of my favs. Kristen with the Pattinsons during the holidays. I'd call that spending time with the in laws Chelsea. 

 Kristen's looking kind of cozy with his sisters and mother Clare. Chelsea are you thirsty for more? 

Call me when you get a pic of Rob's mom with Twiggy's parents. I'll make 
 sure and hold my breath waiting for that.   

Jules and John adore their son-in-law.

Thats 5-0 Chelsea. Take the hint. 


Looks like The Big Shoe has fallen thru like Idols Eye. Hey these things happen. Watch  ya gonna do. 

It looks like the onetime Kristen Stewart film, The Big Shoe, is not going to happen as planned. The movie, slated to also star Jim Sturgess and Elizabeth Banks, was supposed to shoot in Cape Town, but it appears the South African Film Fund, which was to finance part of the production, didn’t come up with its portion of the money, and so the movie isn’t moving forward there.

Sienna Miller has joined the cast of Lost City of Z!

There was some big drama while I was in Ohio and thankfully I missed most of it. Morning Coffee and Vern were dragged thru the mud and thrown to the wolves. Funny how this all went down right before Christmas. Hoping we wouldn't notice somehow? Did someone hack their accounts and set them up? I'm not technology savvy enough to know how that works. I don't know the whole story but I can tell you this. To me it looks like they were fed a line of shit and then hung out to dry. Rob has never ever cheated on Kristen. Not in Singapore. Not anywhere. And Rob and Twiggy are nothing but for show. Kristen is well aware of everything that is going on. Use your common sense if you have any. 


Stop letting them drag us into the gutter with them. Stop tearing each other to shreds. Let's resolve not to fall for all the drama and b.s. being force fed to us. We know what the truth is. 

We lost one of our own to Cancer. 

Epnebelle we will miss you. Wish I would have known you a little better. 


  1. Great post.You don;t pull any punches.

  2. what a great post. you are so right, the trolls and haters were out in force over the holidays. The interesting thing is that once you started believing that none of the pics shown were true, you start looking for the photoshop errors and they were so blatantly obvious they were scary. I felt it was a final exam in a photoshop class they offer in the school district I work in but this was much worse as it lasted over the course of the holiday break instead of the 2 hours the one the students took. Thanks for pointing out the obvious to the nonbelievers once more.

  3. Great post,I was on RPL today and posted a comment on the pics and I'll tell you, they had to comment on you and how you hadn't updated since the 18th. They act like I don't have a brain of my own and couldn't see what you pointed out in the pics with my own eyes. I don't think that Chelsea comment on them. I gave her an apology for telling her that he was promoting his private life with twigs when she said it all for work, I hadn't thought about it. So I told her that she was right that all the pics with twigs was for work because of the PR. I haven't seen anything since. Well keep it coming I can't get enough from you, I don't care if you are married with kids and doing from you basement, like one of the posters said on RPL. I have kids and a couple of grandkids, I don't see why we can't be fans of them and want the best for both of them. Oh yeah they accused me of being to invest in his private life, I think it like the kettle calling the pot black.JS Hope you have a great New Year, and all these haters go away and find someone else to hate on.

    1. I saw it!!! Also goofy something!! They are so stupid it huers!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks for always cutting through the bullshit!Love your post!!!

  6. Hey - Happy New Year dear HKN!
    Great post! I am not as savvy re: Photoshop, but when I saw the alleged Christmas party, I laughed when I saw the various facial expressions. I need to pay better attention!

    Not sure what all happened with MC and Verni, but I hate it. I don't understand the mean-spirited mindset. Me, personally, I only have the time for the Haven - don't have the option of looking at tweets, Instagram accts, and other websites, and you know what? For me, I know it really makes my day better. I'm confident that any incorrect out there will be corrected here.

    Okay - off my soapbox! So happy for the new post and can't wait to see Kristen's red carpets' wardrobe. The Golden Globes are a week from Sunday. Can't wait!

    Again, Merry New Year to all the Haven peeps! Big hug to each of you ☺️

  7. Great post ! I loved the confusion with the photo shop pictures so very weird. I did not see the ring, which seemed obvious too. I am watching the first Twilight, still the best to me. Seems like RK need a holiday break, all the BS is way past sick. Keeping Kristen safe began very early in their relationship. Now, every weird thing is about Rob. Everyone enjoy your New Year's! Susie

  8. Hey HKN welcome back! Missed you. So nice to see a comment box not ringed around with the words They are not married and there is no baby -eek
    Out of boredom I checked my tweets etc. and read you are crazy and delusional lol. I wonder who is delusional, I choose you, MN, and Medusa as having the correct answers and sorting out the smoke screen RK have built for her protection. I will confess it is a bit elaborate and convoluted, but with all the media and tab. hounding and lying, they feel it is necessary then so be it. I want R's beautiful family safe. If R chooses to become the target, just be careful Lots of crazy haters about. He is precious cargo as well as his family. I luv your post especially the ring. I cannot see the image on it, whatever! Happy New Year and stay strong.

  9. Holy Moly! I love it once again HKN! Guys, I don't ever post on the friends IG, but I knew they were all in NYC and when Jamie put that firework pic out just a few minutes after New Years in NYC, I couldn't resist. Thank you HKN for not showing where this crazy Robsessed called me a psychobunny!Is that a word? LMAO! Actually I clicked on her user name and wanted to see the real face of Robsessed, Oh Lordy!! Thanks Jamie for taking off those comments. Yes, Rob, Kris and of course, sweet pea spent Christmas in London, and New Years in New York City!! YAY!!!! The desperation from the Robsessed and haters is sad, their computer skills are lacking to the point where a child could do a better job manipulating photos. Photo shopping 101, make sure the weather,the hair lengths and the number of limbs people have match up to the time and situation, DEAR GOD people! I feel STRONGLY that this badly written chapter was escorted back to England because no invitation was EVER given to come to LA period! No, Rob NEVER kissed Miss Barnett except, he did kiss her plane ticket back to England! Rest assured without a shadow of a doubt, Rob kissed his soul mate and the love of his life on New Years, Kristen Stewart Pattinson!! Sweet Pea was asleep in mom's arms and you know that Rob and Kristen will never forget their FIRST baby's first New Year! What a memory!! Happy New Year to you all!

    In case anyone wants a ring similar to Kristen's mommy ring. This store is in Orange County, California,Just a little FYI!

  11. Great post! The photoshops were unbelievable, seriously. How can they honestly think no one can tell. Just glad I finally get it. Makes life much better.

    Keep on keeping on. Love you all.

  12. Welcome back, HKN. Hope you had an awesome time in Ohio. This was such a great post. You really told it like it was. Bunny, I noticed that hater-hag, Noseyparker tried to hijack the IG, and you shut her right up. You go, girl.
    The photoshopping skills of these people are hysterical. I know Rob & Kris had a great time with baby's first Christmas, & a wonderful time in NYC for NYE. NYC seems to be good to them. I laughed all through this post. You made my day! Happy New Year everyone😄

  13. Hello to all the Havens! I love this HKN! Woohoo! Well I am going to bed now. I have work tomorrow. Love you all! Night!

  14. Happy New Year everybody! Thanks for the post HKN and the confirmations Bunny!

    Hope 2015 brings peace to all! And lots of joy to R&K and us all too of course!

  15. Good post thanks have great weekend

  16. Of course Rob need to look like he is with the skank! I think is because SP number 2 will be coming soon

  17. Loved it really bad photos really stupid people no changes in RK life

  18. hello
    HKN thank you for the great and full of hints filled post.
    The new ring is really cute, but she wore it before Christmas, right?

    Kristen has taken flight from NY about Hawaii? Then Hawai transfer to LA? hmm Why?

    Have a nice day. Love you all. Hugs

  19. HKN, Loved your post. I do not look at any other site except for yours and mama nails. You rock and keep it real. Bunny thanks for the info on where the spent their time. Also is it true he kicked her ass out of their lives?

  20. HKN, Loved your post. I do not following any other sites except for your and mama nails. Love when you kick ass and tell the truth. I come here for my info on them. Bunny thanks for the info about the holidays. Did he really kick twigs ass out of their lives for good?

  21. May everyone here have a special new year filled with love and wonderful new gifts from God. We are always aware of those who need our prayers for peace and we ask that our wonderful land stay free of danger and that we concentrate on feeding the hungry and protecting the children this year, not war. We love Rob and Kristen and thank you Bunny for letting us know they were safe and sound and happy during the holidays, it is always nice to know after the fact they are protected by misinformation and really strange pictures(?)--anyway, the pictures are funny. Thank you HKN for keeping things real, and I am sure it isn't easy. Thank you Jamie for your stroke of genius. Nola, I remember Royal St at Christmas, my husband and I were in a large hotel, really enjoying family and friends, in 1981, loving the shrimp and crab dishes and having a beautiful week long honeymoon, listening to the R. Brothers and chilling out with Drambuie and Hot Coffee Royals or Hot Irish Coffees, oh they were super good on a cold winter night out there ! Love my New Orleans family! Love, Susie

  22. Dannie, look close at pic of K an Alicia. Photo shop. Alivia had on that same outfit in pics a week ago. And if k was anywhere, it was just to confuse.

  23. I never post here, just could not resist this time. You missed one of the failures on the Photoshop Job. Notice Twiggy has straps on her dress in the back view then turn her around and there is no straps on the front of her chest as she presses up to Rob. I saw this elsewhere and had to see if you caught it. They want us to think he is with her. Kristen coming into LAX with Alicia means they have been some where. Again can she not go anywhere with her friends?

  24. not sure they could fake the video but and this is a big one, it couldn't have been planned for her to come home this way. Where was the body guard or even airport security. Do we really think she would put herself thru that????? It was pure crazy and those fans should be ashamed of themselves trying to get her autograph

  25. I read this post three times so I could wrap my head around all the BS while enjoying every bit of the hilarity. Excellent! Bunny fromTexas, thank you for sticking your neck out and backing HKN. I appreciate you ladies!

  26. Bunny, is there a way to chat with you outside of this area? I'm an educator as well and would love to get to know you:)

  27. Hey HKN, thanks so much for the awesome post! Thank you, Bunny for the great news about where R,K, & SP spent their holidays. BTW, I live in
    Honolulu,& I have not heard anything about K being here. Happy New Year!
    Aloha, Jane (Kuffkuff)

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Thank you Bunny for the website - I was finally able to get onto my computer and took a look. What beautiful jewelry they have. I saw several necklaces that I would purchase for myself to represent my 2 grandchildren. Thanks again

  30. Since K and R are flying back in at different times, different planes they have coverage(photo) and it is obvious it was preplanned. I think they fly without bodyguards quite a bit, and privately more often than not, because somebody is with their child. This may get really sophisticated with more children, more family to bring home. Kristen or Rob take the heavy paparazzi to lighten the load for the better half to fly undetected. You really do have to appreciate what they are doing, because it isn't easy, and they are good at it! What a pair! And, Alicia is with someone, she takes a lot of abuse, unwarranted, as Kristen's personal assistant who is a professional in the film industry and good friends of Katy's, long time friend of Rob and Kristen's. I think to be their friend, long-term, like Katy, Alicia, Susie, Jamie and his beautiful girlfriend, CJ, Elvis's granddaughter, and so many more that you are tough as nails and really devoted to Rob and Kristen. At one time, I believe Alicia worked with Katy. Katy Perry is definitely a good person to be friends with, she is very real, and protective. My point is where would we be without our good friends? Thank God for them.

  31. MaryMARY123 I noticed the strap missing in front too.

    And since when does Rob have not only a pointed chin but a bit of a double chin going on at the same time?

    Could it be possible that Rob has a lot of look alike cousins who stand in for him from time to time?

    It's either that or someone has a lot to learn about fake photography, not to mention what Rob looks like from different angles.

    I give these photos a F for failure and a D for effort.

    At least everyone present has a face, unlike the Christmas party photo where the guy in back closest to the TV
    has had his face almost completely photo shopped away.

    On a different note: I think I love that baby's photo more every time I see it.

    If you know the parents tell them they have one of the prettiest babies I've ever seen.

  32. They also have Rob dressed in two separate shirts in the same frame.
    One is the "Toronto" shirt and the other I've never seen him in.

    It would be interesting to know where Jamie was the day that IDOL EYES was cancelled; because the stray hair down Rob's neck looks like the hair whisps beneath when the hair is being grown out like it was for Idol Eyes: and it could well be that Rob's togie hides a wealth of hair beneath it.

    Getting smashed, which appears to be what's happening, could be Rob's way of mourning the loss of his chance to work with De Niro.

    The drastic hair cut was still in the future in my opinion.

    I'm beginning to think the PR show is 75% or more photo shopped.
    If so, Rob is only doing what's been done to him hundreds of times.

  33. Hi everyone HKN thankyou for your 1st post of 2015 looking forward to many more to come and happy new year to you,to all my lovelies hope all is well, missing Gigi like many others on here, well hope you all have a great weekend take care be safe.

  34. HKN Thank you for the new post.

    ABCHCD is showing the new extended versions of Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. There are extended scenes with Edward and Bella at the meadow and in Edward's bedroom. New Moon is now showing if anyone is interested.

    Kristen will be on the Today show with Julianne Moore on Monday, January 5th for SM.

    My nephew just dropped off his home made fruit cake which I look forward to cutting into it!

    Have a great evening Havenettes!

  35. Wonderful post hkn. I have been hoping for a post from you for the last several days, and you never fail me.

    Thank you for setting the record straight. I have never believed any of these ridiculous rumors about Rob and that girl, but it is hard to avoid the pics and comments, even though I try.

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a lovely New Year. You deserve it after all the crap you go through.

    Thank you for pointing out the obvious. Maybe the nonbelievers and haters will finally catch on to the truth. I look forward to that day.

  36. Happy New Year!!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. I loved your post, you know exactly how to tell it like it is, for that I thank you.

  37. Since most of these pap photos are phony and also the supposed fan pictures, I think it is a waste of time looking at them. I think the pap following R and RK are looking for something, don't you? Kristen was taking the heat off Rob. Her friend was picking her up(Alicia) and Kristen was confusing the press as to her previous destination, and it worked. I love her baby ring, it is sweet and their baby is really beautiful. Nice to see Kristen is really the sentimental person we remember her to be, also that Rob is thoughtful and loving. I am watching the Twilight extended movies too, I always cry in the second movie, with Jake and Bella, because it's really the sad one, NEW MOON, where she jumps off a cliff. Merle, I will be watching Julianne and Kristen tomorrow morning, wonder if they filmed ahead? Maybe K. turned right around and went back to NY. Seriously, the itinerary for their spot appearances have to be really just wicked at times. Hoping both are well and avoid the flu which is going around. I am always surprised at the acting in this series, Twilight, as they are all very good. Really loved Billy Burke, he is really terrific in this one.

  38. Sherry, you are right about the airport pictures, they are retreads. Again, it is time for the three monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, for darn sure. I do think since RK are way ahead of everyone, planning where, when and how, it might make a lot more sense to just wait and listen to HKN. Be sure to watch Today show tomorrow! Everybody have a good weekend! Susie

  39. dear hkn and mc, do either of you know if Gigi is ok? She has not been posting for a while and I miss her. There are so many things she writes about that are relevant to all of us. I know that she probably doesn't know who I am because I am shy about posting, but I am a retired early childhood teacher and there have been so many times I thought I could help her. Please let her know she is missed
    And meant a lot to me. Love, Debbie b

  40. Hi all, Debbie I second your query - Gigi hope your self enforced time not posting is nearly up! We miss you.
    I'm loving all the discussions about the Photos and Vidoes - It never ceases to make me feel ill watching her face when someone is filming her without her consent... Loving the 2 rings on both ring fingers!
    Love to all

  41. Good Saturday evening fabulous ones of the Haven!
    Another dreary day in the NOLA area. I think we've had 3-4 days of sunlight since the Winter solstice. My electric bill is going to be as hefty as it is in the summer, 'cause when I'm home these days, I've got every flippin' light on to make things brighter. I hate gloomy weather.

    Anywho, Sue Mo - sounds like you and your hubby were at the Monteleone. It is a pretty grand old hotel. The Carousel Bar right inside the lobby is a very cool hotspot!

    Tina - great to hear from you!

    Bunny - thank you for your contributions. You remind me of a Havenette - felicity - that used to give us terrific information. Not sure how I've missed you in the past, but very happy you are here! Good Lord, please let the chanteuse be AWOL and never to be seen with Rob again. That would be one terrific post-Christmas gift...

    Verni - I'm sure you still peek in here. Hope you and your family are safe and well.

    Gawdalmighty people, is that Sweet Pea the cutest thing, or what? HKN, wouldn't it be something if Kris was Pattinsonated again?!?!

  42. I refuse to watch those vile videos. I can imagine what was being said. I wonder if the so called fan with the pic was a real fan or a pap pretending to be a fan? Those paps are the scum of the earth.

    Need to get to bed. Been taking down inside decorations. Had to call our internet provider as wifi wasn't connecting except to tv. Had to reset it due to some power surges in our area. Fine now.

    Bbl. Love you all.

  43. Thanks to all for ur unwavering support. This is the one place I can go and not have to deal with the Negative Nellys.

  44. Happy new year and great post to start the year. I don't think i will ever understand why they are going through such great lengths to prove that Twigs and Rob are together. If they are so sure, why can't they just let it be and stop with the faking because it's getting really, really annoying now. PS can we please not call her Twiggy anymore, we've got a Twiggy (the Model) and she is the epitome of class and style not this strange woman.

  45. Morning ladies. Will be off grid for awhile today. Cleaning house, making lesson plans and running a few errands before going back to work tomorrow. Bitterly cold here with a skiff of snow. Going to be very cold for a few days. At least there is no measurable snow to make it worse.

    Hope we have a quiet week, but somehow I doubt it.

    Have a nice day ladies. Love you all.

  46. Seems to me you only pad the pockets of the gossip moguls when you watch Kristen being photographed in misery, and I refuse to watch pap product if I have knowledge that a pap shot her without her permission. Someone gave her info to the pap, they were clearly mobbed and threatened. I believe the phone shown to Kristen may have been the give-away. Kristen found out I believe who got paid to photo her. I hope they can reciprocate in like fashion. One can only hope that Kristen has some recourse. Let's try to avoid pap pictures and retouched pictures if possible. Love, Susie

  47. Hi Morning Coffee, Sherry, Tbell, Sue Morris, Frenchie, Sanni K, Hannah, Rae, Tina Wotherspoon, Merle Yamasaki, Lazmeister, Barbara Fenwick, HKN, ASFG, NOLA girl, and the rest of Havens friends! Sorry I wasn't here. I was working. My sinuses are slowly going away. All is left is coughing and my left side mouth still hurting. I have a appt for my root canal. While at ithe I am on a waiting list incase someone cancel their appt. Then I am in. Also I am quitting Ihop. Gave them my two weeks notice. Now I am only keeping Sizzlers and BK. BK I am starting this Tuesday. Around lunchtime. Well I better go get ready for work. Keep me posted. Hugs to you all. Talk to all tonight.
    Sherry, I agree with you about the video. I refused too. I think Kristen needs a airhorns with her when she goes to the airports incase those peeping tom papz start with the bs. Papz needs to get a life. Anyways I am going to get ready for work. Later.

  48. HKN- just to add more fun to your Photoshop fail notes, on number 3, there is all kinds of crazy going on there. The lighting (shadows) don't make sense with the guy in the front in full light and then shadows on the pretty girl on the left. Then look at the supposedly R and T --- the body positions make absolutely no sense - especially look at her shoulders - they are laughably out of place. And as someone else posted --- apparently Rob was wearing a trendy shirt that changes patterns in the photos - sometimes its one fabric and sometimes its two fabrics. Very special :).

  49. Hi all. Had a very nice day. Hope you all have a good week. I look forward to promo Kristen and I hope to see less and less and less off-road branch. So done with that.

    Love you all.

  50. This going to NY or Hawaii sounds just like last year. The NY pictures and return pictures showing Hawaii are conflicting which is what happened last year. It looked like they were waiting for help and the pap had been notified they were there. I have heard that they make complete turn around to throw off the pap as to where they are but Rob is still MIA, to no doubt have another picture taken to convince everyone he is somewhere different. Kristen is due in NY, and she had a lot of luggage in LA. Now she will appear on the show mysteriously. This really is like a detective series called Where in the World did they go? I thought they might go to Hawaii but it really isn't my business, because actually there are some details nobody has to know for sure. There are a lot of details nobody really will ever know and that is the way it should be. Without half trying, people all over are chasing down where they think they might go, so you can see why they hide, do fly overs, and make quick trips here and there to confuse, especially where their vacation plans are leaked on line to everyone. Pictures can confuse, pictures can also lie, so I still think it would be smart to just relax and enjoy not knowing anything for sure. I do believe RK love each other and have a family that loves them very much, so rather than allowing pap pictures to state the case, lets just assume the obvious, RK are playing Detective again, Mr. and Mrs. Smith on Vacation, without the guns and ammo. Hiding in plain sight, armed with a large amount of Pampers and specialized baby food, perhaps, in Daddy Drag? Well, at least I am not flipping out about stupid idiotic photo shop doo dads that are just made for money honey! I certainly wish Kristen no more bullshit arrivals back in LA, because that truly was nothing more than harassment.

  51. What is happening is possibly a diversion. Perhaps. I can sure see why they want and need to make plans within plans to do anything.

  52. good morning,
    the airport images and the vid were appalling. Whether it was so-planned or not, only know kristen and Rob.
    I can well imagine that they came from Hawaii, family Pattinson wanted to celebrate the New Year together with friends in a warm country.
    The main thing is they were together in London for Christmas and New Year spent together with friends, whether in New York or in my opinion in Hawaii

    nice day all. Love you all. Hugs

  53. I meant of the branch. Auto correct is not very bright.

  54. Dear Haven, I am going to just stay away from the obvious monotonous mismatched photos and stay on normal posts that are not there to shock or dramatize everything, different story every darn day. Life is too beautiful to waste time on teenage angst. And, it seems to me the Pattinson's are really not happy about being constantly in the fishbowl. Perhaps I am just really hardheaded but I do believe HKN, and I do think she is aware of the reality of Rob and Kristen's life together, and she is not creating problems for them. The danger comes from the sick minds that cannot let go of Rob. Not even to a make-believe girlfriend, who has another boyfriend. For people that love and respect Rob and Kristen, the PR campaign to convince Rob is a bad guy just needs to be a matter of ignoring the bull by not looking at the pictures at all for a long while. Kristen and Rob are parents, and they are doing something instinctive to protect and prevent any harm from removing the children from the picture. Needless to say that almost everyone knows the truth and that RK are actively working at not having their pictures taken together, because it is scary to them, the stalking and abuse are real. So, maybe rather than talking RK, we can now talk movies, and Still Alice should go to the Academy Awards I believe. When the man said a picture is worth a thousand words, they must have been talking about RK pictures that have been totally changed to look different by bad photo shop money men. Repeated punishment of looking at this trash is a waste of your time.

  55. Hope__When you use that word to another woman you are revealing your lack of class and your low life.

    Twat is a term of disrespect a low life male uses to refer to all women.

    To them it literally means 'vagina,' and is the only part of a woman they have a use for.

    For a woman to call another woman that shows what you are all about and how low your IQ is.

    It's one thing to be stupid, but a whole other thing to show people how little grace you possessed in your upbringing.

    Very revealing, and a bit pitiful.

    I won't even say anything sharp to you today.

    You said all that was needed to be said, and more, about you with that one word.

  56. Omg, is that indecisive Hope from twitter, uh oh looks like you've got a stalker hkn. Girl needs some camomile or something , though I must say she's very entertaining. And I thought it was hawaii or has the story changed as usual?

  57. Dear guest one (aka probably hope),
    Those pics are as staged as the Rob and tree pics. If the constant staring and standing right infront of the photographer shots ISNT deja vu for you in this whole pile of shit then you are truly what MN calls a shit eater. Kristen is making fun of you and all your cronies for believing the Rob "drama", shows how fake this whole show is. Then again maybe you aren't a shit eater, maybe you just get off on kristen being supposedly gay and not wanting Rob RME

  58. Well i guess we should have expected these pics seeing as they couldnt get us with the pics from London. I didnt believe them and I sure as hell dont believe these now. Please, the daily mail? Really! They are almost as bad as HL. Do they really think we are all going to believe that they outed themsleves on a beach in Hawaii. I guess since they havent had anything since New Years, we got the setup yesterday and then the one two punch today. They disgust me

  59. Willardwright, google pictures of her with Riley and Dakota. A lot of them are pretty affectionate, so does that mean she was dating them as well?

  60. Girlfriends hugging, take the hand, greet each other with a kiss, what is bad? it is normal!
    There are no pictures of R and T for a long time and not from Maldivien

  61. Good morning ladies, So we are to believe that one of the most photograph women, suddenly decides to out herself, I wonder how Alicia's longtime girlfriend feels.

    So according to the haters out there, friends can't go on holiday, It took three days for the photo's to appear, why not straight away,

    Another thing, it amazes me how the paps always find famous people, in all the beaches in Hawaii they find these two, and why the Daily Mail to show them, why not a American gossip mag.

    I don't believe it, call me delusional \i don't care.

  62. Ladies you know what pics are for real? The ones HKN posts in her banner. Rob and Kristen getting married, Kristen and Rob staring at sweet pea. The Pattinson family pics HKN posts in her entries with Rob, Kristen and sweet pea.

    Rob&Twigs pics are fake, Kristen&Alicia pics are fake, everything is fake, photoshop or old. Just believe in HKN.

  63. Good Grief, Not the zombie Hopeless! HKN -bye now, hope you scour the post with LYSOL, we have nasty post people. Kristen is poking fun at you Hope and the zombie crowd you are with. Haters of Rob and Kristen. Maybe you are bi-sexual, no problem, shows your preference. You have no life, just hate. Go back to the obsessed.

  64. Hope, Femme, Real Life --- blah blah blah. Don't you have anything better to do than harass people on someone's blog? Seriously - grow up and get a life. Although - your rants are sometimes the best part of the comments section here. If things are not as they seem - guess what? We will all survive. You three - not so sure. You seem ENTIRELY too invested in all of this. Maybe you should get jobs? Friends? Hobbies?

  65. Also - a passenger manifest from a flight? Big no-no if that supposed relative is copying it and posting it. Big trouble for her - really big trouble!!!! She apparently does not care about her job -- or perhaps its a big lie? Hmmm...........since you girls seem to know everything, why don't you start your own Rob and Twigs blog? You are big fans - so go for it. Or how about this? Leave people alone here. They are not talking about you - they are not bothering anyone. This is supposed to be fun - IT IS NOT CHANGING ANYONE'S LIFE. You are bullies - plain and simple. You must be very proud.

  66. Chelsea - why did you keep posting here if you don't agree with what HKN is saying? That is kind of pathetic. And please - enough with the "Tahliah" - you don't know her and have no right to call her that. Her name is Twigs - and as "fan" - that is what you should refer to her as. Why don't you go over to Robsessed? They believe the same things as you. You do realize that continue to post here is stalkerish..........just saying. We are fine.

  67. We have some uninvited guests who are Twig lovers and Kristen haters and are really smelling up the place please let the dogs out HKN -- guess it's time to BOUNCE. Maybe they are Twig lovers because she is bi-sexual! That was the general opinion of most of the audiences she performed for with her red-headed boyfriend she had lap dances for. Since Kristen and Rob fund her travel, I really think these dimwits are just brain dead, zombie haters.

  68. MICKEYMACKEY, Troll city today, TROLLS do not think, they just hate.

  69. Dear Hope and those who are on the same side, Rob and Kristen are feeling you with the shit you love to eat. You wanted Rob with Twigs, that's the story he sold to you. You wanted Kristen with Alicia, that's the story she's selling to you. Kudos! You've been fooled.

  70. Chelsea - why do you post on a personal blog where you are not wanted? Go to Robsessed sweetie - they will love you there. Start your own blog if you don't like this one. It's kind of creepy that you are obviously stalking it - maybe you can phone a friend? Get a job? Realize that this is ALL gossip and none of us know these people - so what we think is really not that important. With all the things you could choose to do - you pick posting on a blog you don't like? That is just sad. If things change and Rk are actually not together - we will all be fine because we can separate from this. People like you and Hope cannot. Robsessed blog creeps me out with their Rob I stay away. Hint hint......

  71. Chelsea - still ranting? I have a firm grasp on reality. This IS a personal blog that YOU choose to stalk. Pretty sad.......bye sweetie!!!

  72. TRI, I don't believe in what tabs write and tell. I don't believe Rob is with Twigs. I don't believe Kristen is with Alicia. I don't believe Rob is Twigs manager. I believe Rob is with Kristen, married actually. I believed it before HKN confirmed. I believe Rob and Kristen created a big hoax and it just keeps going. They're making fun of a lot of people, you included, and there is more to come.

  73. @Unknown, Are you really comparing and hetero wedding or engagement to a set of pics of Kristen with her long rumored lesbian lover in a Hawaiian beach, looking happier than ever, holding hands and kissing?

    You know Kristen is not gonna be nominated for an Oscar. You know Julianne's performance has already been praised for everybody and has got several nominations to Awards, a GG nomination and definitely she'll get an Oscar nomination too.

    What is this Hawaii Beach stuff gonna promote?

  74. Charlotte, it just makes them like smart people who were sick with the constant rumors, harassment, obsession and lies surrounding their lives. It's called payback.

  75. femme, you want to know why they felt the need to hide? Because of people like you who go to blogs like this one to argue with us. You don't believe in what you call Robsten? Fine, don't come here. Go where people think like you. Why do you care what I believe? I'm not going to you. You're coming here.

  76. Hope, perhaps it has escaped your attention, but on an average day HKN gets between six and ten comments. Let you guys in and it soars exponentially. So who's the winner here? Who's stupid?

    There are only two great attractors in life: love and hate.
    Since you come here every chance you get your hate is obviously stronger than your love or your commonsense.

    If HKN is so venal and lost to conscience as to be a serial liar, why don't you sit back and just let her be found out in time, instead of coming here increasing her ratings every chance you get?

    There's only two reasons it could be.

    (1) Your love of arguments out weighs your resentment at her increased fame.


    (2)You are secretly terrified that she may have inside information and is right and that terror triggers an instinct to fight or flight.

    Like most irrational people you decide to fight and increase her fame all at the same time.

    Stupid doesn't begin to explain this reaction.

    My conclusion is you are bullies who live for the fight and are terrified that Rob and Kristen MIGHT go to all these lengths to protect a child from morons like you.

    God knows I would. I'd do anything to keep myself between an innocent soul and the people who live to hate the very thought of it's existence.

    There is no love to be found
    In the trampling herd,
    Just the will to defy
    Just the will to hurt.

    By tooth and nail,
    By sinew and claw,
    Til their very last breath
    They'd fight to defeat you all.

    They know your measure
    You've left so many tracks,
    Showing in your rage
    The souls you lack.

    If you did not fear this woman
    You'd ignore her and her lies.
    You would keep no company
    With one you so despise.

    But she so torments you
    Each night, everyday
    With her version of truth
    Which you cannot take.

    If it so be that
    Who you hate has been so blessed
    Then dreams long cherished
    Are lies held to hollow breasts.

    Such ideas leave some
    People slightly unhinged
    And thoughts of that happening Cannot go unchallenged.

    Where is this prize
    You would all keep?
    Never in your presence
    Just your dream sleep.

    And after all, what have you won?
    A tale of foolish women insane, and undone.

  77. Ladies - let's stop. First - none of us know these people so stop saying what they would or would not do. Chelsea, Hope, The Real Insider.....for argument's sake let's say you are right. Won't it just play itself out and you can celebrate it? Why spend so much emotion here trying to change people's minds? This is a small blog - if we are wrong - so be it. Why not go somewhere and talk to others who share your opinion? Why put yourself through this? I'm sure you are intelligent enough to realize you won't make headway here - so it seems sad that you keep trying. What do you think? Leave us alone?

  78. Thanks Rae, These outside haters are TWIGGY LOVERS and have a post devoted to her. I think the post has been disabled by these really sick people who love the sound of their own voices. HKN, please repair the problem soon, the object is to close your post by leaving hate mail for HKN. HKN has more followers than most posts and love the privacy of NO HATERS.

  79. To the haters: go set up your own blog. Believe what you want well believe what we want. Why are you also bent on destroying? You have no rught to come to a blog you don't agree with and belittle people. Greedom of speech does not include threats and name calling.

    HKN, I guess they don't kniw about or Monday. Haven't seen pics and don't intend to. By the way, the names on the flight manifests, are they their full names? For example, Kristen Jaymes Stewart or Robert Thomas Douglas Pattinson? Just curious because that's how they should be listed.

    I just took out my garbage, time to take out the garbage here. I am curious how old some of these evil haters are. My grandsons are all under 10 and I've never heard them be that ugly to people. And besides that, Rob and Kristen don't owe any of us anything. I don't believe pics from rag mags or even so called fan pics. I feel sorry for Rob and Kristen having fans that can't be civil to each other.

    I'm out of here. Have to get supper and do laundry. Love you Havenettes. Just step around the crap and garbage that the rude haters left here.

  80. I normally stay in the shadows, commenting little other than my thanks occasionally, but, Goodness Gracious Me! Get a grip on your panties and calm down, folks. This isn't world peace, famine or homeless children. It's a fandom. I don't come here for ugliness and name calling. For heaven's sake, take a breath, step back and get some perspective. If you cannot respect yourselves or one another, at least show a modicum of respect for the host. None of us are forced to be here. More importantly, show a little respect for Ms. Stewart, Mr. Pattinson and those in their personal lives. As a rule, I avoid pap pictures but all this hullabaloo sent me to look for myself (and I had to move about 3 inches before I was in inundated). I normally keep my opinions to myself. But, for the record,, whilst some of you are arguing about what you think you see based on pap pictures, I think I see something else hiding in plain site. I'm betting I will not be the only one who hangs in the shadows of this joint to think so.

  81. Hate auto correct. Meant freedom of speech.and pr Monday .

    You want to hate on something hate on auto correct.

  82. Robsessed,

    I can list several things your little friends are guilty of. One named CandyKizzes (CK) told a teenage RK fan to kill herself. Another threatened to kill Kristen at the Breaking Dawn Part 1 premiere in London. Some have said Kristen's death would be ultimate payoff and talked about how they'd beat her up. Does that sound like people who care about Rob? Not a chance. They don't care about him. Neither do you. I won't deny Kristen fans have said vile things as well, but yours are more numerous than theirs are. The horrific comments are everywhere. How can you tell RK fans to respect Rob's choice when you never did that to begin with? Whatever anyone believes, the bottom line is that you rabid robsessed are just attention seekers looking for a fight and don't care who you hurt as long as you're noticed.

  83. Guest one, either put your name on it or don't comment. Rob and Kristen don't need fans that are as vile as the haters. And I like both Rob and Kristen. Don't care that much about their private life. And again, what you are doing and saying isn't freedom of speech. And I am not racist and I don't give a rats ass what you think.

    I hope Rob and Kristen tell this whole fandom to suck it. This hate is the worse thing. I respect your right to your opinion. Respect mine. Respect meaning not calling people names and acting like a spoiled brat.

  84. Robsessed,

    You should know that Halle Berry was pregnant with Maceo during the filming of X-Men: Days of Future Past. You want to know how Bryan Singer dealt with this? He simply reduced her screen time while allowing her to remain on set as filming would've been delayed if he went looking for a replacement for her. That could've taken a very long time, and he didn't want to delay filming this installment of the X-Men franchise. It turns out he made the right decision. X-Men: Days of Future Past was critically acclaimed and the best performing installment in the franchise's history. It is possible for a pregnant actress to continue filming her movies or TV shows as long as her health permits it.

    Rob's calm and sensible fans may not be calling Alicia ugly, but you rabid ones called Kristen that plenty of times. You also said she was a drug addict and looked like a man. You are such hypocrites to say Kristen fans are calling Twigs all sorts of names when you did the exact same thing to her. You are in no position to tell RK fans to respect Rob's choices when you never did that to begin with. You need to stop stalking and harassing their blogs if you don't believe Rob and Kristen are together. You're looking more and more like bullies every day. Start your own blogs, and leave them alone.

  85. The real evil is allowing these hateful creatures to continue to post. Please prevent this attack from continuing . Goodbye.


  86. I don't post very often but I had to say something today. Why is all this hate flying at HKN, its hedious! Why can't these trolls form a club where they can hang out and discuss how wrong we are? To be honest I'm truly sick of it. It's discusting! All we want is a peaceful blog, where we as friends can share, talk, discuss and admire two people that are wonderful actors, and who we know are deeply in love. However, no matter how often we prove that Kris and Rob are together, it falls on deaf ears and we have to deal with these troll fuck ups who are the spawn of satan! I think that we should create a delete button specifically for them. So for all you Troll FUCKS UPS:
    Rob & Kris are married!
    Rob and Kris have a baby!
    The off-road Branch is only PR!
    Alicia is only a friend!
    And if you don't like it you can kiss my ass and go somewhere else.
    So stop bothering the good people of HKN and fuck off... Hope, Femme, Chelsea and whoever else doesn't agree with our blog. You have been fucking deleted!
    Now don't come back we don't want you here!

    Chloe M.

  87. A hater is someone who hates everyone but themselves. I don't hate any of you just because I don't agree with you. I do hate your actions toward the ladies on this blog and what we believe. If what is being said here was harmful to Rob and Kristen they would have taken legal action. Same for what you are saying. One more thing. I don't think Kristen would "come out" in this way. She would just let it be known by telling it. No reason to hide it. By the way it has been rumored for years that Rob is bi as well. Why are you not upset about that.

    Please remember that the gossip rags are entertainment and that's how they get by with the junk they print. It is for entertainment purposes and not to be taken seriously.

    Now, I am asking that you back off. Like Glenda the good witch says in The Wizard of Oz to the wicked witch of the west, "Be gone. You have no power here."

  88. A hater is someone who hates everyone but themselves. I don't hate any of you just because I don't agree with you. I do hate your actions toward the ladies on this blog and what we believe. If what is being said here was harmful to Rob and Kristen they would have taken legal action. Same for what you are saying. One more thing. I don't think Kristen would "come out" in this way. She would just let it be known by telling it. No reason to hide it. By the way it has been rumored for years that Rob is bi as well. Why are you not upset about that.

    Please remember that the gossip rags are entertainment and that's how they get by with the junk they print. It is for entertainment purposes and not to be taken seriously.

    Now, I am asking that you back off. Like Glenda the good witch says in The Wizard of Oz to the wicked witch of the west, "Be gone. You have no power here."

  89. Hope,

    Plenty of celebrities kept their children hidden for years from the days of their births before making them publicly known. Some have longtime spouses their fans never knew about until they spoke of them in interviews. It is possible for celebrities to keep their loved ones hidden from the spotlight. They find ways to do it. I have no doubt Rob and Kristen would find ways to protect their loved ones, including any children they might have.

    By the way, you're not fooling me with your fake love for Rob and Twigs. I can see right through. If you don't believe Rob and Kristen are together, then why do you keep going to blogs of RK fans who believe they are together? Why can't you just leave them alone and focus on one of your own? Are you that desperate for attention? It seems to be me that you are. You want to be noticed, so you go to RK blogs and butt in on conversations fans are having to get a reaction. I find it hypocritical of you to accuse HKN of being a manipulator when the rabid robsessed did that for years and are still doing it. They bully and belittle RK fans without regret or remorse. Then they turn it around and make themselves look like they were the oppressed. They have told teenage RK fans to kill themselves and threatened to kill Kristen. They said Kristen's death would be the ultimate payoff and bragged about they'd carry it out.

    If you truly cared for Rob and Twigs at all, you'd stay away from RK blogs and focus on those that feature them. It's that simple. However, that probably won't get you the attention you want. You'll continue to troll RK blogs and butt in on conversations fans are having, especially when they discuss the possibility of Rob and Kristen having a child, to get the reactions you desire. I advise you to leave and never come back. You don't belong here.

  90. Hey HKN, looks like your blog is being taken over by the fans of Twiggy, or the I told you she was lying. Sorry about that. I think if they would actually go and look at the pics on the beach there is someone else clearly there. In one pic Kristen is talking to someone and not paying attention to what Alicia is doing. Someone said they were Kissing would you post that pic because I didn't see any like that. Someone mention that before they broke up in May 2013 they were being photograph every couple of days, well I think we had pics every time they went out. Then at coachella they had the papz chasing them, and even TMZ said that stars go there because no one bothers them. I think that is just one reason that they are doing what they are. You know they never get any privacy when they go out. Now I've seen pics of Alicia with her gf and its not Kristen, and I've seen pics of Twiggs kissing someone other than Rob,in Oct. As for all the pics being put out there, ever think that, Rob and Kristen themselves buy up all the papz pics and puts them out. You can bet that they have someone watching all these blogs and when enough start questioning what is going on we get more pics. It seems the more we talk about them still being together the more pics we get like the ones we have gotten since NYE.
    I have nothing against anyone that is gay bi or whatever I have a brother and a niece that are gay. My daughter's best friend is gay and if you seen them together you would think they were lovers but I can assure you that they aren't. My daughter has been in a relationship with her bf for 6 yrs and have a daughter together. I don't think any of you that came here from RPL and you know who I'm talking about are being very respectful to any of them. I'm talking about Rob, Kristen, Alicia or Twigs.

  91. Enough Chelsea - just enough. Stop with your fake support of "Tahliah" - its sad that the best you can do with your time is attack people on a small blog because they don't agree with you. Why don't you start your own? You will never respond to that because its s reasonable question. I feel sorry for you with your bullying obsession.

  92. This post is for those who care about Rob and Kristen and are not living in the hate filled world of those committed to hating Kristen. If you cannot love Rob and Kristen, please do not post here, you need to have your feeding frenzy at ROBSESSED or at Twiggy World, WHERE YOU BELONG, and stay there.

  93. Chelsea,

    I never said I hated Twigs. Nor am I justifying the disrespect and hatred. I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy. You didn't seem to get that. I never approved of Kristen's 'cheating' of which I feel has looked suspicious from the start. If she was cheating on Rob with Rupert, why do it out in public? Wouldn't they have gone to hotel rooms? That's a much more convenient way of hiding it. I've seen pictures where Kristen didn't look too comfortable around Rupert. There was one where she was sticking her arm out as if she was blocking him while posing with him and Chris Hemsworth. Look how Rupert got almost no hatred for the 'cheating scandal' while she got tons. That's more hypocrisy right there. The 'other woman' is always blamed while the man is let off the hook, especially when he probably instigated the whole thing. Rupert broke his marriage vows to Liberty.

    One fact that the rabid robsessed have deliberately ignored is that Rupert and Liberty were having marriage problems long before Kristen ever came into the picture. They had filed for divorce once before before changing their minds. It's more than likely Rupert has cheated on Liberty before, but she took him back. Perhaps Kristen's kissing Rupert didn't help matters, but she didn't break up their marriage. He did. A couple of kissing pictures don't constitute an affair.

    You're just like your friends. You pretend to care about Rob and Twigs, but you really don't. If you did, you'd stay away from RK blogs and go to those that feature them. Why can't you do that? Is it because it won't get you any attention? It seems to me that's what it is. You troll RK blogs and butt in on conversations fans are having to get a reaction. Attention is what you desire. I advise you to leave right now and never come back. You don't belong here.

  94. Ladies of HKN from reading a few comments since the Moderator service has went of line the tone of the comments from your visitors sounds less like women and more like feeding time at the zoo.

    May I make a suggestion?


    As long as you respond in any way you are feeding their appetite.

    You can't reason with these people. Why try?

    I suggest going silent until HKN can delete them at her liesure.

    Sorry about the all caps. But the nearest zoo to my house has their signs in all caps.

    Best wishes to all HKN Ladies.

  95. Hope,

    Arnold Schwarzenegger confessed he fathered a son with an employee in his and Maria Shriver's household when they announced their separation in 2011. That was more than fourteen years before then. The mother's name is Mildred Patricia 'Patty' Baena. Her son's name is Joseph. I bet you didn't know that, did you?

  96. HKN, thank you for cleaning things up. I don't know how you deal with this garbage all the time.

    MN posted a few of the pics of Kristen. I did notice a little something. So glad I'm on the side of reason. Since I posted the last comment about The Wizard of Oz, I can see the haters and trolls when all is done saying " I'm melting, I'm melting. Oh, what world when a good lady like HKN can take away all my lovely wickedness!" Or something to that affect.

    Love you all.

  97. Evening.
    I see by some of the monikers we got some visitors. I also see that HKN has deleted.:)

    We are FIVE days into the New Year and such drama!

    I got this in my E-mail for the New Year:

    Six things to leave behind in 2014:
    Negative thinking.
    Drama and chaos.
    People who bring you down.

    -- Charity M. Richey-Bentley


    "To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart."

    -- Eleanor Roosevelt

  98. Wow, Thank you HKN, for locking down again. Christopher Dark, you speak wise words. That is the way we dealt with these whack a doodles back in 2012.

  99. HKN - It is certainly good to see you have returned and in doing so returned the peace to this blog -
    that I normally do enjoy ...Of course until this evening have done so as merely a lurker! Which I will quietly return as once again. However before I do so only because I do not want to be grouped as one of THEM...when you cleaned house you also deleted my post as well. A very Happy Healthy New Year to you and all of yours!

  100. Annie, I really love the comment by our great First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt! She was just amazing! Thank you for doing the heavy lifting HKN, I really am so disgusted with your bully pests that remind me of Third Graders fighting over a boyfriend that they cannot have because of their cruelty to others. I am sorry to react badly but they are sick and could be dangerous to others. These bullies like to injure, want the thrill of blood drawn. I more and more understand why RK run ninja as much as possible and stay in. Deranged does not even cover what these mental cases say that lurk here at haven and wait to jump in to post here. So sorry you have to read this trash Susie

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. Well the branch is on the cover of V music mag. Saw her cover and she is naked with hands over breasts and wearing a pair of flesh colored panties. I'll let you decide for yourselves. Compared to the other 3 covers of new artists hers is not as tasteful. Apparently she is labeled as a soul singer.

    Not trying to start anything, just warning everyone that it's out there.

    Thanks again for locking the gates of Hell. Admire you for putting up with that vile filth.

    Love you all.

  103. Hi to all my friends of Havens and HKN! Rae, I saw it. I was waiting For HKN to clear those clowns out. As papz and media are nothing but haters. They fine something to spread lies and that includes insulted Kristen and Rob. I also refused to watch the video of Kristen and Rob getting attacked by by these peeping tom papz. It's wrong. Rob and Kristen should bring airhorns with them.

    As for the rest of Havens friends, I love all your comments. I am going to bed now. I got work tomorrow at BK. I am almost feeling better. So far I have cough left and my teeth needs a root canals. It's still hurts. I am going post some pictures of me. I hope you love them. Night all. Hugs to you all. Keep me posted! I love you all. Have faith.

    CD, Well said. I agree with you there.
    HKN, Thanks for taking care of that. I was waiting to be clear here.
    Well good night all!

  104. HKN, I wish you would encourage Nick and CD to expand on the stories of the Rats of Hollywood, dedicated to RK and their misery with HL assholes with much flair. I can only say everyone would love these writers! I am always hoping someone takes a match to the gossip sales business. Such happy dreams!

  105. Ah --- peace reigns again. For a moment I thought I had accidentally landed on GC with all the bullying and attacking going on. The part that I find hilarious to the point of being pathetic is that they just hover, waiting for a moment to come on here and then type like fiends to get there POV across. And they actually think that we are going to stop and go "OMG - Hope said blah blah MUST be true. What am I thinking?". Yeah -- ummmm, that's not going to happen. Just as you - Hope, Chelsea, The Real Insider and guestone1 (clever name), have come to your conclusions based on what you see, we have come to our conclusions. I totally respect your right to your opinion and as a decent human being, you should respect my right. I guarantee I will NOT go on Robsessed or GC or any other such site and argue with you or tell you your views are delusional or wrong. They are your views - own them and move on. I actually think it has nothing to do with having their own views, they are just bullies, looking for a way to show others how tough they are - that whole "I'll show you" attitude. Yawn. If we ever ask them a rational question like "start your own blog" --- its crickets. They never respond to logic. Brilliant MC stayed away - as she warned us to - and is probably laughing her head off at the mayhem from yesterday. All is calm now and we shall move on. So looking forward to seeing Still Alice soon - LOVED the book - it was so beautifully written. Cheers to you HKN - well done :).

  106. That was scary yesterday. Glad to see our girl cleaned up her board and shut the crazies out. All they tried to do was start drama where there wasn't any. If they thought this was going to finally be the "end of our board", they were sadly mistaken. I believe HKN,MN and many others who are good people with good sources that tell the truth. Everything else is noise that we have to shut out and they can't stand it that we won't bow to them like their Gods.

  107. Sherry, Ellen Ramey,

    I agree there is something hiding in plain sight again. Well played Pattinsons's. Once again thanks HKN and Mama Nails and Bunny for keeping it real.

  108. Morning.
    Sue: I love that quote too. :)

    So, all seems quiet for the sixth day of the first month of the new year.....
    Check! Check! and Check! :)

    19 degrees here.....

  109. There is a great need to get past this stalking of two people. If actual poking fun at the accusers does not work for RK, I honestly think they have every right to button up tighter than before. Why open their world up to hate filled assholes who don't care about them, not really. I applaud their tough badass attitude, wish I was as tough. I cannot imagine what I would do but I would always have a loaded gun nearby if I was under a generalized watch daily. I hate guns but I would never allow anyone to hurt my family. Knowing me, even with years of training, I would probably shoot my toe off, and miss an intruder. To get away from that pressure, people do silly things, and find ways to get ahead of their stalkers. Some families actually stalk the felons that are stalking them. I truly believe God helps those who help themselves. This is a new year to enjoy. I can only say I enjoy believing the best of people and refuse to be dragged down in the gutter with the haters of Kristen and Rob. I like the sunshine of truth, it somehow always comes out. Susie

  110. Annie, MC, it is going to be bitter cold this week! Bundling time!

  111. I see the custodian was here:) Just goes to show what can happen when the sanitation system shuts down...Seriously though, my thanks to HKN and all of you who come here for the right reasons and with respect always uppermost in your mind.
    Mary French and Sherry, I'm going to guess that new item was added to the menu as much as 3 months ago. So much for keeping this little gem out of sight:)
    Have a great day, friends!

  112. Sherry, Mary French, Ellen, I think you might be close to the real picture, at three months, because I tried to estimate the period for Kristen, and she did say she was taking time off, so with one child, she was probably trying to estimate her turn around time for work and rest. I agree she is really just amazing in her ability to do several things at the same time, but having children close together is really stressful, because you are a wife too, and Daddies take a lot of cuddling and often. But, it is good to have them close together if possible. If Rob is hands on Daddy, there is really no issues that cannot be satisfied. Anyway, June may be , if we are right, the special time. All I see is a happy Kristen that does not look at all like she is in the middle of a cluster fuck that is just another gossip mag scenario. Kristen is laughing at some very silly peeps. As a matter of fact both Rob and Kristen looked kind of pleased recently. I think we just got pranked. Do you think?

  113. Good afternoon ladies, well I see hope and here cronies decided to help our poor delusional souls, by telling us the truth.

    Lovely photos, but who is Kristen playing with on the beach, I bet it wasn't Alicia, the photographer forgot to photo that person, I wonder why.

    So according to the trolls 2 friends can't holiday together, or be seen together, I must tell my girls that, what a sad world we live in.

    So I guess I'll sit back and see what the Pattinson's throw at us next, must be time for Rob to appear somewhere, hopefully it will be on the film set, without any extra baggage.

    Later ladies.

  114. Hi hkn I've been a frequent poster and glad to say still I enjoy all u have to say. The sad part is a lot of these so called fans r grown women acting like children. Life is too short to waste energy on such individuals.
    So keep the wonderful happy posts of rk flowing for the truth always comes out in the end great work

  115. Sue, yes we got pranked by the best. They did it their way. June will be a special time. I always thought with her taking that much time off it was leading up to something. Good for them.

  116. Good night to all my Havens and HKN! I love you all and RK plus the little one too! I love all your comments. My prayers goes out to you all and RK plus little one too. Night! I got work tomorrow.

  117. Morning ladies. It is bitterly cold here today. Will have our high of 12 degrees now and will fall to 6 degrees by this afternoon. Wind chills are ridiculous, minus 20. We are still having school. Not sure it's a good idea. Hope the kids dress for it.

    Noticed RK are MIA again. Figures. We may get something but personally It is getting where this horse and pony show is getting old and maybe just a little dangerous. I understand it, just hoping it doesn't make a bad situation worse. Have to admire them for their tenacity. This takes a lot of strength and trust on both their parts.

    Everyone have a safe day and stay warm. Love you all.

  118. Afternoon everyone hope all is well in the haven with everyone, Been MIA for a few days RL issues going on also would like to let you all know im going in for an op on my knee tomorrow so wont be on for a couple of days but im with the good ones you know who you are 100%,Rob and Kristen hope you and your family and friends are well, ignore the haters and troublemakers,ending this with take care be safe hope you all have a wonderful weekend and will be here in the background.

  119. Morning.

    Arleen: I hope you're feeling much better.

    "Shine with all you have. When someone tries to blow you out, just take their oxygen and burn brighter."

    -- Katelyn S. Irons

  120. Wow! It is so cold here we have negative wind chills. Woke up to 7 degrees. Hoping RK are somewhere nice and warm. The Great Lakes are REALLY chilly today. I think this morning calls for hot cocoa with coffee which is actually good! Mocha was a favorite of my Dad, who craved coffee 24 hours a day. I am off to make coffee! Stay warm Haven, Susie

  121. Hi HKN and all you lovely ladies! Boy it sure is cold outside!!! I hope you all saw the irony in the beach pics in Hawaii and the beach pics in Miami. That was very clever on RK's part. I couldn't believe that people were actually buying into the silliness of Hawaii. Today a good friend alerted me to Hopekatz and her minions targeting me and Mama Nails, You know, all I can say is get a life and why are you so worried about us and what we say. I don't ask people about you, I don't go to Rob sights and I don't seek you out personally, so get a life, be your own person and just don't go to websites or blogs you don't like. My life is full and happy and I have a GREAT family, I am sorry if your life is based on a fantasy life with Robert Pattinson. Do what you do, and leave good decent people alone. Oh and Hope, you might need to look at some of your friends, one of your minions you know well is sharing. Please leave the ones who know the truth alone.

  122. Here in Vermont, with the wind chill factor it's like -21F. Very cold and it is suppose to get colder.
    I don't know what to believe anymore. It is almost like they want to distance themselves from any connection we had with them and twilight. I'm sure that was the plan. I know they want to be able to do only the projects that appeal to them but I'm afraid Hollywood won't let them move forward.

  123. I truly believe people who attack others for their beliefs really need help. Thie behavior you described, a Bunny, is like a bunch of Jr. High girls. Or maybe younger. The lack of respect these people display is unbelievable. Is there any way to report them or does it have to be a direct threat?

    Still cold here. Everyone keep warm. Love you all.

  124. Bunny, I agree with you there! What a idiots.

  125. Dear Bunny, Have you noticed that Hopeless believes she is going to take down anyone who is truly completely behind Rob and Kristen and knowledgeable about facts not shared with everyone. To damage or negate your love of R and K is her objective and she hates HKN because she sticks to her beliefs and has been truthful. She is like a cancer and she tries to infect everyone. She really is someone who needs to be hospitalized for I do not think she is normal, and she is the reason that RK do not want their child exposed to insane haters that could do harm. So, they create a new normal for themselves to live in and to me, I find that they are much stronger and wiser than most people realize. I do not know anything really about Rob or Kristen, but from just watching these two from their activities and their symmetry of work alone they are really very together and not just close friends. I believe they are devoted to each other and want the best for each other, any way they can contribute to each one having just what they need, either separately or together. Life has not been easy, they are both unusually beautiful, but they are also very nice people, I think. Living where they do is really like being on view constantly so they have learned how to avoid people hiding in plain sight. Instead of being so hung up with current together pictures, I really wish everyone would focus on the fact that, guess what, these guys are smiling and feel like playing mind games with the idiots who are full of hate for both of them because they just won't do what they want them to! I hope you understand that Haven has been under attack too, mostly by these same idiots! Stay warm Bunny, we have 18 degrees in Tulsa area. Electric blanket here I come! Love, Susie

  126. Can someone please tell me is HKN over this blog or site.
    Because I have send two comments on here and I don't know what is going on here. I just want to know why she/or who wont print my comments and I don't know what I have said or done to not have my comments to come out.
    To Sherry and/or Sue could you please tell me why HKN who ever is over this blog will not print my comments did I say something wrong, I didn't think I did but if I did could you find out why I have no place else to go all those other sites are liars they were so mean to me, so I come here where I can come in piece and be safe here. Do you know if they hate me or mad at me.
    I feel bad. I just want to know why there not letting comment on here any more, I mean come on I didn't say/or do any more then any one else, and if I did I truly sorry, Sherry I remember asking you to forgive me I did apologize to you and you did forgive me, there was some misunderstanding between us I think that could be what happen but I don't not for sure so I know I'm asking a lot Sherry could you find out why there not letting my comment on here.
    Because I really do care for everyone on here and I care very much for R/K I love them.
    Sherry I would really appreciate very much and Thank You! P.S. I just want to have friends and I thought I found them here I don't really have true friends and the ones I do have they just use me I've done everything for them and I give all my time for them I feel like a door mat. I've even shared everything I gotten.
    I guess I better go again thanks now to HKN I deeply am sorry I apology for what ever I said or did. I really do thank you for letting me come here I really appreciated thanks again love to everyone on here.

  127. Hi to all the Havens and HKN! I have been with work today. And taking care of my family. My daughter has the flu. Not the same I have. I have the bronchitis. Still coughing alittle. Well I am going to sleep. I love RK and little family. Hugs to you all! Keep me posted. Talk to you all tomorrow. Night!

  128. Gloria, I don't know any more then you. I do know that HKN had to delete a lot of ugly comments from the haters and trolls and you may have accidentally been deleted. I'm sure she will let you know. Don't worry about it. She has to monitor all the comments. As you can see your last comment got through. It happens to all of us once in a while.,

    Have a nice day ladies. Love you all.

  129. Gloria, HKN does read all the posts and she has to read negative posts daily so some posts made everyone get lost accidentally. More than two of mine have been lost and there have been times when HKN'S computer was having downtime. She has to moderate a lot and she sends through really most of her posts, those that are positive and do not insult RK. I do not think she would delete you unless it happened by accident. Remember she is in the LA area and she gets some really negative stuff daily, and the same negative nellies sending out sick stuff. I would not be concerned. Susie

  130. Sherry, Sue.
    Thank you for helping me to understand, I didn't think that HKN Would deliberately look over my comments. To HKN I'm sorry for judging you I should have none you have to moderator each comments I truly am sorry for not being patient with you I know you do get busy please forgive me.
    I truly hope you can, I thank you I hope to hear from you some time soon thank you for putting my comment here. Love to all the ladies here and especially to HKN and Haven women and also I send my love to RK and SP. love Gloria.

  131. Just saw some really stupid pics on RPLife that are supposwd to be of Rob and the branch in the Maldives. All you can see is Rob. I swear it's amazing the things people try to pass off.

    I have noticed that GC hasn't posted any of the pics over Christmas or the Hawaii ones. Don't trust that they won't but so far they haven't. Also, did anyone watch the People's Choice Awards? I was disappointed with the format. Felt more like the Kids Choice Awards.

    Still cold here. Hope all of you are staying warm. Bbl. Love you all.


  132. What I do find really interesting is how some of the sites are backing off on pics that are being posted. Maybe its finally sticking that most of what they get isn't real. We can only hope.

  133. Ah Sherry - I saw that too and spit out my pop I was laughing so hard. Those are the epic vacation pictures? Hahaha - from a "source" - no other pictures and you can see Rob - but nobody else. Its actually really hilarious. I'm keeping off GC though - I'm guessing things are crazy over there - people are just so mean to each other.

  134. I don't read the comments. I just go there to check to see what garbage is being pumped. I don't post or look at comments on RPLife either. I just loolk to see what garbage pics are there. I won't get my blood pressure up arguing with idiots.

    Love you all.

  135. Hi Sherry, HKN, ASFJ, Sue Morris, fishyone2, and the rest of Havens! I am my work at Sizzlers right now. At 8 pm we are doing a dedication for our friend that past on in December. I did work today at BK. I love it. I love both. Sizzlers and BK. Because we work as a team. I love it.
    Sherry, I havent look at RPL. And I don't attend to. But I take your word. Let them at each other on RPL. Truth I don't believe what RPL and Robessed has to say. They can screw a jackass for all I care. That goes for Peeping tom papz and the media too. All that together are haters. Here HKN is the truth. We here are a team. I love you all. Hugs. Well it's almost time for the dedication. Keep me posted! Hugs to you all.

  136. Greetings from a very friggin' cold NOLA!! I had a t-shirt and a coat on little Bella today. Together they weighed as much as she does 😄

    While making my monthly run to Target, I remembered Julianne Moore is nominated for 2 Golden Globe awards: Best Actress in a drama (SA) and Best Actress in a comedy (MTTS). If I'm not mistaken, each cast/director/producers has their own table at that ceremony. Wonder if Rob will be there? I think the Golden Globes are on Sunday nite.


    Everyone stay warm and sweet dreams! Arlene, glad to hear you are so happy. Tina, hope your surgery went well, girl. Take care!

    Love to you all!!!

  137. good morning,
    everything is fine with you?
    The images show again so desperate Robsessed! Nice to know that Rob and Kristen are together in LA. What annoys me is this strange game, first Rob and T, and now Kristen and A. I do not understand who they want to annoy. The Robsessed, krisbians and the gossip pages too time not the people enjoy the pictures and invent trash
    The only people who defend themselves anywhere and be attacked are those who believe in Kristen and Rob. The fan on HKN, MN ...
    For whom all this? See no purpose
    Have a nice day. Love you all. Hugs

  138. I don't go to RPI, to see pictures or read trash. I understand that VD has made a new sex partner dangerous again because antibiotics are not as effective and protected sex is not always effective. So, RK are supposed to be in LA. K is making photos with A to poke fun at the hate blogs and R is where? Maybe it is just me but I really think the idea is for the pap to take a hike big time with Kristen grinning. Since A has a girlfriend and Kristen is married to a dude named Rob, maybe she is PUNKING the press, do you think? I think she is just having fun, messing with them. Hopefully the pap will get real tired and leave her alone. All this careful leading people astray just wears me out so I think that R and K will eventually be able to move around without being followed 24/7. At any rate, it is getting boring. And, even the gossips are getting the point, that they are being PUNKED daily by RK. For all those in France, I want to say to you, god bless, and we are all Charlie. We love you all. Freedom of the press is for everyone and is precious to us all. Love, Susie

  139. Arleen - I love your post. You really hit the nail on the head with your comments. I just read Tempest' post on DIDY and she also had a great post. It doesn't matter in the long run what the other sites say because they have been proven wrong so many times I have lost count. Let R and K have their fun. They deserve it after what this fandom has put them thru.
    Have a great day. It's Friday

  140. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of France. Shocking what happened Thursday and what is happening today.

  141. Peace and quiet right now.........its blissful. Notice how only the really crappy gossip sites are the only ones picking up on these stories? LOL. That should us something. Can't wait for some warm weather here - -45 wind chill yesterday - but its sunny (that is supposed to make us feel better). Happy day to all.

  142. Hi ladies could those pic be from florida. Remember t and rob were in florida and that would also explain the k a pic.

  143. Good morning to all my Havens and HKN! Happy Friday! Last night me and workers at work at Sizzlers. We did dedication for our friend. I got to meet his family. They are also my daughter's friend. That is how I know. Well I am off running errands before work.
    Mickeymackey, Thanks! I love both here and DIDY.
    I still have a cough. But its slowly making progress. Its still in my chest. Now I have stuffy nose.
    Keep me posted. Hugs to you all. Hope you all have a great day. And stay warm. I even posted some pictures of yesterday on my Google. I hope you all love it.

  144. Hello to all the ladies of Haven.
    I shouldn't, but I went to RPL and read some of their comments there it is really crazy there.
    there are some people that believe that some of those pictures are photos and the photos are really bad.
    And that RPL blog is calling HKN, MC,MN are the ones that are lying to us here, now I don't believe it for a min, I sorry I went there they very confusing to me they call people there that don't believe in what they do they call them losers and that they are just plain crazy fools.
    Now I see how they are just like the rest of those other sites their the ones that are freaking crazier. All they know is Rob and Miss Twiggy are together for real and it's not PR, and another thing don't bring up Kristen they get very upset with you they hate Kristen, and I see they just don't want to believe that Rob and Kristen are together and they even said that they are married and a baby together that's just plain crazy because If they did they would have said so or we would have seen the baby so it's a lie again. Now their the ones that's crazy I/we know better we are know the truth, and HKN, MN MC wouldn't lie to us.
    Thank You HKN, MN, MC and all the rest of Haven. Love to all and have a good day, I send the love to RK and SP, love and support to all a fan and friend Gloria.

  145. Sorry I don't know if my post went through. My prove of not being a robot, I hope you got my comment. Love to all Haven ladies
    and to RK and SP, love Gloria.

  146. What would the Robsessed say if rob now appears in LA, would be fantastic. Can a Vid be photoshop? I thought rob has T taken to London!

  147. Since we do not think RPI has their brains attached, let's ignore them and the fact they believe all the photo shopped pictures and Kristen's teasing A, which seemed to embarrass A. as she has a girlfriend. I am really happy the French found the three known terrorists and they killed them, but one still escaped, a woman, they are still looking for her. I am so proud of France and their solidarity and for the French President who speaks out against racist hatred and wants his country to not blame a religion, but the hardcore killers who do not represent the Muslim religion. I can only pray we escape more attacks here in the USA. At some point RK will stop their head games, I suppose. They really should know by now, you cannot fix stupid, unfortunately. Although, they probably feel what they are doing is still needed, for a properly punk you must be active and fun, basically. Looking forward to the awards season and happy to see Rob having recognition in Australia and Kristen being recognized by many for her talent, by many. They deserve to be recognized by the industry, as they are both hard working and nice people that the idiots who try to manipulate them just cannot even touch, because they know nothing about them or their real world. We only know they seem happy and well, which is really all we need to know. Hoping this finds HKN well and stay warm Haven! We are absolutely hot at 26 degrees F. Susie

  148. If my last comment came through more then once delete the duplicates. Thanks!

  149. Hi ladies hope everyone is warm its cold her in Jersey but we're toughing it out. I just wanted u to know I admire how considerate u r to one another and enjoy being here, and portray what true fans are! I look forward to all the wonderful stories of RK! I'm battling kidney stones and coming here is a great distraction. Till next time, " love always leaves u stronger then before, never loose faith" Sally

  150. kinda surprised by the comment left by truth hurts. How did she get thru? The video makes no sense. Shot seems to be very narrow like the poster didn't want you to see whatever else there was to be seen. Also, both are barefoot but the branch is carrying shoes but R doesn't need them at all? Really? As for K, the pics of her and A. I would have to think that there would have been more than 3 taken. Also A does not look happy about it and K looks like she has a smirk on her face. All of them should be sending up red flags to everyone considering that in this day and age, you would think that the video would have been posted as soon as it was taken and same goes for the pics I would think. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so.

  151. Ok. If you look at the three pics of Rob and whoever is suppose to be with him in the Maldives you will notice in two of the pics he had on a black tee and a beanie. The third pic he had on a checkered shirt and no beanie. I saw the stroll on the beach video. Can you say lights, camera action?

    Do any of you know what a shell game is? It's where you have 3 say bowls snd a small ball. You have to guess whigh bowl the ball is under. The ball is placed under one of the bowls and then the bowls are mixed up. It is virtually impossible to find the correct bowl. In this game of chance there are 3 bowls. The person who does all the hiding and moving keeps you from knowing where the bowl with the correct ball is. Diversions are key to any illusion. We have three scenarios. 1. RK are married and have SP. 2. RK are broken and Rob is with the Branch. 3. RK are broken and Kristen is a lesbian. To find the ball under the bowl you have to keep your eye on the bowl the ball was placed under. Don't take your eyes off of it as it moves. So keep your eyes on RK and their work and my thinking is you will eventually find the ball. All the rest is a shell game to divert attention away from the truth which is bowl one: RK are unbroken, married with SP and SP2 on the way.
    It took me awhile to get past the diversions. When you do, none of the bs will bother you. It's so easy to believe what you see. Harder to believe what is hiding in plain sight.
    Love you all.

  152. Sherry, Even I, an old broad, can easily see this shell game, but imagine what coordination it must take, in tit for tat, moving the pieces around. Woof, makes me tired just thinking about all those moves! Well, I guess whatever floats your boat! I would really love to see a picture of three sets of hands, R, K, and tiny SP. And right beside the hands three sets of puppy paws. Enough said. Hoping for things to settle down in France and the wobbly areas of the world. Time to crawl under the blanket, it's really cold tonight! Freezing rain, sleet or snow tomorrow, take your pick! Night, Susie

  153. Hi SALLYANNE, Hope you are doing ok and I will be thinking about you! Having to pass kidney stones are very painful, and I will keep you in my prayers tonight! Stay warm and keep a warm water bottle handy. Night! Arleen, please get some rest tonight! Susie

    1. This so much sue I appreciate the well wishes! I'm quite sure RK have it all worked out the way THEY want it to be. When the time is right and maybe just maybe we will get a glimse of what we know is real.

  154. good morning
    Sherry, the bowl game is great. Today I do not know what I would lifting. When I saw the pictures of Kristen I would 100% say they get SP 2. Now again Rob and T. Did believed that this chapter is closed. hmm. No matter what others say but it is time to put an end.
    Have a nice day. Love you all. Hugs

  155. Good morning ladies! Sunny and in the low 30s today. Expecting freezing rain, sleet and snow Sunday into Monday. Not looking forward to that.

    Hope everyone has a nice, restful weekend. This is the best blog I have been a part of in a long time. So glad to be a part of it. HKN, keep on keeping on. Patience is a virtue. The truth will prevail. RK are unbroken, married and have SP and I believe a second SP on the way. Oh, and that art project of Kristen's that needs some room? How about a place to edit a documentary on the gullibility of fans over pap pics and manipulated pics ? Or maybe the making of a singer? Could be that they are all friends and having a blast with these pics? I have wondered if RK, Alicua, CJ, the branch and her boyfriend were all in Hawaii and had some fun with a camera. These pics seem to always come out at strategic times. Just a thought.

    Love you all.

  156. Rob and Kristen are still in LA and still hiding in plain sight, going to places that keep them safe. I would imagine they will poke their heads up in time for any appearances where they need to be, and I still think Kristen and Rob have to use the press to have confusion reign still yet. Strangely, I am not the only one who believes they love completely confusing the ignorant in order to control their own activities. They learned early that pictures that lied about them can be used to protect them and point the press 360 degrees away from where they really are. Many actors have to do this to have any kind of life, and remove any real facts from the press. It has been learned by most of the better actors the best ways to survive in the jungle. Kristen grew up hating the press, Rob learned to hate the so-called press the hard way. The computer has made life difficult, but graphics and photos that are manipulated by the pap can be changed by everybody to suit their needs, and some of the possessed posts are doing most of these manipulations. I think a film is coming eventually about how lives are controlled, damaged, frustrated by these manipulations. Some film companies have already made films for television cable. I wish everyone a good weekend and I would not worry about Rob and Kristen Pattinson, they are ahead of the game. Just keep hoping they stay safe and sound. I imagine they are very careful and really do have people protecting every move. God bless . Susie

  157. Sue Morris. I love ur posts! U are the voice of reason among a minefield of crap and falsehoods. U are also correct that this is a peaceful place where like minded individuals can rejoice in the love between these two very intelligent people that we as fans were priveledged to watch grow into an epic love story.

    One thing that people frequently forget is that everyone who has ever worked with either Rob or Kristen have commented in their intelligence and wisdom in avoiding the traps if " young Hollywood". Do we really think they woke up one morning and took stupid pills?

    I think they woke up one morning and said how can we manipulate the haters into leaving us alone. How wonderful to have such great friends and the resources to pull this off!

  158. Hello to all the ladies of Haven and HKN. I want to thank you for having me here, it' is peaceful here and it does seem to me you all care for everyone here and that's what I want is a save place to come to where I don't get criticize here for voicing my mind/opinions thank you again.
    I really appreciate you having here on HKN and Havens ladies.
    I love and support RK and SP and always will I believe in you guys.
    Love to all of you here and love to HKN MC MN love and hugs Gloria.

  159. Their where 2 sightings of rk in the alcove restaurant last Thursday according to mn blog. And scott f the parody account said that the crew had breakfast at the alcove. Pictures of food. Plus britnelle k friend tweeted don't believe what everything you see. Sometimes I think rk sends us little tidbits thru their friends.

  160. I am watching a live concert of Miles Kennedy with Slash and really enjoying them, it never gets old, on Sunset Strip. I really wish Rob and Kristen would get their own band together, including friends and family, they would clean up, for goodness sakes. Both of them love guitar and most of the guys play something. I saw J. Depp playing with the Black Keys and nearly fell over! I think at some point, playing with a band relaxes you for facing am audience. So, if you have musicians who are shy, getting the band sound together actually solves problems. I play piano and funny how blues on the piano is so calming. Anyway, I hope they invest time in their own band. Susie

  161. I love this site with My happy rk world. Its nice to post with people who believe and are respectful which is why I don't go on the celeb websites anymore. RK are together and keep up the diversions as they want to keep their private life private. I work all week and look forward to this at every spare moment I get. Thank you Jean

  162. Ladies, my grandmother passed away this afternoon. She was 95 years old and lived a full life. I know she's gone home to be with The Lord, but right now I feel very sad. That makes both if my grandparents gone now. I lost my grandfather back in 1999 and now I've lost my grandmother. I'll talk wit you all later, we have to go and see her now.

  163. Hi Marion I'm sorry for your loss I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. Jean

  164. Hello to everyone here on HKN Haven. To Marion, I am so sorry about your lost, I do know what you are going through and I really do. I lost love ones within two years all of my uncles and my aunt, and I also lost my mother at a young age.
    she was only 56 years old.
    she had diabetes, I am only 52 and I have diabetes I have a lot family with diabetes.
    I going for now thank you for listening. Love to all and to HKN and also I send love to RK Gloria.

  165. Hey Haven folks - happy Saturday evening!
    Sue Mo - I saw the same special - Miles Kenedy and the Conspirators w/Slash. It was great!!! So weird how the drama of GNR caused a lot of people to not to notice the true talent of some of the musicians like Slash. I was mesmerized by his performance in this special.

    Isn't it amazing how drama can divert your attention from talent? Sounds familiar, no?

    Marion - don't know how old you are, but you are truly blessed to have had your grandmother for so many years. Also sounds like that side of your family has great genes. Prayers up for you and hope your grandmother passed peacefully and painlessly.

    Looking forward to the GGs tomorrow night...

    To keep the haters at bay - maybe we should not share accounts of friends of RK. HKN and MN can deal with them. Folks not used to it may have their lives made miserable. What happened to Verni is a great example - and she can handle some shit, believe me - the haters came after her and her family. It was ridiculous and frightening, to say the least. MC and Verni if you're reading this, love and miss you both!!

    Love and hugs to the Haven 😊

  166. Dear Marion, I am sad you lost your Grandmother, it is so hard to lose family. I only have some cousins and my daughter left, with five grandchildren. I think my grandparents were in their 90's and they were still active all their life. I always felt blessed that I had them so long. We are only here such a short while, we need to just enjoy the ride as much as possible. Love, Susie

  167. Marion, so sorry about your grandmother. Grateful she is withe the Lord, but it is still sad. Lost my grandparents along time ago and my parents in 1996 and 2000.

    Gloria, I hope you keep your diabetes under control. If you have read my comments before you know my husband is diabetic and suffering from several complications from diabetes. Eyes, amputations, heart, and kidney dialysis. Keep those numbers in check.

    Love you all. RK we love you.

  168. I just wonder how long this will go on for. I understand RK don't owe us anything and they have to live their lives the way that works for THEM, but I do feel like at a certain point, they're giving too much control over to the paps/haters.

    How much would we have loved to see Rob and Kristen strolling on the beach, unconcerned about who sees? Ah well, someday I hope.

  169. Jenny, I share your Oh Well, I wish it were different for them so they felt save to openly be together. However, I have not walked a mile in their shoes and they seem to feel this is the only way. To an outsider like me, it appears unnecessary and extreme. However we do not know the invasive extent to which they are stalked or even why they need to do this crap. Only they know

  170. Hope, if I had anime for everytime you said HKN's time is up I'd be rich. You are the meanest most disrespectful individual I have ever encountered. Your kind of hate and spitev can have serious health consequences.

    Ladies of the haven, night. Love you ladies. Sorry hope. You are not included in this because you are not a lady. Name calling and evilness come from one place.

  171. Dear hope, a few of us have already made comparisons. You're off per usual. Not my point of this comment though. Calling another woman a cow....why are so offensive and angry? Something must be bothering you. If you were so sure your web search pictures were proof and you have the pics you have been bragging about why are you so angry? You should be happy, instead youre showing you are scared and cowardliness.

  172. Marion sorry to hear about the loss of your Grandmother my thoughts are with you and your family, Hi everyone happy Sunday to you all ,just to let you know surgery went went on my knee im home now thankyou for your kind wishes got to take it easy so having a Twilight Movie Marathon today, Rob and Kristen know exactly what they are doing so im not worried will be happy when it ends though would just love to see them be able to walk down the street out and about themselves also with family and friends without the hassle they get, so wishing you all well have a great day take care hugs to you all.

  173. I don't mind the hiding so much, I guess. And I still can't figure out the fuss about Kristen and Alicia. Two friends hanging out was all I saw. But I do feel like what Rob is doing with FKA twigs is unnecessary. I just hope when the truth comes out, people aren't too hard on him for orchestrating such a possibly hurtful charade. The press doesn't like being made a fool of, and while I'm sure they'll be in heaven when they can report on RK's child (children maybe, by then?), I fear they might cast some accusations Rob's way for his interactions with this woman. They'll never want to admit they were totally played, so I think things could get ugly when the truth is revealed.

  174. Morning.

    This is off-topic but.....
    What an incredible, incredible scene of solidarity in Paris today.......The world unites in Paris.

  175. Marion: My condolences on the loss of your grandmother.

  176. Tina, glad your knee and you came through so well. Take it easy and enjoy your marathon.

    Jenny, I usedto think this was going to be hard to explain with the branch, but I fully believe this will have a good ending. I truly think this stuff with Rob and the branch is going to be a documentary or something like that. He's not going to hurt Kristen or his family.

    Love you all. Have a nice day.

  177. Hello to all the Have and HKN.
    I stated that my mother had diabetes and that's how she passed away. but I didn't say how she pass on see she being having heart problems and a couple of ladies from hers/their church came to my home and said that my mother was found dead and said she had been dead for two days.
    She has been having chest pain and lead her death she had a heart attack in her sleep then that's when they said she had been dead for a couple of days.
    and she was only 56.
    Now I say this for anyone to feel sorry for because I sure don't I just wanted people to know that I know how Marion feels that his not alone and that I will be hear if Marion needed someone to talk to that I will be hear and I am a good listener, and that goes for anyone on here on Haven.
    Well that's all I have to say for now but will be back some time soon. Love and hugs to all the and to HKN, MN, MC, Love your friend and supporter and that goes to R/K & SP love Gloria.

    1. Thank you for your well-wishes and I'm a woman. I know both men and women have the same name spelled the same. My family and I are hanging in there, but we'll be alright.

  178. good evening
    The photo in the cafe is great with the seller and the board in his hand. Kristen is always give sign for the good
    There were sightings of Kristen and Rob in Alcove Cafe, funny and this cafe is just 2 or 3 blocks away. Could indeed agree with the sightings!
    However, why are they not photographed together. We will see!
    If Kristen pregnant with SP2, it is possible that Kristen and Rob know it may be that they can not hide the second pregnancy.
    I just hope the hopeless and the other crazy Robbsessed will Rob not tear up into the air, lol
    Have a nice evening. love you all. Hugs

  179. Hi again to all, I wanted to I have to agree with you Sue M that Robert and Kristen should start a band and get his sister lizzie and Kristen Dad John to manage them and Robert and Kristen could direct the band and do have some friends that can sing so get them in the band as well that would be good. maybe they could get
    Anna Hathaway, she was in a band with Kristen and the other girls the sang a song Just one of the Guys so I think that may be good.
    Just saying it's just a thought.
    now I am going again sorry just thought I stat my mind/opinion.
    Love and hugs to all the Haven and especially to HKN, MN, MC and also to RK and SP. Love Gloria.

  180. Good Morning World and We Are Charlie! Thank God France is gaining strength and idiots who try to cause fear and division failed through their killing of innocents . Pay attention to what Kristen is doing in a French restaurant, do you not think Rob and Kristen love the French so much and stand with them? Do you think Rob and Kristen are not protecting their loved ones? I am really tired of the judgmental people criticizing every single photo, when you know why the supposed exposure is just another prank to confuse, create division and blow off everyone in general. I think it is fine to believe what you want, that is the IDEA, TRULY BELIEVE WHAT YOU FEEL IS TRUE. But, if you cannot handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. Everyone I know is uncomfortable, but I ask you, how many years did the so-called RK fans shoot down nearly everything that RK did, said, or didn't say or do. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, very much so. What was it that Lincoln said about --pleasing some of the people, some of the time, but impossible to please all the people all the time? So, I think all one could do comfortably is the old see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil attitude and ignore all the bullshit photo ads for Rob, he is obviously doing the photos to press on his game with Kristen's approval. I would not want anyone to know my business either, not ever, not at all. The curious way they shield their world is really the way they have lived their entire life, with only the pap attacking them. I do believe their lives will calm down because it is way too difficult to comprehend just exactly how they live and why, and most of the idiots are so happy with the gossip cop rags, that tell them what they want to believe. This gossip hate or Rat patrol will eventually tire because the current market is going to newer actors and new romances to destroy along with destroying their very lives. Evil rages on but love manages to outlast and outlive the hate, thank goodness for real love. Susie

  181. Hi all you lovely people's. I've only posted here once and it was at the very beginning of this obvious PR project. Over the last few months I have seen some really terrible fake pics, badly photoshopped pics, fake Twitter postings, fake Twitter accounts, fake flight manifests, fake stories, and fake friends. Through it all the people that love RK and believe they are married and have a baby have stayed strong and never faked anything about them. None of you have to resort to childish games like the trolls and haters do in order to make themselves feel good about themselves and their beliefs. To be honest I don't think their elevator goes all the way up. If they actually believed what they are touting about Rob and his new imaginary GF then why go to such extremes with all of the altered pics and fake sightings and such. They are all very immature. I hate that RK have to resort to these drastic measures to keep these crazy ass stalkers away from their lives but I don't blame them at all for doing it. I would be scared as well after seeing some of what these whackos have said and done. Everyone that believes and knows they are together only wish them happiness and some sort of normalcy for them and their family and friends. They are very blessed to have such wonderful friends as they do like CJ Alicia etc etc. there will eventually come a time when hopefully the whackos will move on to their next targets and these two adorable lovely people and their child can start to live a more normal life. In all the years I've watched this couple I have never heard or read one person saying that they weren't anything but the most down to earth honest loving and caring people they know. And because of that alone they have many people helping them. I don't think Rob can do or handle much more of the PR thing without it having a very adverse effect on his own personal needs of being an actor. sorry for rambling on and that's why I don't post often. Love this site and HKN is the bomb. :)

  182. Can someone tell me what the scottf parody account is on instagram? I noticed several people talking about it but that's all.


    Hello Ladies go listen to this song by Rob. it is beautiful. I do still lurk and I miss you ladies too. All is good and all will be okay.......

  184. Julianne just won best actress for Still Alice!

  185. What is Hope going on about? Has she totally gone around the bend? Weird!

    Love you all.

  186. This comment has been removed by the author.

  187. Hi to all my Havens friends! Today I am resting. Still coughing and a headache from coughing. I hope I haven't missed much here. What is new all of you?

  188. So happy for Julianne Moore! She deserved this honor! V STILL STANDING, so good to hear from you! Will check out Rob's song. Both of those folks, Rob and Kristen have pretty voices, and both are shy about singing in public. Would be nice to have some music from them together, like in a lullaby for bedtime. I am having cardiac pain and just took an aspirin to help with circulation and pain. A fire truck just pulled up next door and my pain has ceased. Good timing. I will go see my cardiac doctor tomorrow for a check-up. I think it is angina pectoris pain. So proud of France and all the cities in America that marched for free press without fear. By the way that's what we have right here at HKN. Did somebody creep in? How pitiful is that! Something nice to know, Garth Brooks doing a week long concert, with Garth donating some profits to special athletic training for children who love soccer. He devotes much of his time to children here in Oklahoma, his home. Have a good night Rob and Kristen and Sweetie. We are having frigid weather and due for warmer weather next week. Night, Susie

  189. Hello to everyone. except for you Hope you are one crazy mad girl what the hell are you even here if you don't like what we here believe in. And if we don't believe your way or agree the way you do then were the ones that are crazy and HKN and the other ladies like MN MC they and others here liars and that they are lying to us. Now I call you fucking crazy one sorry for cussing that's not the way I really am I really don't like to but some people really get under my skin or get so damn angry then I say things like that except for people like Hope. Now hope if you don't like the way believe here then why in the hell do you come here people really don't like here and that goes for the rest of the others here that don't like what we believe in and you know what I mean We support RK and SP their daughter and there maybe another SP number two so there you go I hope it's true to.
    Well that's all I have to say about it. Love to all the Haven and to HKN MN MC. P.S. Sorry HKN if I was out of line I didn't think I was but not sure I heard others speck their mind their opinions. And that's what I'm doing hear that's what I'm hearing from others it seems that there are others here that don't like this girl and others like her that are just right out mean stupid people that they don't believe in RK Hope and others that come here don't agree with you and going around calling you and us liars and that you are lying to us all. And that just makes me upset come me crazy I guess but I believe in you HKN.
    Well I said my peace again now I am going now love to all Gloria.

  190. I think that most parents are afraid of two things(1) that their baby will be taken for ransom (2) that their baby will be taken and killed by some deranged human/inhuman being. At this point, I think I would be just about nuts thinking about what could happen, no matter who I was, because this traffic goes on daily in LA, NY, and in so many cities worldwide. There does not seem to be an end to trafficking in human life, and everyone has to do whatever they can to protect their family, including home protection and body doubles as well as 24/7 bodyguards you never see. I think RK are doing a little bit of everything to just simply get along without having major problems and again, they are no different than anybody else, they want people out of their business, completely. The less the public knows, the safer they are, most definitely. And, the less we talk about their private life, which isn't a whole lot, the better off they will be, really. So, we are back to square one, let's go see their movies.

  191. Good morning ladies. Hope your day is a good one. Golden Globes really had some surprises. No telling what the Oscars will bring.

    Have a good day. See you all later. Love you all.
