Did everyone have a nice Christmas? I sure did! Glad to be back in LA! I come back and I see nothing has changed. The haters instead of enjoying time with their families were glued to their computers waiting desperately for anything.
The buzzards were circling .
Of course the same thing that happens every year happened. Rob spent Christmas with his family in England and Kristen stayed in LA with hers. The SAME thing they do every year. And the dipshidiots take this as a final sign that they are over.
This picture was supposedly from the 28th. Oh wait they changed it to the 23rd. Nope. try again. Uhm where's the tags on her car? Not even a temporary one if it was new?
CJ a week ago. Unless CJ put some miracle grow in his hair no the above pic is not from the 28th or the 23rd.
And you know the excuses were running rampant at the ever growing tummy!
Again supposedly from the 28th.
I don't know about you but that looks a like a baby bump to me! That's a lot of dog food for one pup. Looks like enough for two or three.
I don't know about you but that looks a like a baby bump to me! That's a lot of dog food for one pup. Looks like enough for two or three.
Hey Rolando! How does Charlie/Charlotte suddenly become the same height or shorter than Kristen when she is known to be taller than her?
The dipshidiots didn't leave Rob out of their holiday craziness. They desperately tried to place him with a blonde. Any blonde.
So we had a so called twitter source named Livia Franchini that said Rob was at a bus station at 3 in the am in Peckham on December 14th. Now the first time she didn't mention him being with any one. Suddenly after talking with the dipshidiots her memory came back and he was with a blonde. And then miraculously she might have been, looked a little like Dylan Penn.
Yeah your bs right back at you Livia Franchini!
But wait it gets better. Blonde dipshidiot effort number two.
This is Rob supposedly on December 24th. Where's the Christmas decorations? Just asking.
Notice the blonde next to Rob. The dipshidiots went crazy. It was the mystery blonde girlfriend! The dipshdiots were wetting themselves with glee.
The dipshidiots were let down again with their blonde for Rob efforts.
We also got a brunette effort thrown into the mix
Fail again. It's Nettie a good friend to both Rob and Kristen.
The best was yet to come. We got sightings of Rob and Kristen on the IOW. Together.
They can't all be lying. What reason would they have to lie? (using the dipshidiots favorite line when they are trying to convince you of the latest Rob hook up.) Right dipshidiots?
You guessed it according to them everyone one of them are liars. Of course they are lol.
It doesn't matter. News Years Eve is not the be all and end all if Rob and Kristen are together or not. They are together regardless if they spend it together or not. They are happy and giddy over something else that trumps New Years Eve.
Yeah That.
We are coming into a new year and good things are coming our way. So take a deep breath ignore the hate and have patience. Our reward is almost here.